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The Scottish Clinical Biochemistry Network has published a Tumour Marker Requesting Bookmark which provides guidance on the appropriate use of commonly requested serum tumour markers.

We have recently carried out an Audit of CEA requesting in Primary Care across NHSGGC.

Click on an analyte name below for further information:

Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP)

Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) is a 591 amino acid glycoprotein produced by the liver and yolk sac of a developing baby during pregnancy. Plasma concentrations begin decreasing at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy and fall rapidly after birth, with normal adult concentrations achieved by the age of 8 to 12 months. AFP is increased in neonates, during pregnancy and in some patients with benign liver disease. AFP is usually measured to assist with diagnosis of primary hepatocellular carcinoma or non seminomatous germ cell tumour (NSGCT) and to monitor treatment or detect recurrent disease in patients with these tumours. N.B. Send AFP for maternal screening to Medical Genetics, QEUH.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum
  • Container: SST
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 2 mL
  • Reference Range: ≤6 kU/L
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Method: Abbott Architect/Alinity
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS
Carbohydrate Antigen 125 (CA125)

CA125 (carbohydrate antigen 125) is a glycoprotein MW >200 kDa. It is present in tissues derived from the foetal coelomic epithelium. In adults it occurs on the pleura and peritoneum, the gastrointestinal tract and female reproductive tract, including the endometrium. CA125 may be increased in women at the time of menstruation, in endometriosis, benign ovarian disease and renal or liver disease, and may be very high in early pregnancy. It is also elevated in patients with ascites, a pleural effusion or CCF.  Measurement is usually restricted to monitoring the treatment of ovarian carcinoma. 

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum
  • Container: SST
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 2 mL
  • Reference Range: ≤35 kU/L
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Method: Abbott Architect/Alinity
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS

Calcitonin is a 32 amino acid peptide synthesised, stored and secreted by the C-cells of the thyroid. Measurement of calcitonin is useful in the diagnosis and monitoring of medullary thyroid carcinoma (MTC), a rare tumour, accounting for only 10% of all thyroid carcinomas. MTC can occur as a sporadic tumour or inherited as part of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 2 (MEN 2). C-cell hyperplasia can increase calcitonin concentration and response to calcium infusion can be used to distinguish hyperplasia from MTC. NB. Calcitonin is only useful as a screening test in patients where there is a known family history of MTC.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Plasma
  • Container: Lithium heparin
  • Precautions: Separate and freeze plasma within 4 hours of sample collection. Transport frozen.
  • Minimum Volume: 1 mL
  • Reference Range: <9 ng/L
  • Turnaround Time: 14 days
  • Method: Siemens Immulite
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS
Carcinoembryonic Antigen (CEA)

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) is a highly glycosylated cell surface glycoprotein involved in intercellular adhesion. Its size varies in different organs from 90 to 200 kDa, due to variable glycosylation. CEA may be elevated in smokers and a number of benign liver, renal, lung or gastrointestinal tract conditions. Therefore CEA is not a useful screening or diagnostic test. Its main role is to monitor response to therapy and detect recurrent gastrointestinal malignancy.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum
  • Container: SST
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 2mL
  • Reference Range: ≤5 μg/L
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Method: Abbott Architect/Alinity
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS
Chromogranin A

Chromogranin A is an acidic 439 amino acid glycoprotein (48 kDa) originating from the chromaffin granules of most neuroendocrine cell types. In health, chromogranin A is released as a pro-hormone together with other peptide hormones in response to stimulation. Larger quantities of chromogranin A are produced by neuroendocrine derived tumours thus allowing it to be used as a tumour marker. Chromogranin A is the most commonly raised neuroendocrine tumour (NET) marker.

This guidance details which tumour markers to request during the diagnosis and monitoring of NETs.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum
  • Container: SST/Plain Serum
  • Precautions: Spin and separate within 8 hours. Store serum for up to four days refrigerated. Store frozen if longer term storage is required. Samples from referral laboratories can be posted at room temperature using 1st class post.
  • Minimum Volume: 1 mL
  • Reference Range: <95 µg/L
  • Turnaround Time: 28 days
  • Method: CisBio ELISA
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS

Gastrin-secreting cells (G-cells) produce, store and release gastrin within the pyloric and upper duodenal mucosa. Gastrin stimulates gastric acid secretion by parietal cells and circulates in 2 active forms: gastrin-34 (G-34) and gastrin-17 (G-17).   Determination of circulating gastrin concentrations can aid in the diagnosis of gastrinoma. Greater than 50% are malignant and approximately 25% occur as part of multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN 1). The presence of gastrinoma and hypergastrinaemia resulting in severe refractory peptic ulcer disease is known as Zollinger-Ellison syndrome. Increased circulating gastrin concentrations can also occur as a result of reduced or absent gastric acid secretion e.g. H pylori infection, chronic atrophic gastritis +/- pernicious anaemia or long-term use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs). This is due to the lack of inhibitory feedback of acid on the G-cells. Therefore elevated gastrin levels should be interpreted in relation to gastric acid secretion.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Plasma
  • Container: Heparinised plasma (EDTA unsuitable)
  • Precautions: Sample should be collected after an overnight fast. Separate and freeze plasma within 4 hours of sample collection. Transport frozen. Proton pump inhibitors should be discontinued for a week, and H2 blockers for 48 hours, prior to sampling. Icterus and lipaemia moderately reduce results.
  • Minimum Volume: 1 mL
  • Reference Range: <115 µg/L (fasting)
  • Turnaround Time: 28 days
  • Method: Siemens Immulite. This assay measures both the G-17 isoform and, to a lesser extent, the G-34 isoform.
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS
Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin (HCG)

Human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG) is a glycoprotein hormone produced by trophoblastic tissue. This is found in the placenta in normal pregnancy, in choriocarcinoma and in trophoblastic elements in germ cell tumours. HCG consists of two subunits (alpha and beta). When HCG is used as a tumour marker it is important that both free beta subunit and intact HCG are measured. HCG is used to diagnose, monitor or detect recurrent disease in germ cell tumours. 

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum
  • Container: SST
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 2 mL
  • Reference Range: As tumour marker ≤5 U/L
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Method: Abbott Architect/Alinity
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS
5-Hydroxyindole Acetic Acid (5-HIAA) (Urine)

Metastatic carcinoid tumours arising from enterochromaffin cells produce excessive amounts of serotonin. The main metabolite of serotonin, 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HIAA) is excreted in urine and its measurement can be used to diagnose and monitor carcinoid tumours.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: 24 hr urine (acidified)
  • Container: 24 hr urine container with 50 mL hydrochloric acid
  • Precautions: Elevated by dietary walnuts, bananas, tomatoes, avocado, kiwi fruit,  pineapple, plantain, plums, pecan nuts. Avoid for 3-4 days prior to  starting urine collection. Patient information sheet for urine collection
  • Minimum Volume: 10 mL
  • Reference Range: ≤ 42 μmol/24 h
  • Turnaround Time: 14 days
  • Method: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS
Metadrenalines (Plasma)

The plasma free metadrenalines profile:

  • Metadrenaline
  • Normetadrenaline
  • 3-methoxytyramine

Plasma free metadrenalines are used for the diagnosis of catecholamine producing tumours including phaeochromocytoma or paraganglioma (PPGL). Patients with PPGL may present with episodes of hypertension with palpitations, severe headaches and sweating. Patients may be asymptomatic but have an incidentally discovered adrenal mass.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Plasma
  • Container: EDTA
  • Precautions: Plasma must be separated from red blood cells within 2 hours of collection. Certain medications may cause false elevations of plasma metadrenalines. If clinically feasible, it is optimal to discontinue these medications at least 1 week before sample collection.
  • Minimum Volume: 500 µL
  • Reference Range:
    • Metadrenaline < 510 pmol/L
    • Normetadrenaline < 1180 pmol/L
    • 3-methoxytyramine < 180 pmol/L
  • Turnaround Time: 14 days
  • Method: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: UKNEQAS
Metadrenalines (Urine)

The urine free metadrenaline profile:

  • Metadrenaline
  • Normetadrenaline
  • 3-methoxytyramine

Urine free metadrenalines are used for the diagnosis of catecholamine producing tumours including phaeochromocytoma or paraganglioma (PPGL). Patients with PPGL may present with episodes of hypertension with palpitations, severe headaches and sweating. Patients may be asymptomatic but have an incidentally discovered adrenal mass.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: 24hr urine
  • Container: Plain urine container (no preservative)
  • Precautions: Certain medications may cause false elevations of urine metadrenalines. If clinically feasible, it is optimal to discontinue these medications at least 1 week before sample collection. Patient information sheet for urine collection
  • Minimum Volume: 10 mL
  • Reference Range:
    • Metadrenaline < 350 nmol/24 h
    • Normetadrenaline < 650 nmol/24 h
    • 3-methoxytyramine < 400 nmol/24 h
  • Turnaround Time: 14 days
  • Method: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: RCPA
Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA)

Prostate specific antigen (PSA), a protease, is a normal constituent of seminal fluid. It is produced by the secretory cells of the acini and ducts of the prostate and other cells expressing the nuclear androgen receptor.  PSA is measured to aid the diagnosis and for monitoring of prostate cancer.   PSA may be spuriously elevated in a number of situations: catheterisation; acute retention of urine; urinary infection; ejaculation or vigorous exercise; DRE; prostate biopsy. Where these may have contributed to an elevated PSA result, suggest repeat in 6 weeks.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum
  • Container: SST
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 2 mL
  • Reference Range:
    •  Age (yrs)          PSA (μg/L)
    • <60                      ≤ 3.0
    • 60 – 69                 ≤ 4.0
    • ≥70                      ≤ 5.0
  • Turnaround Time: 1 day
  • Method: Abbott Architect/Alinity
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS
Thyroglobulin and Thyroglobulin Antibodies

Thyroglobulin (Tg), a protein produced by normal or malignant thyroid tissue, is used to monitor treatment of differentiated thyroid cancer and to detect recurrence. Tg measured a few months after total thyroidectomy for thyroid carcinoma provides valuable prognostic information. Please note that recent thyroid biopsy or surgery will cause an increase in Tg. 15-20% of thyroid cancer patients have thyroglobulin antibodies (TgAb). If present, TgAb can interfere with Tg measurements causing an artefactually low result. TgAb status may alter during treatment and TgAb should therefore always be measured on all Tg samples. Persistent or increasing concentrations of TgAb following thyroidectomy may indicate residual or recurrent tumour. Tg measurement is also of use in establishing the presence or absence of thyroid tissue in neonates with congenital hypothyroidism.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum
  • Container: Plain/SST
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 2 mL
  • Reference Range: Not applicable
  • Turnaround Time: 7 days
  • Method: Beckman Access
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS

We provide specialist Endocrine services for all Scottish Health Boards. Working collaboratively, we are actively involved in research and development projects and clinical audit.    

Contact Information

NHSGGC Specialist Endocrine Laboratory

Contact Telephones


Department of Clinical Biochemistry
Macewen Building
Glasgow Royal Infirmary
G4 0SF

Accreditation and Quality

North Glasgow Biochemistry is a medical testing laboratory accredited to ISO 15189:2012 by the United Kingdom Accreditation Service (UKAS). Our UKAS Medical Accreditation number is 9572. A full list of accredited tests can be found on our schedule of accreditation. Tests not on this list are not accredited; please contact the laboratory for further information if required.

The laboratory participates in external quality assurance schemes where available. Performance details are available upon request. If you wish to provide feedback on the North Glasgow Biochemistry service, please contact our Quality Manager.

The Biochemistry department utilises the Telepath Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) and TrakCare.  Due to the limitations of this software, we are currently unable to fully meet the requirements of the UKAS publication GEN-6 – Reference to accreditation and multilateral recognition signatory status.

This publication sets out the requirements of reports/results released by the laboratory to contain the appropriate use of UKAS logos and identify any tests that are accredited and those that are not.  The department have risk assessed this.  Due to the number of analytes that can be listed on a Biochemistry report, the number of  tests that are UKAS accredited and the number of auto comments already added, it is agreed by the laboratory management team that an additional auto comment would detract from the clinically relevant comments and potentially could push these onto a second page where they may be missed altogether.  The risk is magnified by the way TrakCare displays results, as any result with a comment has an icon displayed next to it.  If an icon is displayed next to almost every result, the alert loses its impact and may lead to clinicians missing critical icons and comments.

Although we are not able to present this information on our reports, the department’s user’s handbook and website provide full details of our accreditation.

Endocrine Tests

Click on an analyte name below for further information:


Aldosterone is produced in the zona glomerulosa of the adrenal glands in response to renin and angiotensin intermediates. Measurement of aldosterone is most useful in the investigation of hypertension when measured concurrently with renin so that an aldosterone/renin ratio may be calculated.

Beta blockers, diuretics, ACE inhibitors, angiotensin II receptor blockers, calcium channel blockers, a restricted salt diet and posture can affect interpretation of aldosterone results.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Plasma
  • Container: EDTA
  • Precautions: Posture and relevant drug therapies (see above) may affect interpretation of results.
  • Minimum Volume: 500 µL (140 µL for neonates)
  • Reference Range:
    • <1 month: 140 – 4900 pmol/L
    • 1-12 months: 140 – 2500 pmol/L
    • 1 year – <2 years: 140 – 1500 pmol/L
    • 2 year – <5 years: 75 – 970 pmol/L
    • 5 years & above: 75 – 630 pmol/L
  • Turnaround Time: 14 days
  • Method: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS
Bloodspot 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP)

17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) is one of the intermediary steroid metabolites in the cortisol biosynthetic pathway. The most common genetic defect in cortisol production is deficiency of the 21-hydroxlase enzyme, which leads to congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH). 17OHP concentrations are raised in this form of CAH (approximately 90% of CAH cases) and is a useful marker to monitor response to therapy. Measuring 17OHP in blood spot samples is less invasive than venepuncture and allows multiple samples to be taken over a 24hr period.

Blood spot 17OHP is not a diagnostic test and is only useful in monitoring treatment.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Whole blood spotted onto pre-prepared card (available on request)
  • Container: N/A
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: Ensure that blood soaks through to the back of the card
  • Reference Range: N/A
  • Turnaround Time: 56 days
  • Method: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: RfB
Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS)

Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate (DHEAS) is the sulphated ester of the 19-carbon androgen DHEA, produced by the adrenal gland. DHEAS is the most abundant circulating androgen and shows no diurnal rhythm. DHEAS acts as a precursor to other androgens, such as androstenedione and testosterone.

Measurement of DHEAS may be of benefit for the investigation of excess androgen. DHEAS is relatively specific for the adrenal glands, whereas other androgens, such as testosterone and androstenedione are also produced by the gonads.

Measurement of DHEAS is unhelpful in adult males.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum or Plasma
  • Container: SST or Lithium Heparin
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 500 μL (140 μL for neonates)
  • Reference Range:
    • Pre-pubertal: <2.0 μmol/L
    • Adult female <50 yr: ≤9.6 μmol/L
    • Adult female  ≥50 yr: ≤3.1 μmol/L
  • Turnaround Time: 14 days
  • Method: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS
Salivary Cortisol

Cortisol is an essential glucocorticoid steroid produced by the adrenal cortex. Cortisol circulates bound to cortisol binding protein (CBG) with only 15% being the unbound biologically active form. The saliva concentration generally reflects the free cortisol concentration in serum and may be useful in the investigation of cyclical Cushing’s syndrome due to the non-invasive nature of sample collection.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Saliva (passive drool)
  • Container: 5 mL plain (can be supplied by laboratory)
  • Precautions: If multiple samples collected over several weeks, store frozen and send by 1st class post.
  • Minimum Volume: 2.5 mL
  • Reference Range:
    • am: <20 nmol/L
    • pm: <5 nmol/L
  • Turnaround Time: 35 days
  • Method: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: UKNEQAS
Serum Androgen Profile

The serum androgen profile simultaneously measures:

  • testosterone
  • androstenedione
  • 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP)
  • 11-deoxycortisol (11DOC)
  • 21-deoxycortisol (21DOC)

11DOC and 21DOC are not routinely reported. If an abnormality is detected in either, a comment will be made on the report.

The androgen profile is recommended for investigation of hirsutism, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS) and infertility in females, and for the diagnosis and monitoring of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) in both males and females. Please state clinical details and menstrual cycle information on the request form. 

Androgens pre- and 60-min post synacthen may be of benefit for the investigation of late onset CAH if elevated androgens have been observed in a follicular phase sample.

In neonates, 17OHP can be measured from the day of birth for the investigation of CAH, however levels may continue to rise immediately after birth, with further adrenal stimulation. An elevated 21DOC would confirm 21-hydroxylase deficiency CAH.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum
  • Container: SST. Please send primary sample if possible. Some interference has been observed with certain aliquoter tubes, such as the Impeco tube.
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 500 μL (140 μL for neonates)
  • Reference Range:
    • Adult Females:
      • Testosterone <1.5 nmol/L
      • 17-Hydroxyprogesterone <6.0 nmo/L
      • Androstenedione (18 – 40yrs) <5.5 nmol/L
      • Androstenedione (>40yrs) <3.0 nmol/L
    • Adult Males:
      • Testosterone 7.0 – 30 nmol/L
      • 17-Hydroxyprogesterone <6.0 nmol/L
      • Androstenedione <5.5 nmol/L
    • Paediatric ranges under evaluation
  • Turnaround Time: 7 days (Please contact the lab to notify of any urgent neonatal  sample)
  • Method: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS


Testosterone is a 19-carbon androgen, produced by both the adrenal glands and gonads. Production is controlled by LH or HCG. Serum testosterone is often measured in female patients to investigate suspected polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) or idiopathic hirsutism. However, some women will have a more serious pathology, such as adrenal/ovarian tumours, Cushing’s syndrome or late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH).

In females, testosterone, androstenedione and 17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) are lowest in the follicular phase. In males, testosterone is highest early in the morning and declines through the day.


Androstenedione is a 19-carbon androgen, produced by both the adrenal gland (ACTH control) and gonads (LH or HCG control) and also by peripheral conversion from testosterone. Androstenedione has 20% of the androgenic potency of testosterone.

Androstenedione is most commonly measured in women for the investigation of polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS).

Androstenedione may be helpful in disorders of puberty. It is raised in cases of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) due to deficiency of the 21- or 11β-hydroxylase enzymes and may be useful in the diagnosis of these conditions and in the monitoring of glucocorticoid replacement therapy. Androgen secreting tumours of both the adrenal (adenoma and carcinoma) and ovary (arrhenoblastoma, hilar cell and granulosa cell) may result in high serum levels of androstenedione.

17-Hydroprogesterone (17OHP)

17-hydroxyprogesterone (17OHP) is a 21-carbon progestagen, produced by the adrenal gland (ACTH control) and gonads (LH or HCG control). 17OHP is a precursor to 11-deoxycortisol (11DOC) and is elevated in the most common form of congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH), 21-hydroxylase deficiency.

CAH is a group of inherited metabolic disorders of adrenal steroid hormone biosynthesis. The clinical features derive from a combination of under-production of either cortisol or aldosterone or both, and increased production of adrenal androgen precursors. The incidence of the classical disorder in Scotland is approximately 1/15,000.

Urine Cortisol

Cortisol is the major glucocorticoid hormone synthesised from cholesterol in the adrenal cortex. Synthesis is stimulated by the anterior pituitary adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH), which is under control of the hypothalamic peptide, corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH). 

As cortisol concentrations increase, the binding capacity of cortisol binding globulin in the circulation is exceeded, resulting in a disproportionate rise in urine cortisol concentrations. Urine cortisol measurement is useful as a screening test for cortisol excess (Cushing’s syndrome). Urine cortisol measurement can also be used as part of a dexamethasone suppression test. Multiple EMU cortisol measurements may also be useful in the investigation of possible cyclical Cushing’s.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Urine (24 hr, random or early morning urine)
  • Container: Plain urine container (no preservative)
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 10 mL
  • Reference Range:
    • Adults (EMU): <40 nmol/mmol creatinine
    • Adults (24 hour): <165 nmol/24 hour
    • Children (≤10 yrs): <40 nmol/mmol creatinine
  • Turnaround Time: 14 days
  • Method: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: UK NEQAS
Urine Steroid Profile

A urine steroid profile includes all major metabolites of steroids, including glucocorticoids, mineralocorticoids and precursors.

The test is used to identify genetic disorders of steroid metabolism, though the screening or diagnostic test for congenital adrenal hyperplasia should be serum 17-hydroxyprogesterone. Steroid profiling is also useful to detect abnormal steroid secretion from adrenal and gonadal tumours.

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Urine (Aliquot of 24 hour urine for adults or children aged 11 and over; random for children <11 years)
  • Container: Plain urine container (no preservative)
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 10 mL preferred. Smaller volume acceptable for babies (min. 2 mL).
  • Reference Range: Age and sex dependent. Interpretation accompanies each report.
  • Turnaround Time: 28 days
  • Method: Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: Sample exchange programme
25-Hydroxy Vitamin D

Vitamin D is required for absorption of calcium and phosphate from the gut. The majority of vitamin D is produced in the skin when exposed to sunlight and the remainder obtained in the diet.

25-hydroxy vitamin D (25OHD) is the most abundant vitamin D metabolite in the circulation. It is relatively inactive but its measurement is the best indicator of vitamin D status.  25OHD exists in two forms, D3 and D2, and both are equally measured by the LC/TMS method.

Assessment of vitamin D status is important in patients with abnormal calcium or phosphate levels, possible osteomalacia and malabsorption, and osteoporotic patients before giving the first dose of IV bisphosphonates (to reduce the risk of drug induced hypocalcaemia).

NB. Request intervention procedures have been set up to reduce unnecessary testing. The request intervention interval for vitamin D is 340 days. All repeat requests within this period are reviewed by the Duty Biochemist and may be over-ridden if appropriate clinical details are provided.

Please refer to the NHSGGC Vitamin D Requesting and Prescribing Guidelines

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum
  • Container: SST
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 500 μL (140 μL for neonates)
  • Reference Range:
    • <25 nmol/L: Vitamin D deficient, consider supplementation
    • 25 – 50 nmol/L: Borderline low vitamin D, risk of secondary hyperparathyroidism, consider increase in vitamin D intake
    • >50 nmol/L: Adequate vitamin D
  • Turnaround Time: 14 days
  • Method: Liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
  • Quality Assurance: UKNEQAS
1,25-Dihydroxy Vitamin D

1,25-dihydroxy vitamin D (1,25DHD) is the active form of vitamin D, produced primarily by the kidney by hydroxylation of 25-hydroxy vitamin D. 1,25DHD is the form of vitamin D that stimulates resorption of calcium from bone, intestinal absorption and renal reabsorption.

NB. 1,25DHD should not be used to determine vitamin D status; 25-hydroxy vitamin D is the best marker for this purpose.

Indications for 1,25DHD are limited. Measurement may be useful in the investigation of possible vitamin D-dependent rickets and in patients with hypercalcaemia to investigate possible excess 1,25DHD production e.g. granulomatous diseases (sarcoidosis, TB or lymphoma). 

Sample Requirements and Reference Ranges

  • Sample Type: Serum
  • Container: SST
  • Precautions: None
  • Minimum Volume: 250 μL
  • Reference Range: 20 – 120 pmol/L (interim range pending further evaluation)
  • Turnaround Time: 35 days
  • Method: IDS iSYS
  • Quality Assurance: DEQAS

Acute Hospitals and Community Health Care

The key aims of this strand of work are to modernise services and improve health through innovative and cost-effective approaches to person-centred care and by providing leadership to enable delivery of art and therapeutic design strategies into new capital builds, green spaces and refurbishments and a programme of year-round exhibitions and performing arts.


Therapeutic Design and Art Strategies have been successfully delivered in new Acute Hospitals developments at:

New Stobhill Hospital

New Stobhill Ward Block including waiting room in the park, the New Neo Natal and Maternity Extension)


The New Stobhill Hospital provides an attractive and welcoming environment for patients and visitors with light, airy public spaces, comfortable waiting areas and fresh, modern consulting rooms. It is located on the north side of the city, adjacent to Springburn Park.

Patients will not only benefit from modern new facilities. The way care is provided from the hospital has also changed for the better. Services have been redesigned around the needs of the patient to enhance the quality of care and speed up diagnosis and treatment.

The hospital will treat about 400,000 patients every year.

In addition to outpatient clinics, day surgery and diagnostic services, the hospital provides a number of specialist services such as cardiology, renal dialysis and gynaecology.


It is our understanding that art in a hospital should contribute to a healing environment.

The new hospital is set within an apparently random planting of silver birch trees. Open courtyards are planted with larch trees and surfaced with natural larch boarding. The theme of woodland light and shade is continued within the building by means of installed painting, video and poetic texts.

It is a grove of larch in a forest of birch.

The New Stobhill Hospital GROVE project has resulted in the installation of groups of works by five artists across the Hospital.
Thomas A Clark, poet and artist, working closely with Reiach & Hall Architects, wrote a number of short poems which have been installed throughout the Hospital.  In response to these poems four visual artists have created artworks. 

Kenneth Dingwall painted a series of abstract designs in the corners in surgical and endoscopy waiting areas, and placed a sequence of shapes above eye level in the Imaging Waiting Area. 

Olwen Shone, Andreas Karl Schulze and Thomas A Clark created a series of works within the main clinic waiting areas comprising 14 films of natural scenes installed on monitors and projectors and 130 small abstract compositions, juxtaposed with Clark’s poems. 

Donald Urquhart and Clark created a series of works entitled Six Landscapes in specialist clinic waiting areas.  Urquhart also created Alphabet, a series of drawings of indigenous trees which are also keys to the ancient Gaelic alphabet.  Urquhart worked with Reiach and Hall, Clark and Schulze to create the Sanctuary.  Urquhart had previously developed the award winning Sanctuary at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary

In parallel, and as a direct result of the work in the New Stobhill Hospital, a public art scheme has been developed for the adjacent entrance to Springburn Park.  Developed by Alec Finlay from work with staff and patients in the Hospital as well as with users of the Park, this extends the ideas embedded in the Hospital.

The aim has been to create another Waiting Area in the Park, encouraging walking (even short distances) as well as connecting the natural themes of the artworks in the hospital to the natural environment of the Park.

It has been implemented through a partnership between Glasgow City Council Land Services, Culture & Sport Glasgow and NHSGGC Endowments.


Architects: Reiach & Hall Architects
Curator and Lead Artist: Thomas A Clark

Artists (some web sites are indicative rather than personal sites):
Kenneth Dingwall
Andreas Karl Schulze
Olwen Shone
Donald Urquhart

Project Manager: Chris Fremantle


Scottish Arts Council, NHSGGC Staff Lottery, NHSGGC Endowments, many Glasgow Faith Groups.

Key Dates

Project Completed Spring 2009


Prime Minister’s Better Public Building Award 2010
RIBA Stirling Prize 2010 Midlisted
Design & Health International Academy Awards Best International Project under 40,000 sqm 2010
RIBA Award 2010
Scottish Design Awards Best Public Building 2010 Commendation
Public Private Finance Awards Best Designed Project 2010
Civic Trust Awards 2010 Commendation
Glasgow Institute of Architects Awards Best Healthcare Building 2009
Building Better Healthcare Awards Best Designed Hospital 2009
Roses Design Awards Best of the Best 2009
Grand Prix Roses Design Awards Best Public Building 2009 Gold
RIAS Andrew Doolan Best Building in Scotland 2009 Finalist
Building Design Healthcare Architect of the Year 2009 Finalist


Architecture & Design Scotland – Case Study 

New Victoria Hospital

The Hospital and the Park

The New Victoria Hospital is located on the Southside of Glasgow, near Queens Park.  It provides an attractive and welcoming environment for patients and visitors with light, airy public spaces, comfortable waiting areas and modern consulting rooms.

Patients will not only benefit from modern new facilities. The way care is provided from the hospital has also changed for the better.  Services have been redesigned around the needs of the patient to enhance the quality of care and speed up diagnosis and treatment. About 400,000 patients attend the hospital every year.

In addition to outpatient clinics, day surgery and diagnostic services, the hospital provides a number of specialist services such as cardiology and gynaecology.  There is also a new Minor Injuries Unit with its own dedicated entrance for rapid access to a highly skilled clinical team.

And for the first time, patients from south-east Glasgow, Rutherglen and Cambuslang requiring an MRI scan, renal dialysis or chemotherapy are able to get this locally at the New Victoria Hospital.


The New Victoria Art & Environment project has delivered permanently installed artworks by five artists, and an initial programme of residencies and projects within the Hospital.  The curatorial concept for the project focused on The Hospital and the Park, linking the new hospital with Queens Park.

Ally Wallace was appointed as Lead Artist.  He developed an integrated coloured glazing scheme working closely with HLM Architects, and also developed a number of wall paintings for the basement car parking area.

Ronnie Heeps worked closely with the Spiritual Care Committee to develop the Sanctuary in the New Victoria Hospital, drawing on the concept of ‘Squaring the Circle’.  The Friends of the Victoria worked with Glasgow Metropolitan College to commission furniture for the space.

A key part of the New Victoria Art & Environment project focused on Waiting Areas where Jacki Parry and Hanneline Visnes created works permanently installed in five locations.  Calum Stirling was commissioned to create the work, Sculpture Park, adjacent to the Hospital.

In addition HLM Architects developed the concept of a multimedia projector in the Atrium showing a range of artists’ film and video.  An initial work drawing on the New Victoria, the Victoria Infirmary, Queens Park and the local area has been created by Ronnie Heeps.


Architects: HLM Architects
Curator: PACE
Lead Artist: Ally Wallace


Ronnie Heeps
Jacki Parry 
Calum Stirling
Hanneline Visnes

Project Manager: Chris Fremantle


Scottish Arts Council, NHSGGC Staff Lottery, NHSGGC Endowments, many Glasgow Faith Groups.

Key Dates

Completed: Spring 2009

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus
Community Health Centres

Therapeutic Design and Art Strategies have been successfully delivered within new Community Health and Social Care Centres at:

Barrhead Health and Care Centre

The overarching vision demonstrated in the Barrhead Health and Care Centre Art Strategy recognises the benefits of art and creativity in the healthcare environment. As a result, the strategy delivers high quality artwork in parallel with a positive model of participation, creating opportunities for the local community to engage with the artists, impacting on the artist’s research and the final artwork for the centre.

Barrhead Health and Care Centre

Patricia Fleming Projects are delighted to announce: Barrhead Health and Care Centre wins Public Building of the Year 2012 at the Scottish Design Awards.

We would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Avanti Architects, Artists Iain Kettles, Susie Hunter, David Zérah, our clients NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and East Renfrewshire Community Health and Care Partnership (CHCP).

We are very proud of the thought-provoking, sensitive and beautifully executed artwork created specifically for the Barrhead Health and Care Centre. The art in the centre acts as a conduit between people and ideas. It raises questions about the importance of wellbeing, design and location. External (above) and internal permanent sculpture by Iain Kettles and Susie Hunter create not only a marker for new public space in a busy main street, but also begins a dialogue about art and health out into the wider community. The photography of French artist David Zérah can be seen throughout the building. Thirty works were selected from thousands taken during a residency in the area. Based in Barrhead the series instigates an on-going conversation with the community, patients and staff about the space we share. As part of the art strategy a new collection of artworks was started which we hope will continue to grow. Works by leading Scottish contemporary artists Jacqueline Donachie, Katy Dove and new talents Mary Wintour and Lisa Ure.  Residents from across Barrhead and Neilston took part in a series of workshops exploring the project themes with Glasgow-based designer Anna Sheard.

The overarching vision demonstrated in the Barrhead Health and Care Centre Art Strategy recognises the benefits of art and creativity in the healthcare environment. As a result, the strategy delivers high quality artwork in parallel with a positive model of participation, creating opportunities for the local community to engage with the artists, impacting on the artist’s research and the final artwork for the centre.

The arts strategy was created with support from the Barrhead Arts Team. The aim is to put the new centre, health and wellbeing at the heart of the community and promote the imaginative role that artists can play in the creation of inspiring places.


Barrhead Health and Care Centre Project Manager: NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde
Architect: Avanti Architects Ltd
Main Contractor: Graham Construction
Civil & Structural and Mechanical & Electrical Engineer: Cundall
CDM Coordinator: Turner & Townsend
Quantity Surveyor: Cyril Sweett
Curator: Patricia Fleming Projects
Artists: Iain Kettles, Susie Hunter, David Zerah
Artwork Fabricator: Scott Associates
Landscape Consultant: Fiona Robertson

For images of the artworks, artists cv’s or further info contact

The West Centre

The West Centre is a new purpose built Centre for Children’s Community Health and Care.

The Centre offers a ‘one stop shop’ combination of services for children, young people and their families who are affected by a wide range of difficulties such as developmental, emotional, behavioural and mental health problems, communication difficulties, Autistic Spectrum Disorders, Physical Disabilities and Neurological Disabilities.

The Centre supports a whole new way of integrated working for those providing services with social workers, community child health staff, educational psychologists, mental health professionals and more, all having bases within the building and working together.

The Centre also provides services to patients and clients not only from West Glasgow but also East Dunbartonshire and West Dunbartonshire. The Centre also features integrated art and design features throughout the building, both inside and out.

The West Centre by Anderson Bell Christie


The integral art and architecture programme was introduced into the final design process, and developed in collaboration between a Lead Artist, Architect and an arts support team drawn from Centre staff.

The final programme was designed to offer an aesthetic logic running throughout the building, respecting and engaging its users. The aim was for a definite sense of uniqueness and place, with a light touch, but rewarding repeated visits with layered meanings and discoveries: more elements to search out and find familiar details to return to.

The artworks tread a delicate path with care and respect, aiming to reconcile a high standard of professionalism with the often conflicting demands of different ages and abilities of children and adults. The outcomes offer a sense of childlike wonder and engagement without ever being patronising or childish.


The artworks programme was made possible with a grant of £250,000 from the Yorkhill Children’s Foundation


The West Centre has picked up the Glasgow Institute of Architects Design Award (Healthcare), and was also short listed for the highly prestigious Royal Incorporation of Architects in Scotland – Doolan Award.

Key Dates

July 2008 – appointment of Lead Artist
November 2008 – start of building work on site
June 2010 – completion of building and artworks programme


Linda Mallett, lead artist and curator
Tassy Thompson, external artworks
Tim Taylor, internal niche artworks
Graven Images, design and graphics
Anderson Bell Christie, architects


Architecture & Design Scotland – Case Study
Atrium Screen by Graven Images
Cloud by Tim Taylor
Fence by Tassy Thompson
Floor niche by Tim Taylor
Flying Saucers by Tim Taylor
Harp by Tim Taylor
Interactive Ship niche by Tim Taylor
Peephole view by Tim Taylor
Reception desk by Tim Taylor
Totem by Tim Taylor

The Vale Centre for Health and Care


The site is located on the A82, the main road from Glasgow to Loch Lomond and is adjacent to the Vale of Leven Hospital.

The VHCC, currently under construction is designed to be a state-of-the-art community health and care facility within which will be based a variety of key services including General Practices; General Dental Practice; Dietetics; Podiatry; Speech and Language Therapy; Primary Care Mental Health; Physiotherapy and Community Dental Services. It will also provide a local base for district nursing, health visiting, prescribing support as well as teaching and studying facilities.

VHCC users will be from a wide catchment area, encompassing both urban and rural communities.


Two workshops were held, bringing together four creative thinkers with members of the VHCC Art and Design Strategy Group, as part of the initial research. The following concepts were investigated and will inform each of the therapeutic art and design commissions:

The journey;

Thresholds, welcome and departure;
Interaction in public spaces;
Relationships between the built environment and the rural environment.
The aim for each commission is to deliver specified projects to support the patient experience and the working day for staff through reference to the local natural environment by bringing the outside into the Centre and by leading the gaze beyond the walls of the building into the wider landscape.

Therapeutic Art and Design at the Vale of Leven Centre for Health and Care

Unique artworks made by four of Scotland’s leading artists commissioned to reflect the local natural environment are permanently installed in the building and grounds of an inspirational new health and care centre for the Vale of Leven West Dunbartonshire

By focusing on the surrounding locality each artist tells a different story about people and place through a range of media including textiles, painting, photography and wood.

Working with staff and the community, each artist has produced integrated artworks designed to support orientation, to bring the outside into the building and to promote a sense of wellbeing for patients, visitors and staff.

Artist Jephson Robb was tasked to create seating from the trees felled on site during the building process, to be situated in the atrium and at the two approaches to the building. Five sculptural benches are now permanently in place offering both resting points and beautiful objects to enjoy which work in harmony with the design of the new building itself.

Scotland’s foremost environmental artists Dalziel and Scullion have made four beautiful light emitting artworks which explore the wild and cultivated plants growing on allotments in the patient catchment area, bringing a sense of the domestic into the healthcare environment.

Donald Urquhart developed two works which focused on the near and far. The first piece was influenced by the pot shards found on the site during the excavation process for the new building. Dating back to the Bronze Age their beautiful geometric markings informed the design for the manifestation for the gym window, offering privacy for staff and patients in the gym yet allowing views out whilst letting plenty of light in.
The second work was inspired by the stunning mountain scenery so close to the Vale of Leven and designed to integrate seamlessly into the new building. Painted as a modernist pixilated frieze around the first floor of the atrium are colours capturing the soft autumn and winter beauty of the Loch Lomond and the Trossacks, offering a contrast to the close up detail of the allotment images by Dalziel and Scullion.

Textile artist Deirdre Nelson worked with pupils at the Vale of Leven academy to research the history of the area within living memory and create artworks from the gathered stories which were incorporated into a design printed onto healthcare curtains for the couches in the GP consulting rooms.

The design and build of the Centre was commissioned by West Dumbartonshire Community Health and Care Partnership and managed by NHS Greater Clyde and Glasgow. The Therapeutic Art and Design strategy was managed and delivered by Wide Open.

West Dumbartonshire Community Health and Care Partnership would like to thank the dedicated involvement of the staff and pupils at the Vale of Leven Academy, the patient focus groups and NHS staff, without whom his project would not have been possible.

Accordion item 1

Planning treatment in a European Country   

If you are thinking about any sort of planned medical or dental treatment outside the UK, please discuss this fully with your GP, hospital consultant or dentist. Make sure you are fully informed as it is important to have the information you need to make the right choices. You will need to be fully informed about your European healthcare provider and the details of the treatment you are planning to have. You may also need to consider:

  • when you will be able to travel
  • how your medical notes will be exchanged between teams
  • arrangements for after-care or follow-up treatment either abroad or at home
  • how you would deal with any complaint or problem should something go wrong following your treatment abroad

All treatment under the S2 scheme requires Health Board approval before treatment can commence. Please click on the linked heading above for more information. 

The arrangements for reimbursing health care costs to people who live in Scotland and receive treatment in EEA states stopped on 31 December 2020 (EU Exit Implementation Period completion day). Click on link above for more information

This section covers tumours that grow inside the eye. Please see the different intraocular tumours below.

Uveal Naevus

a) What is a Naevus?

A naevus is the medical term for a “mole”. Like on the skin, this can also occur in the eye and is commonly spotted on routine examination by your optometrist. They can be found on the choroid, ciliary body or iris. This can be referred to as uveal naevus. You are more likely to get a naevus if you have white skin or blue eyes. They can sometimes grow during puberty and pregnancy. Although naevi are benign, very rarely they can turn into melanoma (cancer of the eye). For this reason your optometrist might examine your eyes routinely every year.

b) What are the symptoms?

Naevi in the eye generally do not cause symptoms. If, however, the naevus turns into melanoma patients may experience:

• Decreased vision

• Flashing lights

• Shadow in the vision

c) Will I need any tests?

Simple uveal naevi are monitored in the community by your opitcian. If examined in the eye clinic, photographs of the naevus help us to detect any changes at later visits. Other tests may include:

• Ultrasound scan

• Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

d) Will I need treatment for Naevus?

No treatment is needed for uveal naevus.

Eye Melanoma

a) What is Melanoma?

Eye melanoma is cancer of the eye. This is the most common type of eye cancer in adults. Most patients are between 55 and 65 years old when diagnosed. It affects up to 50 people a year in Scotland (between 500 and 600 people in the UK). Choroidal melanoma is the most common type of uveal melanoma, followed by the ciliary body, then iris. Uveal melanoma can spread to other parts of the body; some patients have spread, some don’t. The most common place for melanoma to spread to is the liver. This can happen many years after diagnosis. Unfortunately treating the tumour does not guarantee spread will not happen.

b) What are the symptoms of eye melanoma?

Eye melanoma may have no symptoms and may be picked up on routine examination by your optician. Some patients, however, may report:

• Decreased vision

• Flashing lights

• Shadow in the vision

Choidal, ciliary body and iris melanomas may have different symptoms.

i) Choroidal melanoma: 

Patients may experience a shadow in the peripheral vision or poor central vision. As the melanoma grows it may cause a retinal detachment. This may cause floaters, flashing lights or a curtain over part of the vision.

ii) Ciliary body melanoma:

As the ciliary body is behind the iris, small tumours may be not be visible at first. They can, however, grow and cause a shadow in the vision. Clouding of the lens, known as cataract, can develop resulting in blurred vision. Floaters can be caused if the tumour bleeds into the back of the eye. Glaucoma (raised pressure in the eye) may occur causing poor vision and eye pain.

iii) Iris melanoma

Iris melanomas may appear as a growing pigmented area on the coloured part of the eye. This can change the shape of the pupil or grow in front of the pupil causing the vision to go down. Like Ciliary body melanoma, glaucoma (raised pressure in the eye) may occur causing poor vision and eye pain.

c) What are the risks of getting melanoma?

The following features may increase your risk of developing ocular melanoma:

• Pale skin

• Red or blond hair

• Blue eyes

• Over the age of 50

• Large number of moles or freckles

d) Will I need any tests?

Certain tests help confirm the diagnosis and check how the tumour is behaving. Tests may include:

• Photograph

• Ultrasound scan

• Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

All patients have an ultrasound of their liver every year to make sure the melanoma has not spread or started to grow here. This is usually organised at your local hospital.

e) Will I need a biopsy?

A biopsy may be offered to confirm the type of tumour and likelihood of spread. This, however, has risks and may not provide enough tissue to give a definite answer. If we do decide to biopsy, options will be discussed in clinic.

f) What is the treatment of eye melanoma?

In treating eye melanoma, our aim is remove or destroy the tumour and keep as much normal vision as possible. Unfortunately, removing the tumour does not guarantee spread will not happen later in life. Treatments may include:

  • Plaque radiotherapy
  • Proton beam radiotherapy
  • Laser (Transpupillary thermotherapy)
  • Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
  • Removal of eye (enucleation)
  • Removal of tumour (local resection)

g) Is treatment always needed?

Very rarely we may choose not to treat. If the patient is frail, elderly, or has other serious medical illnesses we may decide to watch instead. Every patient is different. After discussion in clinic we will arrive at the right and best treatment option for you.

h) How likely is the melanoma to spread?

Risk of melanoma spreading (metastasising) to other parts of the body depends on the three factors outlined below.

i) Clinical tumour stage

Clinical tumour stage is based on how the tumour looks when examined in the clinic and the size of the tumour. The larger the tumour, the longer it is likely to have been there and the more likely it has had a chance to spread elsewhere in the body. If the tumour has grown quickly in size or grown through the wall of the eye, again this increases the risk of tumour spreading.

ii) Histology

This refers to how the tumour cells look under the microscope. Tumour tissue from biopsy or after the eye is removed is sent to the laboratory and examined by our pathologist. If the tumour cells appear large and round (epithelioid) then there is high chance of tumour spreading. If the cells appear long and narrow (spindle) then chance of spread is far less.

iii) Genetic typing

This refers to the arrangement of DNA in our cells (the basic building blocks for life). Our cell behaviour is controlled by DNA, which is stored in our genes. These genes are found in chromosomes, which are thread like structures found in every cell of our body. We have a total of 23 pairs of chromosomes. Each chromosome has long arms (coded by the letter q) and short arms (coded by the letter p). Tumour tissue is sent to the genetics laboratory where it is analysed. If a single chromosome 3 is missing from melanoma cells, this is called “monosomy 3”. This means the melanoma is very likely to spread. If chromosome 8q has gained a longer arm, again, this increases the chance of the melanoma spreading. If both “monosomy 3” and 8q gain are present then this there is an even stronger chance of tumour spread. If, however, there is a gain in chromosome 6p, this is protective and decreases the likelihood of metastasis.

i) Will I need any tests to check for spread?

We will perform an ultrasound scan (USS) of the liver every 6 months to check for spread of the melanoma. If we suspect there is spread on USS, we will organise an MRI scan of the liver to look at this in closer detail. 

Some patients find having an USS every 6 months too stressful and worrisome. If this is the case we can perform the USS every 12 months instead. 

j) What happens if the eye melanoma spreads to different parts of the body?

This can be scary and upsetting. If spread of disease has been picked up we involve other health professionals at our MDT (multidisciplinary team) meeting. Our clinical team consists of a radiologist, pathologist, and a medical oncologist. Collectively we will decide on the right tests and treatments for you as an individual. Accepting and coming to terms with the diagnosis can be challenging. For this reason, we have specialist ophthalmic nursing staff in the clinic who are here to council and help you through this difficult time.

Uveal Metastasis

a) What is uveal metastasis?

Cancer starting elsewhere in the body can spread to the eye, in particular, the uveal tract. This is called uveal metastasis. In the uveal tract the choroid is the most common sight for cancer to spread to, followed by the iris, then the ciliary body. In men cancer most commonly spreads to the eye from lung cancer, and in woman from breast cancer. This is most common in adults aged 55-65. Other sites for cancer to start before spreading to the eye include the kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, and the skin.

b) What are the symptoms of uveal metastasis?

Commonly there are no symptoms and the uveal metastases are noticed on routine examination. Some patients, however, may experience:

• Decreased vision

• Flashing lights

• Shadow in the vision

Sometimes the tumour causes the retina to detach, this is where the back lining of the eye comes away. This may cause floaters, flashing lights, and a curtain over the vision.  

c) Will I need any tests?

As well as taking pictures of the eye, we may perform:

• Ultrasound Scan

• Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

• Blood tests

If we suspect the cancer has spread to the eye from else where in the body, we may arrange scans to look for cancer. This may include:

• Chest X-ray

• CT scan

• PET CT scan

• MRI scan

d) What is the treatment for uveal metastasis?

Treatments may include:

• Radiotherapy (external beam radiotherapy or plaque radiotherapy)

• Chemotherapy

• Radiotherapy and chemotherapy

The treatment choice depends on where the cancer has started from in the body.  Discussion with our medical oncologist will helps us choose the best treatment for you. 

Choroidal Haemangioma

a) What is choroidal haemangioma?

Choroidal haemangiomas are benign tumours that grow in the blood vessel layer beneath the retina called the choroid. They are either circumscribed or diffuse. Circumscribed means there is no underlying medical condition. Diffuse choroidal haemangiomas, however, are commonly found in a condition called Sturge-Weber syndrome. The vision is more likely to be affected in this type. Although not as common, haemangiomas can be found in the iris and ciliary body. This can sometimes cause glaucoma.

b) What are the symptoms of choroidal haemangioma?

Commonly there are no symptoms and your optician finds them on routine examination. Sometimes, however, the choroidal haemangioma can leak fluid underneath the retina at the back of the eye. This may cause:

• Blurred vision

• Distortion

• Hypermetropia (change in perscription making you long sighted)

• Flashing lights If there is a lot of fluid leakage at the back of the eye, this can cause a retinal detachment. This may cause floaters, flashing lights, and a curtain over the vision.

c) Will I need any tests?

Some tests can help us confirm the diagnosis and see if the haemangioma is leaking fluid. These may include:

• Ultrasound Scan

• Optical coherence tomography (OCT)

• Fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA)

• Indocyanine green chorioangiography (ICG)

d) What is the treatment for choroidal haemangioma?

If there are no symptoms, no treatment is required. If, however, the haemangioma is growing, leaking or starting to affect the vision, we may use the following treatments:

  • Photodynamic therapy (PDT)
  • Laser (Traspupillary thermotherapy)
  • Plaque radiotherapy
  • Proton Beam Radiotherapy

e) Is treatment of choroidal haemangioma successful?

Laser photocoagulation helps seal the leaking blood vessels. Unfortunately, fluid can build up again. PDT and Transpupillary thermotherapy have both shown great successful in stopping leakage from choroidal haemangiomas. If the retina has detached, however, giving these treatments can be too difficult. Radiotherapy treatment may be preferred in these cases. The longer fluid is at the back of the eye or the retina is detached, the smaller the chance of having complete recovery of vision after treatment.

f) Will choroidal haemangioma spread to other parts of the body?

No. This is a benign tumour and does not metastasise.

Eccentric Disciform Degeneration

a) What is eccentric disciform degeneration?

Eccentric disciform degeneration is an abnormal growth of blood vessels underneath the retina. These vessels are very fragile and can bleed or scar over. This is not a type of cancer although the degeneration can look similar to melanoma or other cancers of the eye. This mainly occurs in elderly people with up to half of patients having macular degeneration. Other names for this condition include peripheral exudative haemorrhagic chorioretinopathy (PEHCR), extra-macular disciform degeneration and peripheral age related retinal degeneration.

b) What are the symptoms of Eccentric Disciform Degeneration?

There may be no symptoms. If leakage from the abnormal blood vessels track down to the macula (the centre of the back of the eye) then blurring or distortion of the vision may occur. Sometimes this can cause a retinal detachment. This may cause floaters, flashing lights, or a shadow in the corner of the vision. When looking at the back of the eye in the clinic the abnormal area appears flat irregular and red or pale.

c) What are the risks of getting eccentric disciform degeneration?

The following features increase your risk of getting this condition:

• Over 70 years of age

• Female

• High blood pressure (hypertension)

• On medicine that thin the blood (Anticoagulant therapy)

• Short or long sighted (Myopia or hypermetropia)

d) Will I need any tests?

To confirm eccentric disciform degeneration and exclude cancer we may have to perform a few tests. These may include:

• Photographs

• Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)

• Ultrasound scan

• Fundus Fluorescein Angiography (FFA)

These tests may be repeated at future appointments and help us pick up changes.

e) What is the treatment for eccentric disciform degeneration?

Monitoring in the eye clinic is sometimes all that is required. This condition regularly gets better without treatment. Laser photocoagulation treatment can be used in the clinic to seal off the leaking blood vessels and prevent the swelling and leakage getting worse.

Understanding conditions affecting the eye can be difficult. We hope this labelled diagram will help describe different parts of the eye that can be affected by cancer.

  • Cornea- this is the clear window at the front of the eye that enables us to see properly.
  • Conjunctiva- this is “the skin” of the eye, which helps protect us from infections.
  • Lens- this helps focus the light on the back of the eye.
  • Iris- this is the coloured part of the eye which changes shape and controls the amount of light entering the eye
  • Ciliary Body- This is responsible for producing fluid called “aqueous” inside the eye. It also helps change the shape of the lens so we can focus when reading.
  • Vitreous- this is the “jelly” inside the eye.
  • Choroid- this pigmented layer covers the whole of the back of the eye. It absorbs excess light entering the eye and helps stop symptoms of glare.
  • Retina- this layer has the photoreceptors of the eye (like the film of a camera). It captures images from the outside world and sends them to the brain.
  • Optic Nerve- This nerve connects the eye to the brain.

The choroid, cilary body, and the iris make up the uveal tract. This is where melanomas (cancer of the eye) can grow.

About Us

The Scottish Ocular Oncology Service is run in The Tennent Institute of Ophthalmology, Gartnavel General Hospital, Glasgow. We are funded by the National Services Devision, NHS Scotland.

Our main role is to diagnose and treat intraocular melanoma. We do, however, manage other tumours and conditions affecting the eye and receive referrals from all of the health boards in Scotland.

To deliver the best service to our patients we work closely with other healthcare professionals including medical oncology, radiology and pathology. We meet on a weekly basis to discuss and plan the best treatment for each patient. Although treatment is mostly carried out in Glasgow, we do have links with the Douglas Cyclotron Unit at Clatterbridge on the Wirral in Cheshire. This is the only UK centre that performs proton beam radiotherapy, which is a specialist treatment for intraocular melanoma. We frequently organise patients to travel down and receive treatment here.

Our Scottish Ocular Oncology Service has developed and grown well over the years and we are proud to offer our services nationwide.

Contact Us


Susan Ewan
Ocular Oncology Administration Coordinator
Ophthalmology Out Patient Department
Gartnavel General Hospital
1053 Great Western Road

More Information

Why pharmacists should be involved

The community pharmacist is a trusted source of information and advice for their patients and about 90% of the adult population visit a community pharmacy at least once a year. This presents an important opportunity for pharmacists and their staff to motivate and empower their customers to improve their health.

Health Improvement covers a wide range of topics some examples are discussed below and the topics boxes give a little more detail.

Health Improvement targets for Scotland can be found by linking into the Scottish Executive’s website

For further information for pharmacy staff in NHSGGC click here

Stopping smoking

Stopping smoking is one of the most important health improvement interventions. Community pharmacy can supply nicotine replacement therapy or varenicline with behavioural support to help patients stop smoking.

Advice on healthy living

Pharmacists can provide the right advice on healthy living and signpost patients to the best resources to achieve their health improvement goals.

Reduce health inequalities

Community pharmacy offers the Pharmacy First Service (PFS) which encourages people to go to their local pharmacy for support with minor and acute health conditions. Pharmacies undertake a NHS PFS consultation and provide advice, treatment or referral to another healthcare professional if appropriate. 

Managing long term conditions

Many long term conditions require health improvement interventions in addition to medicines which might be prescribed.

Mental health

Good mental health is of key importance to maintaining good general health. Pharmacists should know where to signpost patients for appropriate support as they may need more assistance in managing their daily living requirements. Also patients suffering from poor mental health may need more support to make important lifestyle changes.

For any enquiries regarding Pharmacy Public Health Improvement please contact

Alcohol Awareness

Approximately 1 in 8 men and 1 in 24 women have some degree of alcohol dependence. Excess drinking puts long term health at significant risk. Excessive alcohol consumption is associated with an increased risk of a range of illnesses that collectively contribute to a massive impact on morbidity and mortality.  Please see Alcohol Consumption Questions and the Fast Alcohol Screening Test (FAST

For more information visit

  • Drinkaware A Charity promoting responsible drinking.
  • Alcohol Focus Scotland – is the national charity working to reduce alcohol harm.
  • DrinkSmarter  A Scottish Government practical website with many handy tools, supporting healthier drinking habits. 
  • Glasgow Council on Alcohol (GCA) Providing support, counselling, advice, information, group work and training for those affected by alcohol misuse. 
  • Alcohol Change UK :  A charity campaigning for effective alcohol policy and improved services for people whose lives are affected by alcohol-related problems. 
  • Al-Anon Family Groups provide support to anyone whose life is, or has been, affected by someone else’s drinking, regardless of whether that person is still drinking or not.

 Key points for community pharmacy

  • Offer advice on sensible drinking
  • Give advice on prescription and Over the Counter (OTC) medicines about interactions with alcohol.
  • Signpost patients to local services offering support
  • Further Information, Resources and Support (including “Alcohol Before, During and After Leaflet) Alcohol and Pregnancy Leaflet 

Some pharmacies may

  • Offer alcohol brief interventions using a FAST tool

It is estimated that 1 in 3 people in Scotland will develop some form of cancer during their lifetime.

This is a wide ranging topic and there are many different types of cancer. Some are more likely to occur in females e.g. cervical and breast cancer while others in men e.g. prostate cancer.

Many forms of cancer can now be successfully treated if they are identified in their early stages and we now have screening for the commonly occurring breast, bowel and cervical cancers.

Some cancers such as melanoma (skin cancer) may be prevented by health protection measures such as avoiding the sun and using sunscreens. Smoking cessation remains one of the most important health improvement measures to avoid developing cancer.

For more information visit

  • Scottish Cancer Index provides links to cancer related websites specific to Scotland.  
  • Cancer Research UK  Helpline 0808 800 4040  Mon – Fri 9-5pm
  • Bowel cancer UK providing support and advice. Telephone: 020 7940 1760
  • Bowel screening in Scotland | NHS inform information at this website
  • Breast Cancer Care providing information and assistance for those affected by breast cancer. Freephone Helpline 0808 800 6000.  
  • Sun Smart   This Cancer Research UK website provides a wealth of information including, information on skin cancer, sunburn and how it damages your skin, advice on protective measures to take – applying sunscreen, staying in the shade, wearing protective clothing and sunglasses, and advice on protecting children from the sun.    
  • Asthma + Lung UK provides advice on all diseases affecting the lungs including lung cancer. 
  • Leukaemia Care provides support for people with leukaemia, lymphomas and related disorders. Tel: Helpline: 08088 010 444 or chat via WhatsApp on 07500068065
  • Lymphoma Action provides support for those affected by Hodgkin’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma. Tel. Helpline no: 0808 808 5555
  • Macmillan Cancer Support is a national charity providing expert care and support for people living with cancer. Tel. Helpline: 0808 808 0000
  • Maggies Centre provides support organisation for those affected by cancer. One of the centres is in Glasgow.   
  • Marie Curie Cancer Care. Dedicated to the cure of people affected by cancer and the enhancement of their quality of life through its caring services, research and education.  Telephone Support Line: 0800 090 2309
  • Oesophageal Patients Association Telephone: 0121 704 9860 (Mon – Fri 9am – 5pm)
  • Orchid: Fighting Male Cancer  Good range of leaflets on testicular and prostate cancer.  National male cancer helpline: 0808 802 0010
  • Prostate Cancer UK Telephone:  Helpline: 0800 0748383 

 Key points for community pharmacy

  • Signpost patients to appropriate support organisations.
  • Many quality, free resources can be ordered to support Community Pharmacy through the patient resources link http://quick-guide-for-patient-resources-v62-jul-23.pdf (
  • Be alert to red flag symptoms such as a persistent cough which might suggest a patient should be referred to their GP for investigation.
  • Encourage patient’s participation in national screening programmes e.g. cervical screening whenever possible.
  • Only sell a minimum of SPF 15 sun protection products. 
Healthy Lifestyle… at any age

Many factors go together to improve an individual’s health. Their health needs change through life as they get older and different issues might impact on men’s and women’s health. However, a healthy lifestyle is important at any stage of an individual’s life.

Diet and nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation and managing alcohol intake are modifiable lifestyle factors that can be addressed to improve health.

Other factors may not be readily addressed by individuals but rely upon society working together to promote healthy living and working environments.

Health inequalities arise when individuals or communities are not empowered to make healthy lifestyle choices.

For more information visit

 Child Health

 Health in older age

 Healthy Living 

Community Pharmacy – Signpost patients to appropriate support organisations.

Beware of your patients particular needs. Check out your locality’s health profile.

Long Term Health Conditions

The effective management of long term health conditions (LTHC) can greatly improve a patient’s health and wellbeing. Examples of these conditions include epilepsy, cardiovascular disease, diabetes asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

In addition to taking appropriate medication LTHC patients are often asked to make lifestyle changes such as smoking cessation or alcohol reduction. But at the same time they may be struggling with psychological issues caused by the impact of their diagnosis.

So in addition to understanding the clinical management of patients and the guidelines that are in place for these it is important to consider the patient as a whole and understand their attitudes to their condition and its management.  

For more information visit

Key points for community pharmacy

  • Signpost patients to appropriate support organisations.
  • Know when to call for medical assistance in the event of a heart attack and how to deliver basic resuscitation (CPR) for patients who have collapsed. Details of suitable courses may be found at St Andrews Ambulance Brigade
  • Advise on use of inhaler devices for asthma and COPD patients

 Some pharmacies may

  • Offer health screening such as blood pressure or glucose monitoring
Mental Health

Mental health is a complex topic affecting a significant percentage of people in the UK at any one time. Issues might include depression (including postnatal depression) bipolar affective disorders, stress, anxiety disorders, phobias, eating disorders, schizophrenia and others. Some individuals may suffer from a combination of symptoms.

The management of patients suffering mental health problems may range from self help approaches to in patient care at a psychiatric specialist hospital or facility.

Regardless of how patients are managed, good mental health is underpinned by a healthy lifestyle. Good diet, smoking cessation, exercise, sleep hygeine and alcohol management will not necessarily cure a patient but they will significantly contribute to their recovery.

For more information visit

Key points for community pharmacy

Palliative Care Services

This service is provided by a network of 70 pharmacies across the NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde area. These pharmacies maintain

  • a stock of specific core medicines
  • provision of advice and useful contact numbers for specialist palliative care advice
  • a support network to other pharmacies within their localities. 

Some participating pharmacies are available to dispense out-of-hours urgent prescriptions. This can be arranged through NHS 24. A courier service protocol is available to ensure timely supplies of medicines to palliative care patients in emergencies. The aim is for the first pharmacy contacted (regardless of being a part of the Palliative Care network or not) to ascertain the urgency of the prescription and resolve any supply issues, in order to avoid patients, carers, or nurses needing to phone or visit multiple pharmacies. All community pharmacies are provided with a list of the network pharmacies for this purpose and the specific core medicines list. For more details on the Palliative Care Service, click here  or contact: Palliative Care Specialist Pharmacists on the below telephone numbers: 07876 478140 or 07880 786659 or 07775 012560

Quit Your Way

NHSGGC are responsible for a wide range of tobacco projects including the “Quit Your Way” Pharmacy Service.

Suitable pharmacotherapy (Nicotine Replacement Therapy [NRT] or varenicline) together with personalised advice and support is provided from the community pharmacy for usually up to 12 weeks.

For further details, please contact any participating pharmacy or the Quit Your Way Pharmacy Team (T:0141 201 4945 or e:


View and order resources

This aspect of Pharmacy Public Health deals with the planning for, and managed introduction of new medicines. The Scottish Medicines Consortium  is responsible for providing advice on the clinical and cost-effectiveness of all new medicines and important new indications for existing medicines.

The NHS GGC prescribing website provides useful links to the local Medicines Formulary, medicines policies and associated resources.