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Services A to Z

This information is specifically aimed at pharmacists and their staff who work in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area but will be helpful to all who are active in public health improvement and health protection.   It provides information on health improvement and health protection topics which relate to community pharmacy practice and today’s public health agendas, giving detailed advice and contacts useful in delivering these agendas.

Please click on any menu item for more information.

We are very keen to keep improving and expanding the website. Please direct all helpful suggestions or comments to the website editor by emailing the Public Health Pharmacy mailbox

PH Hosted Resource – Keeping fit and active (other language versions)

PH Hosted Resources – Want to stop smoking when you are pregnant? (English language version)

PH Hosted Resources – Want to stop smoking when you are pregnant? (Alternative language versions)

This suite of leaflets has been put together in response to concerns expressed by GPs that there was a lack of brief information readily available to them to pass on to people with dementia (or, if more appropriate, someone who is caring for a person with dementia).

The leaflets have been prepared by colleagues at Alzheimer Scotland, in conjunction with the Scottish Dementia Working Group

The aim of the leaflets is to provide people with dementia, and / or a person who cares for them, with useful information on a range of topics that can be provided at an appropriate time for the person. Most are addressed to people with dementia, thought they will all be of relevance to carers, too.

An outline of content of the leaflets is provided below. 

  • 3 Jan 2018 About dementia
    This describes dementia, with information about symptoms; Alzheimer’s disease; what someone should do if they are worried about their symptoms; and information about treatment and research.
  • 3 Jan 2018 About young onset dementia
    This leaflet provides information about the types of dementia that people under 65 might have, and information about living with the condition that is relevant for younger people who are more likely still to be in work. It describes some of the supports that are available. There are some services that are specific to people living in the city of Glasgow. However, advice and guidance on all aspects of dementia is available to anyone through Alzheimer Scotland’s 24 hour Freephone Dementia Helpline on 0808 808 3000 and from local Alzheimer Scotland services.
  • 3 Jan 2018 Adults with incapacity act
    This describes the rights of a person with dementia; the aims and principles of the act; the meaning of “incapacity” and ways to safeguard a person’s welfare.
  • 3 Jan 2018 Getting help caring for someone with dementia – information for carers
    This leaflet is aimed at carers and encourages them to seek help with that role. It explains the sources and types of help available, including the new link worker posts.
  • 3 Jan 2018 Healthy living with dementia
    Gives advice about diet, exercise, social activity and maintaining contacts, and the importance of looking after other aspects of one’s health.
  • 3 Jan 2018 Managing money
    This leaflet introduces the concept of the Power of Attorney and describes other ways that someone with dementia can be helped to manage their finances.
  • 3 Jan 2018 Planning for the future – financial, legal and care issues
    This leaflet discusses Anticipatory Care Plans; introduces the concept of Power of Attorney; outlines the importance of making a will and the status of any property someone has should they need to go into a care home.
  • 3 Jan 2018 Powers of attorney – financial and welfare
    This provides detailed information about Powers of Attorney – what they cover, how they are created, who can be an attorney and what to do with the Power of Attorney document.

Hosted Resources – these are resources hosted by IM on behalf of services where there has not been, for historical reasons, a dedicated microsite.

The Research and Evaluation team provides the following services:

  • Complete project management of population surveys such as the adult health and well-being survey and the schools survey
  • Advice and support to colleagues across the health sector in designing, implementing, analysing and commissioning research.  This includes evaluation of community based health programmes and evaluation of innovative approaches to health improvement
  • Building organisational expertise in research and evaluation by offering training in key research skills, advice on research governance issues and research clinics
  • Advice and support in database management/design
  • Pushing the boundaries of public health by exploring overarching themes in research, such as tobacco control, studying under-investigated determinants of health such as work on Green Spaces or Arts & Health and evaluating interventions addressing inequalities and health such as Integration Through Safety for Asylum Seekers
  • Enhancing organisational learning from research and evaluation by organising a comprehensive, accessible seminar programme across Greater Glasgow & Clyde

If you require any further information you can contact the Research and Evaluation Team at:

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It is helpful if the young person themselves can complete this enquiry form.

Cervical skills training is only available to staff working in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Argyll Bute.

Core training (1 day training – training for new smear takers)

Please click on below dates for registration link

Core Training for New Smear Takers – Tuesday 5 March 2024


Further information for professionals and patient


Please note spaces are limited to 25 per course.

Course fee: £75

Venue: Tuesday 1 October – Microsoft Teams

Update training (three yearly half day update for current smear takers)

Please click on below dates for registration link.

Smear takers will update knowledge and skills; increase awareness of current practice; and address unsatisfactory smears. 

Please note spaces are limited to 30 per course.

Course fee: £30

Venue: Tuesday 19 March 2024 – Microsoft Teams, Tuesday 16 April 2024 – Microsoft Teams, Tuesday 4 June – QEUH, Tuesday 3 September – Microsoft Teams, Tuesday 5 November 2024 – Microsoft Teams  

All training sessions will include new and updated content to bring you up to date with the scheduled changes to screening.

If you have any queries, please contact Jade Curtis on 0141 201 4541 (64541) or email /