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Services A to Z

Please read the following information and then use the links at the bottom of the page if you are looking for further information or exercise.

Important Facts About Your Shoulder – Please Read

Here is a list of the main problems and concerns we would recommend you get checked out by a health professional before commencing self-management exercises. These are called Red Flags and may indicate a more serious problem that requires medical assessment.

Symptoms That Are Present After Trauma

If your symptoms are caused by a recent traumatic incident (e.g. a fall, football tackle) and you have any of the following symptoms:

  • Pain and weakness at time of injury or shortly afterwards leading to a sudden loss of shoulder movement/ arm function
  • Shoulder is significantly bruised and/ or swollen
  • Shoulder and/ or surrounding soft tissue looks abnormal/deformed
  • New lumps and bumps that appear after the trauma.

NOTE: If you have an underlying poor bone density (e.g. osteoporosis) smaller amounts of force can cause the problems listed above.

Symptoms Where No Trauma Was Involved

  • Sudden loss of active movement with or without pain
  • Pain and/ or stiffness in other joints at the same time as shoulder pain developed
  • Heat, redness and/ or swelling of joint
  • Fever and general feeling unwell at same time as shoulder pain developed
  • Experiencing chest pain and / or difficulty breathing
  • Unexplained lumps and bumps that appear or are changing/ growing
  • Constant pain which does not change with rest or activity
  • Significant worsening night pain with or without night sweats
  • Unexplained weight loss and/or previous history cancer
  • Increasing numbers of joints that are painful and/or stiff
  • Any unexplained tingling, numbness and pins and needles into shoulder and/or arm

Note: Special attention should be taken if you have a history of long-term steroid/ immunosuppressive drug use, recent joint replacement, recent steroid injection, rheumatoid arthritis or other joint disease including recent infection, Intravenous drug use or alcohol misuse.

Shoulder Pain- Information and Exercises

Please make sure you have read through the important information above about shoulder pain before proceeding.

Below are some exercises to help you get your shoulder moving better. You may need to build these exercises up gradually.

You may be uncomfortable when you start doing these exercises – make sure the level of discomfort feels acceptable to you and that it doesn’t take too long to settle once you are finished.

The exercises should get easier the more consistently you manage to practice them and this may allow you to progress to more difficult exercises.

These are self help exercises:

  • Try to enjoy the exercises and work at a pace and level that feels safe
  • Please use a common sense approach when deciding which ones to try
  • The exercises listed are not designed as an alternative to professional advice.


Shoulder Information Leaflets

Tips to manage a painful shoulder

Beginner-to-progressive shoulder exercises- leaflets and videos

Additional exercise options

Rotator cuff (shoulder muscle group) exercise options

Important Facts About Your Neck Pain

Please read the following information and then use the links at the bottom of the page if you are looking for further information or exercise.

Here are the main problems and concerns we would recommend you get checked out by a health professional before commencing self-management exercises. These are called Red Flags and may indicate a more serious problem that requires medical assessment.

Symptoms That Are Present After Trauma

If symptoms are caused by a traumatic incident to your head and/ or neck (e.g. a fall or severe whiplash) please have this checked out by a health professional before commencing with an exercise program.

Note: If you have a known diagnosis of osteoporosis (low bone density) a small amount of force may cause problems that require medical assessment.

Symptoms Where No Trauma Was Involved

If you feel any of these signs appear rapidly or over a longer period of time please have these checked out by a health professional. 

  • Severe restriction in the movement of your neck and/ or head
  • Changes in your balance and the way you are walking e.g. tripping, falling
  • Weakness and/ or altered sensation into both arms and/ or legs at the same time
  • Problems with coordination of upper and/ or lower limbs e.g. writing, getting dressed, walking
  • Electric shocks sensations into both arms and legs on forward bending of your head or looking down
  • Significant changes to bowel, bladder habits and/or sexual function required immediate medical assessment. Warning: Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES): This a rare but extremely serious spinal condition that requires immediate assessment. For further information on CES:
  • New problems with talking, dizziness, swallowing or eyesight
  • Fever or generally feeling unwell at same time as neck symptoms developed
  • Constant pain which does not change with rest or activity
  • Significant pain and/ or sweats at night
  • A previous history of cancer and/ or unexplained weight loss
  • Unexplained lumps or bumps that are changing/growing
  • Increasing number of joints that are painful and/or stiff
  • Severe headaches and/ or jaw pain.

Note: Special attention should be taken if you have a history of long-term steroid/ immunosuppressive drug use, recent joint replacement, dental surgery or steroid injection. Previous spinal surgery. Rheumatoid arthritis or other joint disease, recent infection, previous history of tuberculosis, intravenous drug use or alcohol misuse.


Neck information leaflets
Neck exercises

Please make sure you have read through the important information above about neck pain before proceeding.

Here are some specific exercises to help you get your neck moving better. You may need to build these exercises up gradually.

You may be uncomfortable when you start doing these exercises – make sure the level of discomfort feels acceptable to you and that it doesn’t take too long to settle once you are finished.

The exercises should get easier the more consistently you manage to practice them and this may allow you to progress to more difficult exercises.

These are self help exercises:

  • Try to enjoy the exercises and work at a pace and level that feels safe.
  • Please use a common sense approach when deciding which ones to try.
  • The exercises listed are not designed as an alternative to professional advice.
Neck exercise videos

Chin retractions

Anterior neck stretch

Posterior neck stretch

Neck strengthening

Neck exercise class videos (1-3 parts) designed to follow along with

Neck exercise introduction (must watch before commencing exercises)

Neck exercises – part 1

Neck exercises – part 2

Neck exercises – part 3

Temporomandibular joint problems (joint between jaw-bone and skull)

If you think you may have, or have been told that you have, a temporomandibular joint problem you may find the following information documents useful:

Your general health and wellbeing are essential to enjoying life and can have a big impact on your MSK condition, on how it developed and also in helping you to manage it and prevent it from coming back. 

The NHSGGC Health Improvement site below is a good place to start if you are looking for something in particular, including advice about smoking, weight, literacy and physical activity. These resources are updated regularly.

The Health and Wellbeing directory allows you to search by topic, for example ‘alcohol’ and has a huge range of resources. For more of a national perspective, try NHS Inform. In addition, we have gathered some resources on a range of topics that may be helpful for you.


Links to Resource Libraries and Services

Meeting Your Needs- Specific Topics

Physical Activity – Want to become more active?
Work – Unemployed and looking for work?
Alcohol- Want to cut down?
Smoking – Want to stop or cut down?
Stress, Anxiety or Depression – Want some support?
Weight – Looking to lose weight?

Other Resources

Self-help Management and Helpline Versus Arthritis

Mental Flourishing – Wellbeing, Stress, Anxiety and Depression

Being Present and Self Aware: Mindfulness

Being Kind to Yourself: Self Compassion


The aim of this website is to provide support to healthcare professionals, especially midwives and health visitors, when interpreting the result of a haemoglobinopathy screening.

Haemoglobinopathies are a large group of inherited blood disorders, which affect haemoglobin (an oxygen carrying substance found in red blood cells). Some haemoglobinopathies can cause life-threatening symptoms, while others do not cause medical problems or even signs of the condition. Mild haemoglobinopathies may go undetected and require no medical treatment.

Carriers of haemoglobinopathies are not expected to present with any health problems. However, it is important that they are aware of their carrier status as it has reproduction implications.

Geographical mapping of uptake rates for NHSGGC Adult Screening Programmes is available at data-zone level. Maps are available at HSCP level for AAA, Bowel, Breast, Cervical and DES screening programmes.

Data zones are groups of 2001 Census output areas and have populations of between 500 and 1,000 household residents. Where possible, they have been made to respect physical boundaries and natural communities. They have a regular shape and, as far as possible, contain households with similar social characteristics.

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm (AAA) Screening: Uptake data at datazone level from 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023:
Bowel Screening: Uptake data at datazone level from 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023:
Breast Screening: Uptake data at datazone level from 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023:
Cervical Screening: Uptake data at datazone level from 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023:
Diabetic Eye Screening (DES): Uptake data at datazone level from 1st April 2022 – 31st March 2023:
Screening uptake 2021-22


Bowel – NHSGGC

Cervical – NHSGGC


NHSGGC 2022-25 Inequalities in Adult Screening Plan
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Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm Screening

All men aged 65 who live in the Greater Glasgow and Clyde area will be invited to take part in abdominal aortic aneurysm screening.  If you are over 65 you can self refer.

Using an ultrasound scan, we look for aneurysms in the stomach so that we can monitor or treat them.  

For more information on screening, please visit the NHS Inform Website.

If you want to make or change your appointment, please phone 0141 277 7677.

British sign language video information – Abdominal aortic aneurysm (AAA) screening – British Sign Language (BSL) | Translations (

Screening information for the Transgender community – Transgender screening in Scotland | NHS inform

Bowel Screening

Do yours – it could  be a life saver.

Here’s to the half a million Scots who did their bowel cancer screening test last year.

It’s the best way to catch it early and, if you do, you’re 14 times more likely to survive.  So if you’re aged between 50 and 74, do your test and join the bowel movement.

This animation is also available in the following languages:

Arabic – Bowel screening (Arabic) | Translations (

Chinese – Bowel screening (Chinese – simplified) | Translations (

Punjabi – Bowel screening (Punjabi) | Translations (

Urdu – Bowel screening (Urdu) | Translations (

Roma – Bowel screening (Roma) | Translations (

British Sign Language – NHSGGC – Bowel Cancer Screening – British Sign Language – YouTube

For more information about bowel screening please visit NHSinform

Patient Information

Bowel Screening test

Bowel screening information leaflets in different languages are available on the NHS Health Scotland website.

Having a Colonoscopy

If your bowel screening result came back positive, you will be referred to your local Health Board for a colonoscopy.  Information about having a colonoscopy is available in the following languages:

(Please note: These leaflets are currently under review)

Screening information for the Transgender community – Transgender screening in Scotland | NHS inform

Bowel Screening Policies

This page is intended for professionals involved in the delivery of bowel screening across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde and NHS Highland – Argyll & Bute sector.

Please note: These policies are currently under review and will be updated in due course.

The current clinical policies for bowel screening are:

Breast Screening

Did you know that……?

  • 1 in 8 women in Scotland will be diagnosed with breast cancer
  • if caught early, you are 5 times more likely to survive breast cancer
  • breast screening saves 130 lives ever year in Scotland
  • it only takes 10 minutes
  • breast screening can detect tiny cancers that are less often advanced and easier to treat
  • breast screening appointments are sent to all women aged 50 – 70 every three years

Find out how Elaine C Smith got on with her breast screening appointment

Information about Breast Screening:

This animation is also available in the following languages:

Arabic – Information about breast screening in Scotland | Translations (

Mandarin – Information about breast screening in Scotland | Translations (

Punjabi – Information about breast screening in Scotland | Translations (

Urdu – Breast Screening (Urdu) | Translations (

Roma – Breast screening (Roma) | Translations (

British Sign Language – NHSGGC – Breast Cancer Screening – British Sign Language – YouTube

Don’t get scared, get screened.

If you want to get in touch with our helpful staff at the breast screening centre to change your appointment or want to know when you are due an appointment, phone them on Tel: 0141 800 8800

Breast Screening Centre
Stock Exchange
77 Nelson Mandela Place
Glasgow G2 1QT

Tel: 0141 800 8800

For more information about breast screening, please visit NHSinform Website

Patient Information

Cervical Screening (Smear Tests)

Cervical screening is routinely offered to anyone with a cervix in Scotland between the ages of 25 and 64 every 5 years.

Regular cervical screening (smear test):

  • Is the best protection against cervical cancer
  • Saves around 5,000 lives every year in the UK
  • prevents 8 out of 10 cervical cancers from developing.

The test takes less than 5 minutes and can save lives.  Go on, add a smear to your to-do list.

Make your appointment with your GP Practice

For more information about cervical screening, please visit

The Lowdown on Cervical Screening: Dr Flanagan, talks about colposcopy and what you can expect:

Information about Cervical Screening:

This animation is also available in the following languages:

Arabic – Cervical screening (Arabic) | Translations (

Mandarin – Cervical screening (Mandarin) | Translations (

Punjabi – Cervical screening (Punjabi) | Translations (

Urdu – Cervical screening (Urdu) | Translations (

Roma – Cervical screening (Roma) | Translations (

British Sign Language – NHSGGC – Cervical Cancer Screening – British Sign Language – YouTube

Screening information for the Transgender community – Transgender screening in Scotland | NHS inform

Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

The HPV virus is very common and causes 99% of cervical cancers.  You can catch it through intimate sexual contact with another person who already has it. Because it is so common, most people will get infected at some point in their life. People are often infected without knowing it as there are usually no symptoms. In most women the virus does not cause cervical cancer.  

For more information about cervical screening visit NHSinform website

HPV vaccine for secondary school pupils

The HPV (cervical cancer) vaccine is offered to girls and boys of secondary school age to protect them against the two types of HPV that cause cervical cancer.

From January 2023, the immunisation schedule for HPV has changed – only one dose of the vaccine is required.

For more information visit the NHS Inform Immunisation website.  


If you have been referred to Colposcopy, it will be for one of the following reasons:

  • you had three unsatisfactory smears, or
  • your recent smear test result was abnormal.

Our leaflet below gives you more information about colposcopy. (Please note: These leaflets are currently under review)

Diabetic Eye Screening

Everyone with diabetes runs the risk of developing diabetic retinopathy, a condition that may cause blindness or serious damage to eyesight.

As part of a national screening programme, anyone with diabetes over the age 12 years is invited to have their eyes checked.

Visit NHSinform Website for more information about the screening programme

To change your appointment, please phone 0141 277 7417 and one of our staff will be on hand to offer you a  more convenient appointment time.

Pregnancy and Newborn Screening

The UK guidelines suggest that the average adult should undertake 150 minutes of physical activity per week. 

More than half (54%) of all Greater Glasgow and Clyde residents are not active enough to gain these health benefits.

See Chapter 5. Section 5.3.1 of the Director of Public Health Report 2015-17 for more background information on levels of physical activity in Glasgow and Clyde.

See also the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde 2014/15 Health and Wellbeing Survey  (Section 3.4)

To help with this, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde have a Physical Activity Team who work with a range of partners to try to increase physical activity levels.  Part of our remit is to work with our six Local Authority partners and to part fund the delivery of three core physical activity programmes; Health Walks, Live Active and Vitality, which are available and promoted throughout the GGC area. 

Further information

The Public Health – Health Services is responsible for co-ordinating and monitoring screening programmes across Greater Glasgow and Clyde and Argyll & Bute (part of NHS Highland).

Screening can find conditions early, before you get any symptoms. The earlier the condition is found, the better your chance of dealing with it. If a condition is found early, it is less likely to become severe and you are less likely to need major treatment.

Contact us

Dr Bea Von Wissmann, Interim Head of Health Services & Equalities

Heather Jarvie, Programme Manager (adult screening)

Uzma Rehman, Programme Manager (adult, pregnancy, newborn and vision screening)

Leanne Carnevale, Administration Team Leader

Emma Kinghorn, Senior Support Officer

Jo Zelazny, Senior Support Officer

Jade Curtis, Senior Support Officer

Liz O’Hora, Senior Support Officer

You can contact us by emailing or call 0141 201 4541.


This booklet gives you information about hip arthroscopy. It will explain what will happen when you come into hospital, what to expect before you go home and when you are at home. The success of the operation is a team effort including doctors, nurses, physiotherapists but most importantly you.

Please note that your aftercare and rehabilitation will vary depending on what you have done to your hip during the operation and also on your surgeon’s wishes.

Next: Who may be suitable for a hip arthroscopy?

What is a hip arthroscopy?

A hip arthroscopy is a surgical procedure where we look inside the hip joint using a small camera on the end of a flexible tube (an arthroscope). This allows the surgeon to see any problems in the hip joint. The surgeon can then use small instruments to treat some of these problems if appropriate. Hip arthroscopy can help with the following problems:

• Labral tears

• Hip impingement

• Damaged cartilage

• Loose bodies in the joint

Next: What to expect

What to expect

The Operation:

You will have a general anaesthetic which means you will be asleep. The operation usually takes 1 to 2 hours. We use a special table to access your hip joint. This moves the joint a little further apart and allows space to insert the arthroscope. The surgeon will make 2 to 4 small cuts around your hip area. They will insert the arthroscope and any instruments needed to treat your hip through these cuts.

The Wound:

Sometimes we stitch the cuts but not always. We will cover them with a sterile dressing. Usually the nursing staff change this dressing if you stay in overnight, however if it is dry and intact they may leave it. We will give you dressings to take home with you. The nursing staff will discuss this with you on the ward.

Pain Control:

We will inject some local anaesthetic into the joint and around your cuts to help reduce the pain when you wake up. We will also give you pain killers. It is important to let a member of staff know if you are sore so they can give you something to help.

Discharge (Going Home):

Most patients go home the day after their operation but some people go home the same day. This depends what time you are back on the ward and how you are feeling.

Next: Complications


After a hip arthroscopy it is likely that you will have some muscle bruising and swelling around the hip and thigh. As with any surgical procedure there is a small risk of other complications. These may include:

  1.  Difficulty passing urine or having a bowel movement after the operation.
  2.  Problems with the anaesthetic or development of an acute medical problem (clarify).
  3.  Wound Infections: If you notice a change in the area around your wounds and they become red, very hot and swollen, or if you develop any discharge from your wounds please see your GP as soon as possible?
  4. Blood clots in your calf are known as a DVT (deep vein thrombosis):

• You may go home on aspirin to help prevent this however the best way to reduce the risk is to do the exercises in this booklet regularly and by moving around.

• If you experience pain and tenderness in your calf and it becomes hot and swollen please see your GP.

    5. Blood clots in your lung known as a PE (pulmonary embolis):

• If you experience a sudden shortness of breath which is unusual for you please see your GP.

    6. Damage or bruising to a minor nerve leading to numbness or tingling in your thigh, groin or genitalia.

    7. Damage to the major blood vessels or nerves around the joint or the joint itself.

Next: Physiotherapy


You will normally see a physiotherapist before you go home. They will show you some exercises to help keep the muscles around your hip strong and to get the hip moving. These exercises are shown in this booklet.

We will give you elbow crutches to help you walk after the operation. You may be able to take as much weight as you feel able to through your hip (fully weight bearing) but we will often advise you to take some weight off the hip by leaning through the elbow crutches (partial weight bearing). This will depend on what treatment you have done and on your consultant’s wishes. For example if you have a simple labral tidy up you will usually be able to fully weight bear. However if you have a more extensive procedure such as microfracture on your joint surface we will normally advise you to take minimal weight through your hip for 4-6 weeks. The physiotherapist will advise you how much weight to take through your hip and how long you will need to use your elbow crutches.

We will show you how to go up and down stairs before you go home.

Your physiotherapist is likely to refer you to your local physiotherapy department for ongoing rehabilitation and in some places they may refer you for hydrotherapy (rehabilitation in water). This will depend on where you stay and on your consultant’s wishes.

Next: Exercises


1. Ankle pumps: Pull your ankles backwards and forwards and circle them around. This increases the blood flow in your legs and helps prevent clots forming.

2. Static Quads: Point your toes to the ceiling. Press the back of our knee against the bed tightening up the muscle at the front of your thigh. Hold for 5 seconds then relax. Repeat 10 times.

3. Static Gluts: Squeeze your bottom muscles together. Hold for 5 seconds then relax. Repeat 10 times.

4. Static Hamstrings. Dig your heel into the bed as if trying to bend your knee. Hold for 5 seconds then relax. Repeat 10 times.

5. Hip Flexion: Bend your hip and knee up and down. You might find this easier at first if you hook a scarf around your foot and use this to help pull your leg up. Do 2 sets of 10.

Following some procedures this movement may be restricted for 4-6 weeks. Your physiotherapist will advise you if this is the case.

6. Hip Abduction: Bring your leg out to the side then back in again. You might find this easier at first if you hook a scarf around your foot and use this to help pull your leg out to the side and back in. Do 2 sets of 10.

It is important to do these exercises regularly. We advise you to try and do them 4 times a day or even a set of 10 every hour or two.

 Next: Going Up and Down Stairs

Going UP and Downs Stairs

If a handrail is available then always use it as well as one crutch. Your physiotherapist will teach you how to carry your other crutch up the stairs as you will need it when you get to the top.

Going up stairs:

1. Place your un-operated leg up onto the step

2. Lift your operated leg onto the same step

3. Bring the crutch up onto the same step

Going down the stairs:

1. Place your crutch down onto the step below

2. Step down with your operated leg

3. Bring your un-operated leg down onto the same step

 Next: General Advice Following your Hip Arthroscopy

General Advice Following your Hip Arthroscopy


This may help with pain and swelling around the hip or thigh area. Wrap an ice pack or a bag of frozen peas in a towel and rest this on your hip or thigh area. Do not leave on for any longer than 20 minutes at a time.

Pain Relief:

We will usually give you a 7 day supply of pain killers to take home with you and can get more from your GP if necessary once these run out. If you experience more pain when you go home and do not feel the pain killers are helping, please see your GP.

Wound Care:

If you have stitches you will need to visit your practice nurse 10-12 days after your operation to have these removed. The nursing staff will discuss your wound care with you before going home.


It is important to do the exercises in this booklet regularly to prevent your hip becoming stiff and weak. Most patients are referred for physiotherapy locally once they are home. The length of time you need to go to physiotherapy will depend on the treatment that you have and also on what activities you plan on getting back to. You are likely to attend physiotherapy for at least 3 months.

Next: Return to Activity

Return to Activity
  • Driving: You can begin driving when you are allowed to be fully weight bearing, walking without crutches and feel comfortable to do so. Only return to driving when able to comfortably and safely change gear and carry out an emergency stop. This will vary depending on what treatment you have and on your consultant’s wishes.
  •  Work: This will depend on your job and on what treatment you have done. People in manual jobs or jobs involving a lot of walking are likely to need longer off than those who have jobs involving mainly sitting. Please discuss this with your consultant while in the hospital or in the clinic
  •  Sport: Your physiotherapist will advise you about returning to sport. Again this will depend on what treatment you have done and on the sport you wish to return to.

Next: Routine Follow-Up

Routine Follow-Up

We will see you back at the clinic 4-6 weeks after your operation. You may then have a further appointment about 12 weeks after the operation. If you need further appointments we will arrange these.