Only start the following exercises when your physiotherapist tells you it is OK to do so.
7. Knee Flexion and Hip Extension
Knee Flexion Position – Lie face down.
Action – Tuck your good leg bend your operated leg to help bend your knee to 90
Hip extension
If you can bend knee freely to 90 degrees, extend your hip by lifting your thigh off the bed.
Return to starting position.
Repeat each 10 times 3 times per day.
8. Hip Abduction Position – Lie on your side with your back against a wall.
Action – Keeping the heel in contact with the wall, slowly raiseyour leg.
Return to starting point. Repeat 10 times 3 times per day.
9. Action- Move your weight from side to side over your feet.
Repeat 10 times 3 times per day.
10. Single leg balance Position – Standing on one leg.
Action – Practise standing on your operated leg. Try to increase the time to match your good leg.
Hold for 30 Seconds
Repeat 10 times 3times per day.
11. Calf stretch Position– Stand by a chair or wall for support.
Action – Step back with one leg and stretch the calf by pushing the front knee forward.
Make sure your feet are pointing forwards and your heels stay in contact with the floor.
Hold for 30 Seconds
12. Mini Squat Position – Stand by a chair for balance if needed.
Action – Bend your knees and hips as if going to sit on a chair.
Do not bend the knees more than 50 degrees (halfway down).
Return to starting position.
Repeat 10 times 3 times per daily.
13. Heel raise Position – Stand by a chair for balance if needed.
Action – Slowly raise your heel up from floor, move up onto your toes.
Repeat 10 times 3times per day.
To progress you can add a hand weight.
14. Cardiovascular exercise
Using a Static bike and cycle with low resistance.
Cycle for 10 -15 minutes – before (as a warm-up) and following your exercises.
Your physiotherapist will give you guidance on all exercises.