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Staff Resources & Support

This section looks at more in depth digital resources related to Virtual Patient Management. A term that describes all the work relating to patient care that isn’t face-to-face in nature.

Virtual Patient Management


Website build

  • Your service will greatly benefit from having its own site to promote your work and provide lots of useful information to your patients.

See Podiatry as a really good example.

  • You require to get access to WordPress and you will be given help and instruction from the Web Team, you can find out more on their Website SharePoint site. See Leading Digital pages for more information.
  • Physiotherapists and other AHPs such as Podiatry and Orthotics can use this tool for free. Log a call with eHelp to have it downloaded to your PC or laptop. Have a look at the training stream. A SWAY is also available on request from
  • Can you make use of QR codes and email facility to make it easy for your patients to access?
  • Can you make templates for commonly used exercises and activities?
  • Add your own videos and photographs if required.  
  • Just remember to limit the patient data the site asks for. Stick to initials only and always gain consent from the patient before making use of their email.
Netcall Patient Hub
  • This is a new system to NHSGGC. Information can be transferred electronically to your patients and including a digital appointment service.
  • They will be able to receive notification of their appointment and interact by accepting, cancelling or requesting to rebook.
  • It can be used to send leaflets, questionnaires and test results. The tonsillectomy service are now using a pre-op questionnaire which the patient completes and sends back with no need for a face-to-face appointment.
  • If you think your service would benefit from using this in the future, put in a project request via the Project Management Office.
  • Email is fast becoming a popular way for patients to connect with their healthcare professionals.
  • Use your own or set up a generic mailbox for your service.
  • Review the Information Security: Acceptable Use policy for information on emailing patients to ensure safe use. It’s a safe and secure method of delivery for information such as exercise programmes, advice following provision of equipment, quick confirmation of appointment time. 
  • It shouldn’t be used for detailed clinical discussion and must have the minimum of identifiable data included in the body of text.
Data coding
  • Most of us now write in to an electronic patient record.
  • All the systems have the function of using ‘structured’ data by linking to read codes or Snomed CT.
  • Services can pull lots of information by using simple coding to, for example, code a referral type or condition.
  • You can see how making use of this gives access to powerful data about your service.
  • Talk to your service leads about using this functionality.

Asynchronous appointments

  • Asynchronous appointments or those not done in ‘real time’ can be used to cut down face-to-face visits.
  • Allows patients to answer a questionnaire or provide a short video or photograph in the comfort of their own home.
  • You can then view this later before making a decision about further therapy.
  • This image would need to be part of the clinical record and there are several products being tried and tested – SCIT app dermatology, vCreate neurology.


  • The MIMs (Medical Illustration Management System) upgrade is a project in progress to provide a stable system for NHSGGC which allows capture of all types of clinical image.

Referral Triage

  • Active Clinical Referral Triage isn’t a specific digital tool. It is a model of working now used widely across services. It facilities virtual patient management and allows faster and improved flow of work getting the patient seen by the right clinician by the most appropriate method. Can this model be implemented within your service?

Dear SAS colleague,

We extend a warm welcome to you in your new role as a Specialty Doctor/Specialty Dentist in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde!

We are a team of three NES SAS Education Advisors in GG&C. Once notified by HR of your appointment, one of us will make personal contact as your designated advisor. You will be added to our SAS contact list and we will share relevant information pertaining to education, training and SAS development funding opportunities. We can offer guidance on career development, job planning and appraisal. We are also a point of support for your wellbeing.

There are approximately 1300 SAS grade doctors and dentists working in NHS Scotland. They make up about 25% of the senior medical workforce. Many are working in various specialties across GG&C, so please reach out – we would all like to meet you. By now, you will have had induction pertaining to your clinical role. Here, we summarise information on local contacts and links relevant to our SAS workforce.

NHSGGC SAS Education Advisors
Local BMA SAS Representatives
Contact for Occupational Health
Whistleblowing Details
Health Board Appraisal Lead
HR Manager, Job Planning
Other useful local links

Here is a helpful guide for people new to the SAS grade: Guidance for SAS Doctors and Dentists ( An induction checklist for SAS can be accessed here: nesd1227-sas-induction-checklist.pdf (

    We have lots of resources on the Scotland Deanery website about our SAS Development Programme including details on SAS Development Fund Application Process | Scotland Deanery (, which is over and above your entitlement to regular study leave funding. This may assist you to develop new or improved clinical services, or to enhance your role within your clinical team. It can also be used for short term top up training for CESR.

    We encourage that you consider taking up associate membership with your relevant specialty Royal College and sign up for e-Portfolio, as do trainees in your specialty. This will enable you to record your training experience prospectively, allow procedural training to be listed and signed off and help plan your training needs. By collecting the data as you go along, you will be in a good position to re-join formal training or consider future specialist registration status from a SAS post (CESR), should you so wish. If you are pursuing CESR, you can join our NES CESR Peer Support group via MS Teams which features regular webinars by SAS who have achieved CESR.

    We wish you every success and happiness in your new role and look forward to meeting you at our local meetings, SAS webinars and education sessions!

    Mun, Linda and Gary

    Dr Mun Woo – Associate Specialist, Renal and Transplant Services, Inverclyde Royal Hospital, GGC Training Lead / ADME (SAS)

    Dr Linda Stephen – Associate Specialist, Department of Neurology, Epilepsy Unit, West of Glasgow ACH-Yorkhill

    Dr Gary Manson – Staff Grade, Accident and Emergency, Royal Alexandra Hospital

    If you feel we should include anything please let us know:

    Contact Telephone Number

    • Call Reception: 0141 211 8580

    Contact Email Address

    Site contacts

    • Gartnavel General Hospital: 0141 211 3171
    • Glasgow Dental Hospital: 0141 211 9725
    • Glasgow Royal Infirmary: 0141 211 8580
    • Inverclyde Royal Hospital: 01475 54379
    • Royal Alexandra Hospital: 0141 314 7057
    • Royal Hospital for Children: 0141 452 2880
    • Queen Elizabeth University Hospital: 0141 452 2880
    • New Stobhill Hospital: 0141 355 1406
    • New Victoria Hospital: 0141 347 8537
    • West Glasgow ACH: 0141 201 0164

    Studio and Location Based Clinical Photography

    Clinical photographs provide a permanent and accurate recording of a patient’s condition, and are used to monitor the progress of treatment, assist with diagnosis, and for triage (further specialist opinion). All patients can be seen by a photographer within our fully-equipped clinical photographic studios, or on location in wards or clinic areas.

    Fully Trained and Accredited Professional Clinical Photographers

    Photographs are taken by fully qualified professional clinical photographers, who are registered with the Academy of Healthcare Scientists (AHCS) for professional accreditation and regulation. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde has adopted the IMI Code of Responsible Practice and Protocols for Ethical Conduct and Legal Compliance in respect of patient consent and confidentiality. Patients are treated with the upmost respect and care. 

    Full Range of Diagnostic Equipment

    Our photographers are trained to use a broad range of camera equipment to make sure we can provide accurate diagnostic images to our healthcare colleagues, ranging from Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT) for ophthalmic patients to polarised lighting techniques in dermoscopic images for skin specialists.

    Non-clinical and PR Photography

    Our team are accomplished in capturing non-clinical moments within the healthcare environment. This ranges from staff portraits to coverage of high-profile events and visits. Our team has won many professional awards and has been published within various media and news outlets.

    Medicolegal Photography

    Medical Illustration Services will accept instructions from external agencies across the UK requiring personal injury photography. Our expert clinical photographers provide high quality photographic documentation for Personal Injury and Clinical Negligence cases, producing accurate and legitimate photographic evidence of injury.

    Medical Image Manager – MIM

    Medical Image Manager is a purpose-built database solution which allows healthcare professionals to access clinical photographs at workstations using a simple web browser. The system has been fully implemented within the acute hospitals of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

    To log onto MIM click the Medical Image Manager link here or access directly via the Clinical Portal.

    Registration: To register to use the system, please complete the MIM System Access Request Form. This form can be filled in electronically but must be signed and authorised: unsigned electronic copies will not be processed. Due to the sensitive nature of the images held within the database, access is restricted. 

    Important: Users must have an active XGGC account and Clinical Portal account to register for the system.

    Please be aware that access to any patient identifiable information is governed by the Data Protection Act 1998.  Your rights and responsibilities under this act can be found in the NHS Code of Practice on Protecting Patient Confidentiality.

    Email us if you have any enquiries.

    Secure Clinical Image Transfer – SCIT

    Clinical photographs used for treatment planning, diagnosis, and recording and monitoring the progress of a patient’s condition, form an essential part of the patient’s healthcare record.

    The Secure Clinical Image Transfer (SCIT) app is NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s approved method for capturing clinical photographs securely on a registered mobile device in acute and community settings.

    Authorised users of the SCIT app should familiarise themselves with the SCIT Usage Policy, NHSGGC’s Information Security, Mobile Communications, and Recordings (Photography and Video) for Clinical and Service Use policies, and work in compliance with them at all times.

    SCIT can only be used on NHS GGC-owned devices, and should only be used if professional clinical photography services are not available. SCIT cannot be used on personal devices at this point in time.

    Approved devices: NHS GGC-issued Samsung mobile phones (ordered through Telecomms)

    Users will be audited in terms of user access, data input, and image quality, and notified of any issues; if ongoing, you’ll be removed from the authorised list and the SCIT app deactivated.

    If you have an approved device, you can apply for access to SCIT.

    Training: Watch the SCIT Overview and Training video for more information.

    Print on the Web – POTW

    A searchable patient information resource database relating to conditions treatments and services provided by our hospitals. Written by our health care professionals, and reviewed regularly to ensure all information is up to date. PDF previews of each document can be viewed before ordering.


    From a simple piece to camera, to role play, training, or complex campaigns and dramatisations, together we’ll help you film concepts with impact. We work within sensitive clinical environments, and understand the requirements for patient consent, confidentiality, and infection control when filming clinical programmes. Most of our work is undertaken outside the studio, to bring a sense of realism and to create a dynamic that presents the viewer with a compelling series of visuals. Our production services include design for animation and motion graphics produced in-house at our studio in Glasgow Royal Infirmary.

    Our standard production studio is a flexible space that can accommodate green screen arrangements, and our in-house autocue system can also be used on location. We’ll work with you to create resources that have impact and can be readily adapted for subtitling, translation or British Sign Language (BSL). Never has it been so important to understand how we engage with communities and we are proud of our work that reflects this.

    Simple Recordings

    So many services find themselves changing practices, and are left without an easy way to train, educate or consult. We’ve introduced a simple studio-based recording service to allow us to meet this demand. We can still offer fully supported productions but these take longer in planning. We’ll review your requirements, contact you for any clarifications and confirm what the cost will be.

    How we work

    Tell us what you need and how you think it might look. We’ll work to understand your requirements, and how closely you want to be involved in production. Once agreed, we’ll develop the project plan with you. In essence, we take complex ideas and interpret them, turning the problem in to a simple and clever narrative. If we don’t understand your goals, then we can’t produce what you need, so we revisit your ideas until we do, and support you in co-writing your script. Dependent on the treatment, we interpret a script visually by creating an image sequence (storyboard) that helps you ‘see’ the film before it’s made. Once the proposal has been signed off, we’ll assign a dedicated producer who’ll be your contact, overseeing the whole project. This tends to happen quickly over a short space of time, and with good reason. Everything should be planned, agreed and in place. It’s where we bring together yours and our commitment. From the outset, we need to know your deadline, and equally important, how and where the production is going to be used. Understanding release intention is key to successful promotion, and if you are unsure then we can advise on how best this can be delivered.

    Supporting Patients

    Giving patients information they need in a clear, appropriate format is one of the key roles of the Graphic Design & Print Team. We maintain and supply over 1000 patient information leaflets across the service. We support health improvement campaigns and well-being initiatives including exhibition/display designs, brochures, posters, branding, and promotional ideas, and offer a bespoke solution to every situation.

    Supporting the Organisation

    We provide signage and wayfinding, design and print forms, ensuring that through quality of design, all standards are adhered to – governance, branding, and accessibility.

    Supporting Staff

    NHSGGC relies on its staff to deliver the best quality healthcare, and we help you deliver that care. You’ll receive the best advice on how to deliver essential information in the most appropriate and cost-effective way.

    Supporting the Environment

    Despite a commitment to paper-light practices, there is still a huge volume of print undertaken within GGC. We have the biggest in-house NHS print facility in Scotland, to match our print on demand requirement. We provide a robust professional print-buying service ensuring best value for money and quality assurance, using the Government Procurement Tender (Quick Quote) and PECOS systems.

    Medical Illustration Services provide a professional and clinical photography, video and graphic design service to healthcare professionals within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, and to external organisations and private clients. We promote best practice for clinical care and documentation, and support teaching and research. Our staff are qualified healthcare scientists, who work to the highest standards with the latest technology available.

    Further Information

    The continued learning opportunities of our AHP workforce is of vital importance, in consolidating the services we deliver today, and ensuring our teams are enabled to deliver the services and roles we aspire to in the future.

    The NHSGGC AHP Learning and Development Strategic Framework has been designed to support all AHP staff in NHSGGC to access educational opportunities. This being at all levels of practice across the career framework, from Health Care Support Worker to Advanced and Consultant level of practice.

    The framework highlights that all staff will have equal access to ongoing learning, training and development within their role. Recognising that AHP capabilities are required of all staff across the four pillars of practice. These being clinical practice, facilitation of learning, leadership and evidence, research and development (including service improvement).

    Professional and Service Leads developed the framework following an AHP staff communication exercise. The framework is underpinned by the four pillars of practice and it is aligned to local and national policy drivers. The framework is accessible, easy to understand and key in supporting AHPs to take ownership of their learning and development. It is a live resource to support meaningful role and career conversations.

    Welcome to NHSGGC Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor Portal. This portal has been designed to provide information and support for those who supervise and assess learners in our practice learning environments.

    NHSGGC Practice Supervisor and Practice Assessor Portal – Feedback and Suggestions

    If you would like to make a suggestion or provide the Practice Education Team with feedback as to how we could improve the PS/PA Portal, please email:

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