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Your health

Here you’ll find our series of Control IT Plus videos, which you can watch in your own time, taking you through a shorter version of the programme.

If, having watched these videos, you would like to join one of our group sessions, or have any questions please get in touch. Just click on ‘Further Learning’ below.


What to expect from Control IT Plus.

Know IT Plus

Understanding and managing Type 2 Diabetes.

Eat IT

Healthy eating and the impact of diet on your health.

Move IT

The benefits of physical activity.

Toe IT

Your guide to foot care and its importance.

Plan IT

Setting goals to self-manage your condition.

Live IT

Services and resources to help you self-manage your condition.

Further Learning

To self-refer to one of our group Control It Plus sessions, or if you have any questions please get in touch.


Phone: 0141 531 8901 (Opening Hours: Monday – Friday, 08:30-16:30)

Don’t forget you can access our Control It Plus programme booklet.

In addition, My Diabetes My Way have a rang of eLearning courses which can support your self-management and we would encourage to complete these.

Princess Royal Maternity Hospital

Enhanced Recovery after Obstetric Surgery in Scotland (EROSS) class

This class is available for those who are planning to have a caesarean section – Caesarean Section Preparation Class. This class is available at the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital every second Thursday at 11.00am on Microsoft Teams.

Class invitations will be sent to individuals once their caesarean section date has been booked.

Pelvic Girdle Pain class (PGP class)

This class is available for those who are struggling with Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) during their pregnancy. This class runs at the Princess Royal Maternity Hospital every second Wednesday afternoon at 1.00pm on Microsoft Teams and every second Monday afternoon between 1.00pm and 2.00pm face to face.

If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Information about how to manage PGP is available.

(NEW) Physiotherapy led Care of your body during Pregnancy class

This class is available from 12 weeks pregnant onwards. It will provide you with an opportunity to discuss pregnancy related changes to your body and how to manage them. It also aims to promote health, wellbeing and exercise in pregnancy.

This class will run every second Monday from 1.00pm to 2.30pm at the Physiotherapy Department.

If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Inverclyde Royal Hospital

Pelvic Girdle Pain class (PGP class)

This class is available for women who are struggling with Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) during their pregnancy. This class runs at the Inverclyde Royal Hospital every Thursday morning at 11.00 am on Microsoft Teams. If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Information about how to manage PGP is available here.

(NEW) Physiotherapy led Care of your body during Pregnancy class

Please note, this class is been prepared for you and will be available at the beginning of 2023.

This class is available from 12 weeks pregnant onwards. It will provide you with an opportunity to discuss pregnancy related changes to your body and how to manage them. It also aims to promote health, wellbeing and exercise in pregnancy.

Queen Elizabeth University Maternity Hospital

Pelvic Girdle Pain class (PGP class)

This class is available for women who are struggling with Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) during their pregnancy. This class runs at the Queen Elizabeth University Maternity Hospital every Monday in the afternoon for face to face classes at 13.15pm and Thursday morning at 11.15am. If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Information about how to manage PGP is available here.

If you would like to speak with the team directly, please contact our obstetrics physiotherapy department.

(NEW) Physiotherapy led Care of your body during Pregnancy class

This class is available as a one off class to everyone from 12 weeks pregnant onwards. It will provide you with an opportunity to discuss pregnancy related changes to your body and how to manage them. It also aims to promote health, wellbeing and exercise in pregnancy.

It takes place twice a month, on Fridays between 11-12 am at the Physiotherapy Department on the Ground Floor of the Maternity Unit at the Queen Elizabeth Campus.

If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Royal Alexandra Hospital

Enhanced Recovery after Obstetric Surgery in Scotland (EROSS) class

This class is available for women who are planning to have a caesarean section – Caesarean Section Preparation Class. This class is available at the Royal Alexandra Hospital every Friday afternoon at 2.00pm on Microsoft Teams.

Class invitations will be sent to individuals once their caesarean section date has been booked.

Pelvic Girdle Pain class (PGP class)

This class is available for women who are struggling with Pelvic Girdle Pain (PGP) during their pregnancy. This class runs at the Royal Alexandra Hospital on Monday afternoon at 1.00pm. If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Information about how to manage PGP is available here.

If you would like to speak with the team directly, please contact our obstetrics physiotherapy department.

(NEW) Physiotherapy led Care of your body during Pregnancy class

Please note, this class is been prepared for you and will be available at the beginning of 2023.

This class is available from 12 weeks pregnant onwards. It will provide you with an opportunity to discuss pregnancy related changes to your body and how to manage them. It also aims to promote health, wellbeing and exercise in pregnancy.

This class will run on a Tuesday afternoon, from 1.30pm to 3.00pm in the Parent Education Room 2 on level 3 in the Maternity Unit.

If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Vale of Leven Hospital

(NEW) Physiotherapy led Care of your body during Pregnancy class

Please note, this class is been prepared for you and will be available at the beginning of 2023.

This class is available from 12 weeks pregnant onwards. It will provide you with an opportunity to discuss pregnancy related changes to your body and how to manage them. It also aims to promote health, wellbeing and exercise in pregnancy.

This class will run every six weeks on Tuesdays’ afternoon at the Physiotherapy Department.

If you would like to join the class, please contact our obstetrics department.

Please find bellow all our available resources with booklets and videos on pregnancy, pelvic floor, labour, birth and the post-natal period.

NHSGGC Resources: Booklets
NHSGGC Resources: Booklets’ translations


تمارين تقوية البيرينيوم والبطن للنساء

(Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Exercises for women)

 معلومات حول إصابات العضلة العاصرة الشرجية التوليدية (OASIS)

(Information about Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS))

ممارسة ما بعد الولادة والمشورة

(Post-Natal Exercise and Advice)

العناية بجسمك أثناء الحمل

(Care of your body during Pregnancy)

الوظائف أثناء العمل كتيب

(Positions during labour booklet)

نصيحة مبكرة بعد العملية القيصرية

(Early advice after a Caesarean Section)


Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Exercises for women

Information about Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS)

Post-Natal Exercise and Advice

Care of your body during Pregnancy

Early advice after a Caesarean Section


Exercises de renforcement du périnée et des abdominaux pour les femmes

(Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Exercises for women)

Informations sur les lésions obstétricales du sphincter anal (LOSA)

(Information about Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS))

Premiers conseils après une césarienne

(Early advice after a Caesarean Section)

Exercices et conseils postnatals

(Post-Natal Exercise and Advice)

Prendre soin de son corps pendant la grossesse

(Care of your body during Pregnancy)

Positions et respirations pour l’accouchement

(Positions during labour booklet)


महिलाओं के लिए परिणीति और पेट को मजबूत बनाने के व्यायाम

(Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Exercises for women)

प्रसूति गुदा स्फिंकर चोटों के बारे में जानकारी (ओएसिस)

(Information about Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS))

सीज़ेरियन सेक्शन के बाद जल्द सलाह

(Early advice after a caesarean section)

प्रसव के बाद व्यायाम और सलाह

(Post-Natal Exercise and Advice)

गर्भावस्था के दौरान आपके शरीर की देखभाल

(Care of your body during Pregnancy)

Kurdish Sorani

ڕاهێنانی بەهێزکردنی پێرنیۆم و دووگیانی بۆ ژنان

(Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Exercises for women)

ڕاهێنان و ئامۆژگاری دوای ناتال

(Post-Natal Exercise and Advice)

ئامۆژگاری زوو دوای بەشی قەیسەری

(Early advice after a Caesarean Section)

Mandarin/Simplified Chinese


(Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Exercises for women)

的信息 有关产科肛门括约肌损伤(OASIS)

(Information about Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS))


(Early advice after a Caesarean Section)


(Post-Natal Exercise and Advice)


(Care of your body during Pregnancy)


(Positions during labour booklet)


Krocze i ćwiczenia wzmacniające brzucha dla kobiet

(Pelvic Floor and Abdominal Exercises for women)

 Informacje na temat Urazu poporodowego zwieraczy odbytu

(Information about Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS))

Wczesne porady po cesarskim cięciu

(Early advice after a Caesarean Section)

Ćwiczenia i porady dla kobiet po porodzie

(Post-Natal Exercise and Advice)

Dbaj o swoje ciało w czasie ciąży

(Care of your body during Pregnancy)

Stanowiska podczas pracy broszury

(Positions during labour booklet)


ਪ੍ਰਸੂਤੀ ਗੁਦਾ ਸਫਿਨਟਰ ਸੱਟਾਂ ਬਾਰੇ ਜਾਣਕਾਰੀ (ਓਏਏਸਿਸ)

(Information about Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS))

ਸੀਜ਼ੇਰੀਅਨ ਸੈਕਸ਼ਨ ਦੇ ਬਾਅਦ ਜਲਦੀ ਸਲਾਹ

(Early advice after a caesarean section)

ਜਨਮ ਤੋਂ ਬਾਅਦ ਕਸਰਤ ਅਤੇ ਸਲਾਹ

(Post-Natal Exercise and Advice)

ਗਰਭਅਵਸਥਾ ਦੌਰਾਨ ਤੁਹਾਡੇ ਸਰੀਰ ਦੀ ਸੰਭਾਲ

(Care of your body during Pregnancy)


Sfaturi timpurii pentru Operatia de cezariană

(Early advice after a Caesarean Section)

Informații despre Traumatisme obstetricale ale sfincterului anal (OASIS)

(Information about Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS))

Sfaturi și exerciții postnatale

(Post-Natal Exercise and Advice)

Îngrijirea corpului în timpul sarcinii

(Care of your body during Pregnancy)


Recomendaciones tras una cesarea

(Early Advice after a Caesarean Section)

Información y recomendaciones sobre ejercision posparto

(Post-Natal Exercise And Advice)


Післяпологові вправи та поради

(Post-Natal Exercise And Advice)

ранні поради після кесаревого розтину

(Early advice after a caesarean section)


خواتین کے لئے پیڑو فرش اور پیٹ کی مشقیں

(Pelvic floor and abdominal exercises for women)

زچگی کے گدا سفنکٹر چوٹوں کے بارے میں معلومات (او آئی ایس ای ایس)

(Information about Obstetric Anal Sphincter Injuries (OASIS))

پیدائش کے بعد ورزش اور مشورے

(Post-Natal Exercise and Advice)

حمل کے دوران اپنے جسم کی دیکھ بھال

(Care of your body during Pregnancy)

پیڑو کے اعضاء کے پرولیپس کے بارے میں فزیوتھراپی کی معلومات

(Physiotherapy information about Pelvic Organ Prolapse)

لیبر بکلیٹ کے دوران عہدے

(Positions during labour booklet)

سیزیرین سیکشن کے بعد ابتدائی مشورہ

(Early Advice after a Caesarean Section)

NHSGGC Resources: Videos

During pregnancy and after the birth of your baby, exercising will help you manage the changes occurring to your body to improve your general health. Following these exercises below will also help reduce or prevent aches and pains during pregnancy.

Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises/Kegels Exercises

The pelvic floor muscles sit like a hammock underneath your bladder, bowel and womb. During pregnancy, as the weight from the womb increases as baby grows, your pelvic floor muscles are working harder and at risk of developing pelvic floor dysfunctions. There are other factors that can increase the risk like having a vaginal birth, instrumental birth, heavy baby (more than 4kg), third- or fourth-degree tears and a long second stage of labour.

Helping your pelvic floor muscles recover with specific exercises will help reduce and prevent any symptoms.

Please use the Pelvic Floor, Deep Abdominal and Pelvic Tilting Video and the following patient information leaflet for advice regarding how to exercise your pelvic floor muscles.

For further advice on pelvic floor exercises please refer to:

NHS Highland Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise Information Video:

Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises Information Leaflet:

SqueezyApp for Information Leaflets and Videos on Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises:

Please click on the following link for further advice on Bladder, Bowel and Pelvic Floor Concerns 

Exercises during pregnancy

During pregnancy, we recommend you keep as active as able.

If you were not active before, start slowly. We recommend daily walks, deep abdominal exercises and pelvic tilting to get started.

If you were already active and your regular activity is not a contact sport and doesn’t make you feel in pain or unwell, you can continue practicing it.

Finally, we have put together some more examples of safe exercises during pregnancy.

Please always consult with your Obstetrics Physiotherapist if unsure where to start.

Exercises after Pregnancy and in the Post Natal Period

Generally, walking, pelvic floor exercises, deep abdominal and pelvic tilting exercises are safe a day or two after the delivery of your baby.

Between six and eight weeks after having your baby, you may return to low impact exercises. Always refer to your Obstetrics Physiotherapist for advice and guidance for an individualized programme.

We recommend not starting high impact exercises until after three months from the delivery of your baby to give your pelvic floor plenty of time to recover!

Always refer to your Obstetrics Physiotherapist for advice and guidance for an individualized programme.

During this changing time in your life, Maternity Physiotherapy can help you understand the changes to your body and help you manage them to prevent pain, as well as help you manage any aches or pains, if they arise. Your maternity physiotherapist can also help you find useful resources for care during pregnancy, labour, birth and post-natal care.

In the sections below, you can find information about how Physiotherapy can help you during your pregnancy, labour and birth and in the Post Natal period, through different useful resources.

For more advice or information, please check the obstetrics physiotherapy page for contact details on how to contact the department.

For translated documents into languages other than English, please refer to our Reference Centre section.

Pregnancy Care

During pregnancy, your body needs to adapt to allow for your baby (or babies) to grow and develop, this means your body will change and some aches and pains can occur.

To learn more about the changes in your body during pregnancy and how to care for it, we have put together a video and a leaflet.

Keeping active during pregnancy is also very important and some exercises become especially important during this time, like the pelvic floor, deep abdominal and pelvic tilting exercises or circulation exercises.

We recommend trying relaxation, and other forms of mindfulness to help you better manage all the changes. Follow this video to practice a relaxation session.

External Resources

Fit for Pregnancy Information Leaflet:

NHS Highland Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise Information Video:

Working from Home – Advice and Exercises: 

Reproduced with permission of Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy ( and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy ( 

Labour and Birth

Before the time comes for labour and birth, it will be useful to check our video and leaflet about positions and breathing for labour. We recommend you try this ahead of time and with your birthing partner so you can be more comfortable and in control on the day.

Relaxation can also be really helpful during this uncertain time and you can find a relaxation session and leaflet on the topic.

Are you have a Caesarean Birth? We also got you covered! Check our video about an elective caesarean birth journey and what to work on after. We also have a Caesarean Section Preparation Class that runs in some of our sites.

External Resources 

Information about pregnancy, labour and birth and early parenthood – Ready Steady Baby!

Information about pain relief options – Labour Pains UK

Relaxation for Labour Demo Video – BabyCentre UK

Breathing for Labour Video – BabyCentre UK

Positions for Labour Video – BabyCentre UK

Massage of Labour Video – New Life Classes Ltd

Relaxation Information Leaflet:

Fit for Birth Information Leaflet:

Reproduced with permission of, NHS inform – Ready Steady Baby!, BabyCentre, New Life Classes and Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy (

Post Natal Care

After pregnancy it is as important to look after yourself. We have put together advice and information to help you recover after labour and birth, either vaginal or by caesarean section, including videos and leaflets on Post Natal Advice and Exercise, early advice after a caesarean section birth and physiotherapy advice after a caesarean section birth, and Diastasis Rectus Abdominus Muscles (DRAM).

For more information on Post Natal Exercises, please visit our key exercises section.

For more information about Diastasis Rectus Abdominus Mucles (DRAM), please visit our common pregnancy related aches, pains and concerns section.

We’re a team of highly skilled physiotherapists who specialise in maternity physiotherapy, that is, in the assessment and treatment of people during and after their pregnancy.

We provide ante natal and post natal appointments for:

  • Muscle and joint issues such as: Low back pain, Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle Pain (PPGP), Diastasis Rectus Abdominus Muscles (DRAM), Coccydynia (tailbone pain), Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, DeQuervains Synovitis (thumb pain).
  • Bladder, bowel and pelvic floor issues such as difficulty controlling or emptying the bladder or bowel, prolapse symptoms and pelvic pain.

We also provide the following classes

  • Physiotherapy led Care of your body in pregnancy Class
  • Enhanced Recovery after Obstetrics Surgery in Scotland (EROSS)/caesarean section classes
  • Pelvic Girdle Pain class (PGP class)

Helpful resources

How to Access the Obstetrics Physiotherapy Department

If you have tried our helpful resources, but you still required further Physiotherapy input, you can complete one of our self-referral forms. The Obstetrics Physiotherapy service accepts self-referral forms by post or email. You can find these below.

Contact Details

Inverclyde Royal Hospital – Obstetrics Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Department
Level C
Inverclyde Royal Hospital 
Larkfield Road
Greenock PA16 0XN

Call: 01475 504 373

Princess Royal Maternity Hospital – Obstetrics Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Department
Level 2
Princess Royal Maternity Hospital 
16 Alexandra Parade
Glasgow G31 2ER

Call: 0141 201 3432

Queen Elizabeth University Maternity Hospital – Obstetrics Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Department
Room 3, 1st Floor Admin Corridor
Maternity Unit
1345 Govan Road
Glasgow G51 4TF

Call: 0141 201 2324

Royal Alexandra Hospital – Obstetrics Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Department
Ground Floor
Maternity Unit
Royal Alexandra Hospital
Corsebar Road
Paisley PA2 9PN

Call: 0141 314 6765

Vale of Leven Hospital – Obstetrics Physiotherapy

Physiotherapy Department
Vale of Leven Hospital
Main Street 
Alexandria G83 0UA

Call: 01389 817 531

Comments, Suggestions and Complaints

Or contact us via phone: 0141 201 4500 or email:

Add text

On this page you will find useful information to help further manage your condition and/or your overall health.

If you have attended our Pelvic Floor or Obstetrics Physiotherapy service, your Physiotherapist will be able to direct you to the most important information and advice for you as an individual.

Understanding Pain
Other Physiotherapy Pathways
Physical Activity
Coping with Stress, Anxiety or Depression
Sleep, Alcohol, Smoking, Weight Management
Gender-Based Violence & Human Trafficking

You can use the following sections to find advice and exercises to help you manage pregnancy related aches and pains and concerns

Inside each section, you fill find instructions on how to contact the physiotherapy department if required.

For any general questions, please visit the obstetrics physiotherapy site for all the contact details.

Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle Pain

Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle Pain is aches and pains experienced during pregnancy or in the early post-natal period around pubic bone, groin, buttocks, hips and/or lower back.

Use the links below for advice on how to manage Pregnancy related Pelvic Girdle Pain (PPGP):

External Resources

PGP Leaflet:

Working from Home – Advice and Exercises: 

Reproduced with permission of Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy ( and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy ( 

NHS Highland Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise Information Video:

NHS Lanarkshire Pelvic Girdle Pain Management

Getting in touch

Please contact your obstetrics physiotherapy department  if your symptoms get worse or don’t improve with the above advice and exercises. You can contact the department during pregnancy and up to six weeks after giving birth.

You can request to attend one of our online Pelvic Girdle Pain classes. See more information here.

Pregnancy Related Low Back Pain

Pregnancy related Low Back Pain is pain experienced during pregnancy or in the early post-natal period around the bottom of your back. If you have pain in other areas around your back, this information will also be useful.

Use the links below for advice on low back pain during pregnancy or after having a baby:

External Resources

Getting in touch

Please contact your obstetrics physiotherapy department  if your symptoms get worse or don’t improve with the above advice and exercises. You can contact the department during pregnancy and up to six weeks after giving birth.

Diastasis Rectus Abdominus Muscles

Diastasis Rectus Abdominus is the normal widening of your tummy muscles during pregnancy to accommodate your growing baby. After having your baby, this widening can take up to a year to recover, however, sometimes it can take longer and you may require a specialist physiotherapist to review them for you.

Use the links below for advice on Diastasis Rectus Abdominus Muscles or DRAM.

External Resources

Getting in touch

Please contact your obstetrics physiotherapy department if you have any further concerns with your abdominal muscles or are interested in starting an exercise program. You can contact the department during pregnancy and up to six weeks after giving birth.

Bladder, Bowel and Pelvic Floor Concerns

Use the links below for advice on bladder, bowel and/or pelvic floor concerns:

Please use the following Relaxation Video to use alongside pelvic floor relaxation.

External Resources

Continence Information Leaflet

Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises Information Leaflet

Pelvic Organ Prolapse Leaflet

Bowel Function Leaflet

NHS Highland Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise Information Video

SqueezyApp for Information Leaflets and Videos on Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercises

Reproduced with permission of Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy ( and

Getting in touch

Please contact your obstetrics physiotherapy department if your symptoms get worse or don’t improve with the above advice and exercises. You can contact the department throughout pregnancy and up to twelve weeks post natal.


Coccydynia or tailbone pain is pain experienced on the sitting bone, specially when sitting. This can appear during pregnancy or in the early post-natal period due to the changes happening to your body.

Use the links below for advice about coccydynia or tailbone pain:

External Resources

Working from Home – Advice and Exercises

Reproduced with permission of Pelvic Obstetric and Gynaecological Physiotherapy ( and the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy ( 

Getting in touch

Please contact your obstetrics physiotherapy department  if your symptoms get worse or don’t improve with the above advice and exercises. You can contact the department during pregnancy and up to six weeks after giving birth.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome is pain, numbness, pins and needles and tingling of the fingers and hand(s). There may be also swelling of the hands and you might feel your hands are clumsy, weak and tire easily. This can appear during pregnancy or in the early post-natal period due to the changes happening to your body.

Use the links below for advice on how to manage carpal tunnel syndrome:

Wrist Splint Size Guide

Reference to measure wrist splint size

Getting in touch

Please contact your obstetrics physiotherapy department if your symptoms get worse or don’t improve with the above advice and exercises. You can contact the department during pregnancy and up to six weeks after giving birth.

DeQuervains Synovitis

DeQuervains Synovitis is pain on the base of the thumb, swelling and reduced movement. This can appear during pregnancy or in the early post-natal period due to the changes happening to your body.

Use the links below for advice on how to manage DeQuervains Synovitis:

Thumb Spica Size Guide

Reference to measure thumb spica size

Getting in touch

Please contact your obstetrics physiotherapy department if your symptoms get worse or don’t improve with the above advice and exercises. You can contact the department during pregnancy and up to six weeks after giving birth.