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Your health

Protected Characteristics

Marginalised Groups

For some groups of people, a combination of factors such as discrimination, prejudice, stigma and life circumstances, steadily increase their risk of poor health.

Some of these people are protected by equality laws. Many of them use health services where their additional needs can be met through Inequalities Sensitive Practice.

Asylum Seekers and Refugees

An Asylum Seeker is a person who has submitted an application for protection under the Geneva Convention and is waiting for the claim to be decided by the Home Office.

A refugee is someone who has had their asylum claim accepted.

While it is relatively easy to account for the number of people seeking asylum living in Glasgow, it is more challenging to establish the number of refugees. There are no reliable figures available on the number of refugees in the UK, Scotland or Glasgow.

Issues for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Many of those arriving in Scotland are families with children who are fleeing violence and persecution in their own country. They are coming here because they are vulnerable. We are well-equipped to help. A support structure is already in place for all nationalities seeking asylum. Central government meets the reasonable costs of looking after asylum seekers, so local services will not suffer.

Recent research in Glasgow showed that key issues for people from minority ethnic communities include:

  • safety – racism, hate crime and relationships with the police;
  • social opportunities – culturally appropriate sport and leisure services;
  • health – awareness of services, issues around isolation, lack of culturally sensitive services;
  • employment – high priority issue, some variations in employment levels across ethnic groups;
  • learning – English language classes and culturally sensitive learning opportunities; and
  • other priority areas – suitable housing. 

Key Resources

Useful Weblinks for Asylum Seekers and Refugees

Amnesty International – Working to protect Human Rights Worldwide

Asylum Aid – Asylum Aid is a charity which provides free legal advice and representation to refugees and
asylum-seekers seeking safety in the UK from persecution. We also campaign for the fair
treatment of refugees in the UK

Asylum rights – Asylum Rights in the 21st Century – a critical resource


Publications available online include:

  • Asylum seekers: meeting their healthcare needs British Medical Association Board of Science and Education October 2002
  • Access to health care for asylum seekers January 2001
  • Asylum seekers – health in the UK October 2002
  • Asylum seekers & health : a BMA & Medical Foundation for the Care of the Victims of Torture
  • Statistics from BMA /Refugee Council refugee doctor database April 2003

Ethnic Minorities Law Centre, Glasgow – The Ethnic Minorities Law Centre is a recognised Scottish charity and has been operating since 1991 as a non-profit making company limited by guarantee providing ethnic minority
communities with access to professional services to address unmet legal needs.

European Council on refugees – ECRE is an umbrella organisation of 74 refugee-assisting agencies in 31 countries working towards fair and humane policies for the treatment of asylum seekers and refugees.

HARPWEB – A directory of information and resources concerning health needs of asylum seekers and

Health Education Board for Scotland – On 1 April 2003, the Health Education Board for Scotland (HEBS) and the Public Health Institute of Scotland (PHIS) merged to become NHS Health Scotland.

The Health Education Board for Scotland is Scotland’s national agency for health education,
health promotion, health advice and health information

Medical Foundation for the Victims of Torture – Founded in 1985 the Medical Foundation for the Victims of Torture provides care and rehabilitation to survivors of torture and other forms of organised violence,

Positive Action in Housing – This web site provides information on the purpose of the body, its recent activities and
campaigns. The site also offers access to recent news stories, articles and speeches arranged
thematically. Topics covered include: race and housing in Scotland, racial discrimination and
harassment of refugees, new housing legislation and Scottish housing policy.

The Refugee Survival Trust – This web site provides access to basic information on the aims of the organisation and its current work.
It includes links to recent government reports relating to refugees and asylum seekers

The Refugee Council (UK) – The Refugee Council is a registered charity giving help and support to refugees arriving and
living in Britain. This site gives details of the council’s work, their interpretation of press coverage of the refugee situation in Britain and accounts from refugees themselves about their experiences. Also offers training courses across the UK for people working with refugees and asylum seekers.

Refugee Health in London – This excellent report gives an overview of many of the health issues for asylum seekers
and refugees.

Scottish Refugee Council – The Scottish Refugee Council is a Scottish Charity providing advice, information and assistance to asylum seekers and refugees in Scotland.

Ex-Service Personnel

Data from a range of support organisations indicate that many ex-service personnel can be vulnerable to a range of health and social inequalities, for example homelessness or mental health problems such as depression and stress. They can have difficulty finding employment, claiming benefits and with social isolation.

Health Concerns regarding ex-service personnel

Research has found that depression is a more common mental health condition than post-traumatic stress disorder in UK ex-service personnel. Only about half of those who have a diagnosis are seeking help currently, mainly from their GP. Only a small number of individuals seek help from specialists.
A considerable number of people leaving the forces or finishing a posting find it difficult reintegrating into their communities and to civilian life in general. In Glasgow, research showed that armed forces veterans made up more than 1 in 10 of the homeless population in the city.

Key Resources

A number of national organisations provide a range of information, advice and practical support including the Ministry of Defence, Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Families Association and Veterans Scotland. Local councils will provide housing support and advice.

And a wide number of national and local charities also offer specialist support

Gypsy Travellers

How many Scottish Gypsy Travellers are there?

Organisations that work with Gypsy/Travellers believe Scotland’s community comprises 15,000 to 20,000 people. Numbers are uncertain because people are reluctant to self-identify as a Gypsy for fear of prejudice or official interference.

Who are Gypsy Travellers?

Gypsy Travellers refers to all travelling communities who regard ‘travelling’ as an important aspect of their ethnic/cultural identity. They come from Scotland, other parts of the UK and other parts of Europe. Other groups of travellers include new travellers (previously new age travellers) or occupational travellers (show or fairground). Gypsy Travellers are the only one of these groups to be protected by equalities legislation.

Discrimination and Prejuduce

Gypsy Travellers experience discrimination in health, housing, education, work and from settled communities. This is due to negative stereotypes and prejudice towards Gypsy Travellers. Many Gypsy Travellers face harassment and verbal and physical hostility from local communities.

The following points highlight a few key areas of concern from among the severe, wide-ranging inequalities and problems faced.

  • Gypsies and Travellers die earlier than the rest of the population.
  • They experience worse health, yet are less likely to receive effective, continuous healthcare.
  • Children’s educational achievements are worse, and declining still further (contrary to the national trend).
  • Participation in secondary education is extremely low: discrimination and abusive behaviour on the part of school staff and other students are frequently cited as reasons for children and young people leaving education at an early age.
  • There is a lack of access to pre-school, out-of-school and leisure services for children and young people.
  • There is substantial negative psychological impact on children who experience repeated brutal evictions, family tensions associated with insecure lifestyles, and an unending stream of extreme hostility from the wider population.
  • Employment rates are low, and poverty high.
  • There is an increasing problem of substance abuse among unemployed and disaffected young people.
  • There are high suicide rates among the communities.
  • Within the criminal justice system there is a process of accelerated criminalisation at a young age, leading rapidly to custody. 
  • Policy initiatives and political systems that are designed to promote inclusion and equality frequently exclude Gypsies and Travellers. 
  • There is a lack of access to culturally appropriate support services for people in the most vulnerable situations, such as women experiencing domestic violence.
  • Gypsies’ and Travellers’ culture and identity receive little or no recognition, with consequent and considerable damage to their self-esteem.
  • The lack of systematic ethnic monitoring of Gypsies and Travellers who use public services

Health Impact

Although little Scottish specific data exists on the health of Gypsy Travellers, wider UK studies consistently show that Gypsy Travellers have significantly poorer health even when compared to other economically disadvantaged UK residents from minority populations. 

Key Resources


Improving the Lives of Gypsy/Travellers – 2019-21


Homeless People

Why do people become homeless?

The reasons why people become homeless can be varied and complicated, however some of the most common factors might be-

  • A person losing their job and the resulting financial and personal health problems
  • Relationship problems
  • Harassment by neighbours
  • A disaster such as fire or flooding

Some groups of people are more likely to become homeless because they have fewer rights, have particular needs or are less able to cope by themselves. These include:

  • young people
  • old people
  • people with children
  • people with physical or mental health problems
  • people on benefits or low incomes
  • people leaving care
  • ex-armed forces personnel
  • ex-prisoners
  • asylum seekers and refugees

How many Scottish homeless people are there?

The Scottish Government has published the latest round of homelessness statistics covering 1st April 2020 to 31st March 2021, available here: Homelessness in Scotland: 2020 to 2021 The figures show that Glasgow City remains the local authority with the most households assessed as homeless, and West Dunbartonshire had the highest rate of households assessed as homeless and East Dunbartonshire the lowest.

Health and Homelessness

Poor health is not only a consequence of homelessness but can also contribute to someone becoming homeless. More generally there is a greater risk of ill health and of premature death amongst the homeless population than amongst the population at large. There are a wide range of health problems which are more common amongst homeless people. These include persistent conditions as well as anxiety, stress, self-harm, other mental health problems and infectious diseases.

Homelessness and other forms of inequality

As well as being associated with homelessness, certain forms of inequality such as poverty and unemployment, gender based violence, disability, mental health and addictions can also be the main cause of a person becoming homeless. Homeless people can feel that there is a stigma attached to being homeless. This perception of social stigma is something that is common to a number of marginalised groups.

Useful contacts

People Involved in Prostitution

What is prostitution?

Prostitution is the act of sexual activity in exchange for some form of payment such as: money, drink, drugs, consumer goods or a bed or roof over the person’s head for a night. This may take place in a variety of settings including private accommodation, brothels or on the street. NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde considers prostitution to be a form of commercial sexual exploitation which is created by demand and is harmful to the person involved.

The Scottish Government, CoSLA and key partners including NHS Scotland are committed to preventing and eradicating all forms of violence against women and girls, as detailed in the Equally Safe strategy. Prostitution in Scotland is predominantly caused by men’s demand to purchase sex from women. In Scotland, prostitution is also caused by men’s demand to purchase sex from men. Men’s privilege to purchase sex is a form of structural inequality, which primarily takes advantage of gender inequality, and is further compounded by various life circumstances and vulnerabilities including poverty, homelessness and experience of other forms of gender-based violence.

Health Impact of Prostitution

The physical, emotional and psychological consequences of prostitution can be profound and include rape and sexual assault, addiction, anxiety and depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, self harm and suicide.

Poor health consequences also impact on vulnerable young people, the families of the individuals involved, on the men who purchase sex, their partners and on the social health of the wider community.

Many individuals involved in prostitution have reported experiences of emotional abuse, physical violence, sexual abuse and rape and sexual assault perpetrated by men purchasing sex. The core harm of being involved in prostitution is the psychological trauma of having to repeatedly submit to unwanted sex. Given this, the health consequences of involvement in prostitution are significant and enduring.

Women and men involved in prostitution are denied positive experiences of sexual health as defined by the World Health Organisation, namely:
“The possibility of having pleasurable and safe sex experiences, free of coercion, discrimination and violence. For sexual health to be attained and maintained, the sexual rights of all persons must be respected, protected and fulfilled.”

Prostitution and other marginalised groups and protected characteristics

Many individuals are criminalized as a result of their involvement in prostitution and this makes it more difficult for them to exit prostitution and to access the labour market. There is also a correlation with other marginalised groups such as prisoners and ex- offenders.

What NHSGGC is doing to respond to prostitution

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde recognises that prostitution is a significant health and social concern which can affect individuals and communities across Scotland. As with other health concerns the NHS has a lead role to play in tackling the causes and impact of prostitution.

Many people affected by prostitution are reluctant to come forward to agencies, often through fear or shame, but do present across the whole range of primary and acute health settings. Consequently, health workers are in a unique position to provide help and support.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde provide a range of activities aimed at identifying individuals involved in prostitution in order to assess and address their health needs. These actions include sensitively enquiring of service users about any current or previous involvement in prostitution as part of core practice within key services, and ensuring care pathways adapt care and treatment to take any disclosures into account.

We also provide specific services for women and men involved in prostitution via the G3 Priority Clinic provided by Sandyford Sexual Health Services G3

To eradicate the harm caused by prostitution, the circumstances which allow prostitution to exist must be challenged and we work with partner agencies to challenge male demand for prostitution through involvement in White Ribbon Scotland and local multi-agency partnerships on violence against women.


People with Literacy Issues

Adult literacy issues have a direct impact on access to health information and to the quality of patient experiences of using NHS and other healthcare services.

Literacy is defined in Scotland as:

“the ability to read and write and use numeracy, to handle information, to express ideas and opinions, to make decisions and solve problems, as family members, workers, citizens and lifelong learners”.

The Adult Literacy and Numeracy in Scotland report published back in 2001 estimated that 23% of the Scottish population have significant difficulties with reading, writing and numbers. The report also estimated that up to 40% experience some difficulties.

The latest research on Literacy in Scotland found that one of the key factors linked to lower literacy capabilities is poverty, with adults living in 15% of the most deprived areas in Scotland more likely to have literacies capabilities at the lower end of the scale.

Literacy issues are therefore linked to socio-economic inequality and social class inequality. This can be due to poor experiences at school and lack of opportunity or other barriers early in life.

Other groups such as asylum seekers or refugees may have additional needs in relation to literacy. Also, some disabled people may have support requirement in relation to literacy, such as someone with a learning disability.

Why does literacy matter to health?

The way the health service produces information and the way practitioners communicate with their patient’s needs to take literacy issues into account. Otherwise this might impact on people’s health by-

  • Reducing access to health services or limiting people’s health choices;
  • Leading to poorer health outcomes by not giving appropriate information on screening, prevention, medication or treatment.
  • People with limited literacy skills may find it difficult to:
  • Understand and use health information such as instructions for medication, food labels and safety warnings;
  • Access services which support their health needs;
  • Keep appointments;
  • Find their way through complicated health systems;
  • Interact with health care providers;
  • Seek appropriate medical attention. Some people with limited literacy skills may use health services more frequently, while others often wait until their health problems reach crisis point.

Most research shows that adults with lower literacy capabilities are also more likely to have health problems, including problems with sight, speech, hearing and learning, as well as other disabilities or health problems lasting more than six months.

Key Resources


Prisons in Scotland

There are 15 prisons in Scotland – . Greater Glasgow & Clyde currently has three prisons – HMP Barlinnie and HMP Greenock and HMP Low Moss.

Prisoners in Scotland

During the year 2019-2020 there were 8600 prisoners in Scotland. Of this total 8198 were male and 402 female.

Prisoners and Health

People in prison have poorer health than the population at large. Many will have had little or no regular contact with health services before coming into prison, and research within prison populations reveals strong evidence of health inequalities and social exclusion.

  • The majority of prisoners are male with an average of 35.9. The proportion of prisoners aged over 55 has doubled in the last 10 years. In Scotland males account for around 95% of the prison population.
  • Most prisoners are in custody for periods of weeks or months, rather than years.
  • Prisoners are six times more likely to have been a young father.
  • A high percentage of prisoners will have experienced physical or sexual abuse in younger years.
  • 34 per cent of male prisoners and 30 per cent of female prisoners had previously been in care.
  • In 2019, black, Asian and minority ethnic (BME) offenders represented 4 per cent of the Scottish prison population.
  • Approximately 80 per cent of prisoners in Scotland have some kind of mental disorder with 14 per cent having a history of psychiatric disorder
  • Between 20 and 30 per cent of offenders have learning disabilities or difficulties that interfere with their ability to cope with the criminal justice system.
  • The majority of people (70 per cent) received into prison test positive for illegal drugs.
  • People aged 60 and over are now the fastest growing age group in the prison population.

Links to other Inequalities

Scotland’s prisoners, like prisoners everywhere, are more likely to come from the most deprived areas. In fact a prisoner is 3 times more likely to come from the most deprived 10 per cent of areas. It almost invariably follows that the communities which suffer most from crime are the poorest communities, and that the people who are most likely to be victims of crime are poor people. Those who are released from prison will be, almost invariably, released into poverty, inequality and social exclusion. Against this backdrop it is perhaps unsurprising that for many, prison offers respite care from their experiences in the community.

Though female offending rates had gone through a period of growth, the fact that men account for 95% of the prison population must be considered as an issue in its own right. The key messages that are given to young boys around what it means to be a boy or a man appear to be failing significant numbers if this is the result.

Access to primary health care

Access to coordinated health services within prison and on leaving prison can significantly impact the likelihood of re-offending and further imprisonment. Half of those sentenced to custody are not registered with a GP prior to being sent to prison.


Prison can exacerbate the factors that affect re-offending. Mental and physical health can deteriorate. A third of prisoners lose their house. Two-thirds lose their job. More than a fifth experience increased financial problems and over two-fifths lose contact with their family.

People serving a year or less make up 60 per cent of those received into prison under sentence. Forty-seven per cent of adults are re-convicted within one year of being released. For those serving sentences of less than 12 months this increases to 66 per cent.

Into the community

Many ex-offenders and offenders suffer from many complicated, interrelated problems and require input from a wide range of agencies. These include housing, addictions, mental health, health and social care, and benefits services. Many prisoners will be in prison for short periods of time. They return to their communities as residents with repeated and often disjointed contact with local agencies.

Around 30 per cent of people released from prison will have nowhere to live. Those with sentences less than 12 months frequently have no planned care management plan and are prone to falling through the ‘gaps’ in care provision.


The Scottish Government has produced its second British Sign Language National Plan 2024-30, as required by the BSL (Scotland) Act 2015. It sets out actions for the next four years to help realise Scotland’s ambition to be the best place in the world for BSL users to live, work and visit. Other public bodies, including NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde (NHSGGC), have now published their own, local BSL plans for this period.

In putting together our local plan, we consulted with our Deaf BSL patients to gather opinions and ideas. This included patient group involvement, BSL local events, Facebook feedback and an event for Deafblind people.

NHSGGC is already involved a range of activities to help raise awareness amongst patients and staff about BSL as a language and culture and to make sure our patients have access to BSL interpreting whenever they need it.

BSL Interpreting Service

It is the responsibility of NHSGGC staff to book an interpreter for patients attending any of our healthcare services.

BSL Online Interpreting
Communicating with Deaf people during the COVID 19 pandemic

It is vital to ask a patient who may appear to be deaf how they would like to communicate. You can do this using paper and pen or a notepad app on a tablet or mobile.

Deaf people have different ways of communicating. They may want to lip read, use BSL or bit of both. You can also ask if they would like to write things down (avoiding sharing writing tools).

For more information please refer to Communication for people with sensory loss during the COVID-19 pandemic: advice for health and social care staff in Scotland

Deaf Awareness sessions

We can offer a short deaf awareness session that can be delivered online or face to face. The session lasts 30 minutes and is open to all staff.

The learning session covers how to work with BSL interpreters, deafness as a cultural identity and exploring BSL as a language as its own right. This learning will enable staff to communicate more confidently with our Deaf patients and ultimately provide the best possible care.

For more information please contact Paul Hull

Deafness and Mental Health

Deaf people can be at higher risk of mental health problems due to communication barriers and isolation. We also know from talking to Deaf patients that they face barriers to accessing mental health services because of a lack of information in British Sign Language and understanding of Deaf culture in general. NHSGGC wants to improve access to mental health services and ensure that they are the best they can be for the Deaf community. We have recently introduced a glossary of BSL signs for mental health on our BSL You Tube channel.

Introducing Paul Hull, Health Improvement Practitioner for the Deaf Community regarding Mental Health

Peer Support Worker for Deaf people

A Deaf Mental Health Peer Support Worker has been employed to work across 5 Community Mental Health Teams (CMHT) in Greater Glasgow & Clyde. They will use their lived experience to support patients from the Deaf community in accessing CMHT’s and also in their own recovery journey.

The Peer Support Worker is part of the multi-disciplinary team in Adult Mental Health Services with in-reach to patients whilst in hospital. It is hoped that this support may help patients avoid admission to hospital or reduce the length of stay. 

Mental Health A-Z Guide
BSL – You Tube channel
Translated materials

Translated versions of any NHSGGC resource or information relating to individual clinical care can be obtained by asking a member of staff. General health information in also available from British Sign Language (BSL) | NHS inform

Staff can request information in BSL via the Clear to All web page.

Learn Basic BSL 

Our popular beginner’s BSL classes are once again being offered to NHSGGC staff.

The 6 week course will be held at various locations across NHSGGC from March 2024.

Classes offers an insight into how Deaf people communicate and covers the alphabet, how to introduce yourself, colours, numbers and role playing.

For information on how to book, go to our Staff Training page.

BSL Health Champions

The BSL Health Champions are a group of volunteers from the Deaf BSL community who are patients of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. The Champions advise NHSGGC about the main issues and concerns for BSL patients when using our hospitals and other health services. They also work with us to make information about health accessible for BSL users.

Group meetings are public and any Deaf BSL user who lives in the NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde area is welcome to attend. The group also has a Facebook page which is used to share information and to get feedback from the BSL community. 

Research project exploring BSL users’ experience of psychological therapy

Plan More, Stress Less Toolkit

This toolkit is aimed at helping people think and plan ahead, helping to reduce stress in times of crisis.The toolkit contains 2 planning tools as well as the opportunity to attend a live online session which talks about what paperwork we can complete before a crisis arises, what actually happens when someone goes into hospital and how we can all work together to plan for a safe and timely discharge.

Understanding the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016

The Coalition of Carers have worked with a variety of carers, carer organisations and health and social care staff to design leaflets for carers. They let you know about your rights and what to expect when you are

All of these can be downloaded from the Coalition of Carers website.

Useful Websites and Contact Information

Care Information Scotland

Care Information Scotland provide information about care services for people living in Scotland.

Carers Scotland

Carers Scotland provide advice, information and support to all carers.

Carers Trust

Carers Trust works to improve support, services and recognition for all unpaid carers.

NHS Inform

NHS Inform is Scotland’s national health information service. You can find information to help make informed decisions.

Right Care, Right Time

These pages explain how and when to access services. 

Support and Information Services (NHSGGC)

This service provides support including money advice and carers support. Anyone can use the service and you will find centres in lots of our hospitals.

Staff have a responsibility to ensure that carers are identified, involved and supported.

Could you be a carer?

If you think you are a carer and are looking for support to help with a work/life balance, there is information on HR Connect with details on how NHSGGC can support you

Managers can also find information on how to support members of staff who are also carers on HR Connect as well. 

What is the Carers (Scotland) Act 2016?

The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 gives unpaid carers new rights to help support carers to continue to care, for as long as they choose, in better health and to have a life alongside caring. It provides a legal framework for Local Authorities and the NHS to ensure that carers are;

  • recognised for the role they provide
  • offered an outcome-focused support plan which identifies their support needs
  • involved in discharge planning for the person they support
  • provided with support from local authorities for their identified eligible support needs
  • able to access information and advice

Watch this video to learn more

You can also download this document (pdf) for a summary of the requirements of the Act.

Involving Carers in Hospital Discharge

We now have a legal duty to involve carers in discharge planning for the people they support. Therefore it is important for staff to recognise when someone is a carer and offer them support. We are also trying to encourage carers to identify themselves to staff as soon as possible so that we can work together and make decisions about care and discharge. 

Further Information

You can find more information about the Act in these links:

What do I have to do?

Identify Carers

You should identify if someone has a carer as soon as possible. Remember this might not necessarily be someone’s next of kin.

Once you establish what support the carer provides you should record this. You should also speak with the carer to check if this level of support is appropriate and sustainable. This will allow everyone to begin to plan what support will need to be available for a successful discharge. 

All this information can be recorded in the MAR and the Record of Communication.

Involve Carers

In order to deliver person-centred care you should always try to involve the person and those that matter to them in any discussions and decisions making processes. You also have a legal duty to involve carers in discharge discussions.

Anticipatory Care Planning conversations are a great opportunity to engage carers and those they support to have realistic conversations about what life is like currently, and begin to plan for the future. Staff can find out more information about Anticipatory Care Planning on the Future Planning webpages. There are also specific resources for staff to use with family, friends and carers in order to explain what ACPs are and what topics need to be discussed. 

Support Carers

If you have identified a carer then you should encourage them to get the support they are entitled to from their local carer services.

If you think a carer needs support you can refer them directly to their local services. You can find details of local carer services here.

Evidence Your Support

A requirement of the Act is that you evidence that you have Identified, Involved and Supported carers. To do this, the Record of Communication with Relatives and Carers document has been updated. This multi-disciplinary record should be completed by all staff who have a conversation with relatives and carers. These should be kept in the patient file.

Look at these examples of good practice.

How does supporting carers help staff?

We asked some members of staff how involving carers in patient care improves the experience for everyone. Listen to what they had to say.

NHSGGC’s Role – A message from Senior Management

Involving Carers in Physiotherapy

Involving Carers in Surgical and Palliative Care

Quality Improvement Project at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary

The team made small changes to make a difference for patients and their families/carers.

Where can I learn more?

Staff can complete our Learnpro module GGC231: Carer Awareness Training Core InformationYou can log into Learnpro here

NES have produced another tool which staff can use. You can access it via TURAS here.

Do you think you or your team could benefit from face to face training? Contact for more information. 

Listening to what carers have to say

Engagement with Carers

We have worked with carers to understand what being informed and involved means to them. We used this information to help make staff training and the develop resources.

You can read the full report and executive summary.

Carer Testimonial Videos

Listen to carers from West Dunbartonshire talk about their experiences in their caring role at local engagement events.

Young Carers’ Experience

Caring for someone living with dementia

Caring for someone with a learning disability

AnnouncementChanges to the Unpaid Carer Referral Process

As of the 1st May 2024, the Carers Information Line (CIL) will no longer be operational. Whilst a new central referral process is being explored, all unpaid carers can be referred directly to their local services.

If you are working or visiting an acute site you can visit one of the Support and Information Services based within the hospital who can help you with a referral.

Please be aware that the location of the service who will support you is dependent on where the person you care for lives. If you are unsure which services to contact please use this postcode checker first (this will open a new window).

Otherwise please find details of your local carers service below:

Services within NHSGGC

East Dunbartonshire Carer Services

Carers Link East Dunbartonshire
0141 955 2131 (for Carers or Professionals)
0800 975 2131 (Freephone for Carers)


Click here to refer yourself to East Dunbartonshire Carers Service.

East Renfrewshire Carer Services
Glasgow City Carer Services

Glasgow City has a  number of Carers Centres across the city, however you can find out more information by contacting Health and Social Care Connect.

0141 287 0555

Click here to find out how to access Glasgow Carers Services.  

Inverclyde Carer Services
Renfrewshire Carer Services
West Dunbartonshire Carer Services

Services in Nearby Areas

East Ayrshire Carers Services
North and South Ayrshire Carer Services

Unity Carers Centre

Unity has centres in both North and South Ayrshire.

North Phone Number: 01294 311333

North Email:

Click here to refer yourself to Carers Gateway North Ayrshire

South Phone Number: 01292 263000

South Email:


Registration forms for South Ayrshire Support can be downloaded from the website.

Falkirk & Clackmannanshire Carer Services
Helensburgh & Lomond Carer Services
Lanarkshire Carer Services

Lanarkshire Carers support people living in both North and South Lanarkshire 

Hamilton Phone Number: 01698 428 090

Airdrie Phone Number: 01236 755 550


Click here to refer yourself to Lanarkshire Carers Service. 

Stirling Carer Services

If you live elsewhere in Scotland you can

Phone 0800 011 3200


Listen to Betty talk about why it is so important for people to realise they are a carer and get support.

Helping You Support Someone Else

I’m a carer, what are my rights?

The Carers (Scotland) Act 2016 gives unpaid carers new rights to help support carers to continue to care, for as long as they choose, in better health and to have a life alongside caring.

One of the most important rights that carers now have is the right to be involved in discharge planning for the people they care for. If the person you care for is currently in hospital please speak to the ward staff and let them know you are their carer. This will help us make sure that we are involving you as much as possible in the decisions regarding care and discharge. 

There is also a Carers’ Charter that will let you know your rights as a carer.

Leaflets to help carers understand their rights

The Coalition of Carers have worked with a variety of carers, carer organisations and health and social care staff to design leaflets for carers. They let you know about your rights and what to expect when you are

All of these can be downloaded from the Coalition of Carers website.

What support can I get?

There are local carer support services which can give you help with:

  • Practical Information – learn about services that can help you and the person you care for in your local area
  • Training – get the knowledge and skills that can support you as a carer
  • Money Matters – learn about the financial support that may be available for you or the person you care for
  • Emotional Support – someone to be a listening ear
  • Having a Voice – helping you influence what happens in your local area

Listen to Lorraine from our Support and Information Service speak about the types of support carers can get access to.

Where can I get support?

British Sign Language (BSL) Resource – What support can I get and where do I get it?

Have you heard of the Support and Information Service?

This is a service provided by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde with centres in the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital, New Victoria, Stobhill, Glasgow Royal Infirmary and the Royal Hospital for Children. It is available to all hospital users including patients, visitors and staff. A wide range of support is available including money advice and carers support. 

You can drop into one of the centres, phone 0141 452 2387 or email

Over the coming months we will be changing some of the language we use to talk about planning for care.

We are changing the term “Anticipatory Care Planning” to “Future Care Planning” to help show how broad these conversations can be, and encourage more people to take part. You can read our full statement about the change here.

If you have any questions please get in touch at

You can keep up to date with all the latest news via our Twitter account @NHSGGC_FCP

Please get in touch if you need any further information or to report any broken links on these pages by emailing

Here you will find links to various documents and websites which we hope will be useful.

Resources have been grouped into themes. To view resources and hyperlinks please click on them.

If you are having difficulty accessing any document please contact and we will provide the most up to date version.

The ACP Summary was updated in July 2022. All guidance documents have now been updated to reflect these changes.

We are changing the term “Anticipatory Care Planning” to “Future Care Planning” to help show how broad these conversations can be, and encourage more people to take part. You can read our full statement about the change here.

Future Care Planning (ACP) Standing Operating Procedure

These guides help people understand what topics could be discussed as part of Future Care Planning conversations.

There are guides for:

  • people who are thinking about their own future
  • friends, family and carers who are supporting someone to think about their future
  • staff who work with people who should be thinking about their future

Coloured versions are available, as well as black and white versions.

Plan More, Stress Less Toolkit

We have created some resources which help people think about all the different documents which could help them to be more prepared is an emergency happened or someone was admitted to hospital.

Plan More, Stress Less Online Session

We run online sessions which look at all the different documents which can help us prepare for the future. This includes thinking about Power of Attorney and Future Care Planning. We also discuss what might happen if someone is admitted to hospital including who you might meet and what conversations we may need to have.

Check our Events Page for future dates of sessions.

Preparing for Hospital Checklist

This checklist will help you think about all the different forms which you can complete just now that would be useful if you were ever in hospital. This includes things like a Future Care Plan and a Power of Attorney.

A Plan To Get You Home

This resources lets you and the people who support you, think about what might need to happen in order to get you home from hospital in a safe and timely manner. This includes thinking about who could collect you from hospital and where you might need to live if you need some extra support for a short time or on a more permanent basis.

Preparation Guides For The Public
Preparation Guides For Staff
Future Care Plan Documents (Person-Held Booklets)
Future Care Plan Summary Guides
Winter Planning Toolkits For Staff and Services

By ensuring we know what people’s wishes and preferences are, we can make the right decisions if emergency situations arise. This includes whether or not they would wish to be admitted to hospital or prefer to receive treatment elsewhere if possible.

Future Care Planning and Winter Planning – Information for Staff and Services – PDF

We know that many staff have been identified as a close contact by the Test and Protect process and as a result are now required to isolate. Whilst this means many services are under extreme pressure to continue to provide face to face support, there is now extra capacity in the system for staff to carry out tasks which can be completed remotely e.g. beginning to engage with people and their families about future planning.

Having Future Care Plan Telephone Conversations – Information for Staff – PDF

Library of Good Practice (Example Future Care Plan Summaries)

Click on the names to read their Future Care Plan:

Alan Fulton – An older man who cares for his wife.

Monica Hill – A lady with breast cancer receiving support from a local hospice. 

Dave Langton – An older man living in sheltered accommodation.

Elizabeth MacDonald – An older lady with COPD.

Ali Malik – A young adult transitioning between child and adult palliative care services. You can also view an example of a Child and Young People Acute Deterioration Management (CYPADM) form

Charles Menzies – An older widow who is living independently with no known conditions.

Duncan Moore – A middle-aged man with a new diagnosis of Diabetes Type 2.

Jacqueline Morrow – A parent carer with a daughter on the autistic spectrum.

Sophie Morrow – A young woman with autism.

Margaret Quinn – An older lady living with dementia.

Sarah Rosenshine – An older lady living with osteoporosis.

Cathy Steel – An older frail lady receiving Palliative Care.

Paul West – A middle-aged man recovering from cancer.

Tom Williams – A Care Home Resident.

Dougie Wilson – Adult living with a learning disability

Other Resources

We would love to hear about your experience of Future Care Planning. Whether you have had a fantastic future planning conversation, or been able to use a Future Care Plan to help create bespoke treatment plans that are tailored to individuals, we want to hear about it! 

You can either tell us about the event using our online case study collection portal, or download our Future Care Plan Case Study Template word document and send it to

Please ensure you have permission from all the people involved in this case before you share this story.
Please also remember to anonymise all patient identifiable information.

If you have any questions or concerns about whether or not you can share this story please speak with your line manager or email