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HENRY Pathway

200.12 KB 507 Downloads

Recipe Card Popcorn

166.30 KB 377 Downloads

Recipe Card Beans on Toast

187.77 KB 694 Downloads

Recipe Card Cheesy Pasta

189.31 KB 531 Downloads

Recipe Card Jacket Potato

189.98 KB 547 Downloads

Recipe Card Savoury Rice

195.52 KB 509 Downloads

Recipe Card Scrambled Eggs on Toast

175.46 KB 563 Downloads

Recipe Card Vegetable Omelette

174.17 KB 636 Downloads

    Thrive Under 5 (TU5) is a project funded by Scottish Government monies and delivered by Health Improvement staff from NHSGCC. Through a whole systems approach to tackling child poverty in selected places, the programme aims to support children under the age of five to achieve a healthy weight.

    The project works in partnership with others to tackle the issue of food insecurity, and provides families with the resources and knowledge to make healthier choices. Funding has helped to support a range of actions and interventions in each community. The project has been evolving since 2021.

    For further information contact:

    It is important that you seek an appointment in plenty of time before you travel. We advise you to contact our services at least 8 weeks before your travel date. This will allow us to accommodate your needs and ensure you are fully protected before you go.

    We may not be able to accommodate you at short notice. In this instance, we will suggest that you seek an appointment with one of the many private providers operating across Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

    Why should you get your vaccinations

    With many people travelling more frequently and to more far flung destinations the risk of disease and illness are more likely – even if you are visiting family and friends or were born in the country you are travelling too. It is important that you are protected against these diseases E.g. Typhoid Fever/Hepatitis A so that you do not become ill on your return and require hospital admission. The vaccines protect you against these illnesses.

    Proof of Vaccination

    It is helpful to carry a record of your vaccinations. Generally this is not required, however, some countries do require proof of Polio and other vaccines such as Yellow Fever. When you are seen by our Clinic and are travelling to a country which requires proof on exit you will be provided with an International Certificate of Vaccination (ICVP). It is essential you have this with you otherwise the country you are visiting may either not let you enter the country or revaccinate you prior to leaving the country E.g. Pakistan evidence required of Polio on exit.

    Yellow fever vaccines are only available from designated centres. To find out if you need a yellow fever vaccine or proof of yellow fever vaccine, you should contact a designated yellow fever clinic. You can download a PDF copy of your COVID Status online or phone the COVID Status helpline on 0345 034 2456.

    Costs and Payment

    There is no charge for your risk assessment/consultation and the following vaccinations are provided free on the NHS: Diptheria, Tetanus and Polio (DTP), Typhoid, Hepatitis A and Cholera. However, there is a charge for some other vaccines and services.

    At your appointment, you will be offered vaccines based on your individual risk assessment, the country you are travelling to and the type of travel you are undertaking.

    If you require additional vaccinations or medication

    If you live in North West Glasgow

    For Malaria prescription, Yellow Fever or Rabies vaccinations we will discuss the costs with you and you can have these vaccines with us or another private provider.

    From the 17th of March 2025 the NHS GGC Travel Health Service will be based at:

    Parkview Resource Centre

    152 Wellshot Road


    G32 7AX

    Our telephone contact number will remain the same: 0800 917 6115 NHS GGC

    Patients travelling abroad are advised to check Fit for Travel prior to contacting the above number.

    All other areas in Greater Glasgow and Clyde

    If you require additional vaccinations or medication, such as Malaria prescription, Yellow Fever or Rabies vaccinations we will advise you to contact a private provider.

    You can find local travel clinics via the NHS inform website:

    We stand against racism poster with QR codes and staff quote saying "There have been times when I couldn't walk through a ward without hearing some kind of racial slur directed at me."

    View our Stand Against Racism Gallery

    All staff in NHSGGC should feel safe, respected and valued.

    Our workplace should be a place where discrimination is unacceptable and where everyone has the chance to thrive, regardless of their background or identity.

    Our anti-racism campaign is based on the words of our own staff from their experiences at work. NHSGGC is an inclusive employer and there is no place for racism in our services.

    Racism takes many forms, from stereotyping to blatant harassment, physical harm and direct discrimination.

    ‘Everyday racism’, such as thoughtless, demeaning or offensive comments, can be subtle and difficult to challenge. For example, constantly being asked “Where are you from?” when generations of the family have been born in Scotland. Or hearing a mimicked accent in workplace banter.

    It’s up to all of us to stand against racism. Here are some ways we can make a difference.

    Speak Up!

    If you witness racism, don’t stay silent – challenge it.

    If you’re able to – and feel it’s appropriate and safe to, speak up in the moment and address the colleague or patient that is demonstrating racist behaviour.

    If the moment has passed, you can still speak up. Don’t let casual racist comments or asides go by. Focus on how it’s made you feel rather than labelling the behaviour – this increases the likelihood that the person will listen and learn. For example – “I felt really uncomfortable when I heard the comment you made during that meeting. What did you mean by that?”

    If racism is directed at your colleague by a patient, offer support to your colleague.

    If you don’t feel you can intervene in the moment, record the incident by writing it down as soon as possible. Follow it up later by checking in with the colleague the behaviour was directed at to see if they’re ok and if they would appreciate support.

    It’s really important to report any incidents. Speak to a senior member of staff or contact the HR Helpline directly. See Report It section below.

    Get confident about speaking up! Attend our Active Bystander Training and learn how to effectively intervene in situations of racism and discrimination.

    Support Colleagues

    It’s not enough to simply not be racist. NHSGGC staff must be actively anti-racist. This means being an ally to those who experience racism by listening, acting and working together to address injustices.

    Educate Yourself

    Increase your confidence in taking action by getting to know the issues.

    Race Equality

    Race equality | Turas | Learn (

    Racial Injustice across Scotland

    The Coalition for Racial Equality & Rights (CRER)

    Race Discrimination at Work – the law



    Race Discrimination at Work – Professional Standards

    Racism in the workplace – General Medical Council

    Delivering racial equality in medicine – British Medical Association

    Acknowledge & Respect All
    • Listen to the experience of black and minority ethnic people
    • Understand the sensitivities of language and get people’s names right
    • Find the similarities and the things we have in common; respect the differences
    • Make space for those who are often not heard
    • Confront your own biases and stereotypes
    Be an Active Bystander

    If you witness racism of any kind it is your responsibility as an NHSGGC staff member to take action.

    Commit to taking positive action when witnessing unacceptable behaviour.

    Gain confidence on how to intervene by attending Bystander Training and ensure any incidents are reported.

    Listen to and Support Colleagues Directly Affected by Racism

    When someone shares their experience of racism –

    • Listen – Remember that this moment is not about you and your feelings.
    • Don’t compare – Making comparisons to your own experiences can feel invalidating to the person who is sharing.
    • Don’t dismiss – A response like, ‘I’m sure they didn’t mean it’ can feel to the person sharing like you’re minimising or brushing off their experience.
    • Acknowledge – Statements like, ‘I’m sorry you experienced that’ or, ‘No one should have to go through that’ help the person sharing feel heard and validated.
    • Support – It can mean a lot for someone to hear a simple statement like, ‘I’m here for you.’

    Adapted from Amnesty International

    Raise Awareness of the Issues

    Listen to people with lived experience of racism and amplify their voices.

    Share your actions with colleagues, friends and family and encourage them to join you.

    Report It

    Anyone can and should report a racist incident.

    If you believe you or one of your colleagues has experienced racism, call our HR Helpline on 0141 201 8545. Mon – Fri 9am to 4pm (Thurs 12pm to 4pm)

    Any member of staff who experiences racism from a patient in their professional role or witnesses it, should report it to their line managers and document it on Datix.

    Where a perceived criminal offence has taken place Police Scotland should be contacted and the incident number included in the Datix report. If it’s not an emergency (if there is no immediate risk to the wellbeing of the individual) you can call 101 and make a verbal report to the police. Call 999 in an emergency situation.

    Racist incidents are covered by Hate Crime legislation. Hate crimes are where the victim is targeted because they are a member of a particular social group or have a particular characteristic, which the perpetrator has negative views or beliefs about. For more information on Hate Crimes and how to report them, visit our Reporting Hate Crime page.

    Get Involved
    Make sure your team makes a statement by displaying your own, personalised Stand Against Racism poster

    Speak to your colleagues and manager and get agreement to sign up your ward / service.

    Contact us at for a copy of your personalised poster, write your team name in the space provided and display it where everyone can see.

    Please also send us a photo for our Stand Against Racism gallery!

    You can also request additional campaign posters – see top of page – by emailing

    Join the BME Staff Network

    Join the BME Staff Network to connect with colleagues, share experiences and support each other. You can join as a BME member of staff or as an ally.

    Follow and Support Anti-Racism Activities
    • See our care pathway ‘Meeting the Needs of our BME Patients’ for guidelines on how to ensure your ward or service doesn’t discriminate against BME patients.
    • Keep informed through social media campaigns and commentators.
    • Support drives for change and demand action by signing up to campaigns and petitions.

    Our Courses

    All of our groups are held at our different Restart locations across the city.


    Our Art group offers our trainees a variety of creative opportunities using art, from basic skills in drawing and painting to craft activities such as collage, hand-build pottery and printmaking. Some projects will include working together as a group.

    Venue: 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR.

    Day and Time: Every Wednesday 9.30 – 11:30am and 1.00pm – 3.00pm

    Venue: Firhill Business Centre Unit 5, 74-76 Firhill Road, G20 7BA

    Day and Time; Every Friday 9.30 – 11.30am


    This group is aimed at introducing basic cooking recipes using fresh, healthy ingredients on a budget. Each trainee will learn how to prepare and cook a different recipe each week using a fully equipped individual workstation. You are welcome to stay and eat the meal together after finishing or you can take the meal away with you. Staff led.

    Venue: David Dale House, 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR

    Every Monday 9:30 – 11:30am Tuesday and Friday 9:30am – 11.30am and 1.00pm-3.00pm

    Venue: Unit 4, Hathaway Business Centre, Hathaway St, Maryhill, Glasgow, G20 8TD

    Every Wednesday 10.00am-12.00pm

    Branching Out

    We provide trainees of Restart the opportunity to take part in the twelve weeks Branching Out programme twice a year at present. This group is run in partnership with The Conservation Volunteers and takes place at Hogganfield Loch, with visits to different sites throughout the programme.

    Activities are tailored to suit the group but generally include physical activity, bush craft, conservation activities and environmental art. There is the opportunity to gain the John Muir Discovery Level Conservation Award through this course. Staff led.

    • Venue: Hogganfield Loch, pick up at Restart Bridgeton Base 159 Broad Street G40 2QR.
    • Days and times: Every Monday, this group runs once a week for 3 hours per week over 12 weeks, 11.45am-3.15pm.
    Stained Glass

    Whilst following set patterns you will learn new skills in decorative glass such as glass cutting, copper foiling and soldering. Once you feel have more confidence in these skills you can design and build your own designs.

    This group is peer led with staff support.

    • Venue: Unit 5 Firhill Business Centre, 74-76 Firhill Road, Glasgow, G20 7BA.
    • Day & Time: Every Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am –12.00pm and 1:00-3:00pm
    Digital Photography

    We currently offer both beginner and intermediate levels of digital photography run over the two sessions every Thursday. Each session will be either in Unit 4 at Hathaway Street or out on location within Glasgow.

    You will learn the basics of using a DSLR camera and studio equipment and how to apply these skills to make portraiture and still life images in the studio and still life images in the studio and also in the environment.

    • Venues: Unit 4, Hathaway Business Centre, Hathaway St, Maryhill, Glasgow, G20 8TD and at various locations in Glasgow
    • Days & Time: Every Thursday 13:00-15:30pm

    Our family history group offers you the opportunity to improve your confidence through teamwork, studying & tracing lines of Scottish descent, researching library databases and the creation of a family tree. This group is staff led.

    • Venue: 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR.
    • Day & Times: Thursday – 9:30am – 11:30am
    Health & Wellbeing Groups

    Participation in regular physical activity can combat low self-esteem and can reduce stress and anxiety as well as combating obesity and associated illnesses such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. The burden of poor physical health for those diagnosed with mental illness is being widely publicised at present and this group attempts to combat that for trainees attending Restart. Staff led with volunteer support

    Health & Wellbeing Activity Group East End

    This is a 12-week programme which includes various sporting activities including tennis, bowling, football, basketball and cycling. Staff led with volunteer support.

    Venue: David Dale House, 159 Broad Street Bridgeton G40 2QR.

    There may be alternate venues occasionally eg. Emirates Arena, Glasgow Green.

    Day and Time: Every Thursday 1:00pm-3:00pm

    Health & Wellbeing Group Southside Glasgow

    As with the group in the South of the city, this programme includes different sporting activities like tennis, football, basketball and exercise circuits. Staff led with volunteer support.

    Venue: Langside Sports Club, 34-36 Kintore Road, Langside, Glasgow, G43 2HA. There may be alternate venues occasionally eg. Queens Park.

    Day & Time: Every Wednesday 2-4pm

    Walking Photography

    Our Walking Photography Group will allow participants to learn how to use a digital camera, whilst taking in some of the best-known sights in Glasgow on foot. The group focuses on giving people some basic camera skills and being active and taking part in a walking group. Some basic I.T skills will also be provided as part of the course. This group is staff led.

    • Venue: David Dale House, 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR
    • Day & Time: Every Monday 9.30am-11.30am
    Picture Framing

    You can learn new skills in our picture framing department ranging from, glass cutting & frame making, mount cutting, measuring & planning and the use of foot operated cutting machinery. This group is staff led.

    • Venue: Unit 5 Firhill Business Centre, 74-76 Firhill Road, Glasgow G20 7BA.
    • Day & Time: Every Monday 9:30am – 12.00pm and 1.00pm-3:00pm.

    What you can learn in woodwork ranges from practical skills, i.e., marking out and measuring, timber selection, staining and varnishing, safe use of hand and power tools. You can also develop in other ways including, increasing motivation, lessen anxiety and isolation and learn to set goals. Staff led.

    • Venue: Unit 3 Hathaway Business Centre, Hathaway St, Maryhill, Glasgow, G20 8TD.
    • Days & Times: Every Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:30am – 11:00am and 1:00pm-3:00pm.
    Creative Writing

    The Creative Writing group is peer led, independent of but supported by Restart. The group will be facilitated by group members engaging in discussion and choosing a subject to write about while creating imaginative stories and having lots of fun. Everyone is welcome who will be supported and encouraged to participate in the group.

    •Venue: 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR.

    •Day & Time: Every Friday 1:00pm – 3:00pm.

    The Creative Writing group is a fun, safe space where people of all abilities can meet to write and share ideas and experiences.


    Our Poetry group is run in partnership with New College Lanarkshire (NLC) and offers our trainees a variety of activities with a focus on writing and creating poems, using games and Imaginative activities, a group with a lot of interaction and fun.

    • Venue: David Dale House, 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR
    • Day & Time: Every Friday 9.30-11.30am

    The New College Lanarkshire Access to Creative Industries course is designed for anyone interested in playing, studying, performing, or simply enjoying music in a welcoming, encouraging atmosphere. Students will enrol with New College Lanarkshire and enjoy access to the college’s NCLAN online portal from which they can download Microsoft Office packages as part of their student privileges.

    As part of the course, students will engage in discussion about their favourite music. This can be as diverse as comparing musical genres, musical instruments, song writing techniques, and stagecraft analysis. Performance and song writing skills are developed throughout the duration of the course.

    There’s an emphasis on the practical element of the course as opposed to music theory (which can be included or omitted based on the student’s preferences and curiosity) and all skill levels are welcomed and encouraged.

    Venue: Restart, 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR.

    Day & Time: Every Monday 9.30am – 11:30am and 1:00pm – 3:00pm.

    Venue: Restart, Unit 21-29, Hathaway Street, Maryhill, Glasgow, G20 8TD.

    Day & Time: Every Tuesday 10:00am-1:00pm

    Literacy/Book Group

    This course offers literacy through a book group, which takes place at Bridgeton library. It aims to improve your reading, spelling, grammar and punctuation, as well as improving your focus, memory and communication skills.

    • Venue: Bridgeton Library, 2 Orr street, G40 2AR.
    • Day & Time:  Every Monday 1:00pm-3:00pm
    Introduction to Photography

    The aim of our Introduction to Photography group is to teach the basics of photography whilst having fun. You will learn how to use a DSLR camera to compose portraiture and still life images in the studio and how to save, edit and print images using Photoshop Elements. The group is mainly based at our Hathaway Street training area but there will be some sessions where it will go out into the local community to do street photography and landscapes out on location. This group is peer led.

    • Venues: Unit 4, Hathaway Business Centre, Hathaway St, Maryhill, Glasgow, G20 8TD and at various locations in Glasgow.
    • Days & Times: Every Friday 1:00pm-3:00pm
    Digital Inclusion

    This is a course aimed at helping you gain digital skills and become more confident in using IT for the modern digital world. Topics will include- Keyboard skills, internet use, emails, Microsoft Word, social media, online shopping, accessing local services, YouTube and online video messaging. The sessions are staff led.

    Venue: David Dale House, 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR

    Day & Times: Every Tuesday and Thursday 9:30am – 11.30am & and 1:00pm-3:00pm

    Venue: Unit 4 Hathaway Business Centre, Hathaway St, Maryhill, Glasgow, G20 8TD

    Day & Times: Every Monday 1:30-3:30pm

    Men’s Group

    Here at Men’s Group our topics are more free-flowing. We find that it is more valuable for everyone in the small group to be able to talk about whatever they’re facing right now.  Someone may be experiencing relationship conflicts and another might be struggling with their mental health. Also practical advise re how to quit smoking, better sleep & healthy habits.

    • Venue: Restart, Unit 21-29, Hathaway Street, Maryhill, Glasgow, G20 8TD.
    • Day and Time: Every Tuesday 1:00pm-3:00pm
    Social Sciences

    This programme looks at different aspects of society and how we interact with the world around us. There are four 10 week courses within this programme, which will run consecutively over a year, namely Criminology, Introduction to Psychology, Introduction to Humanities and History of the Welfare State. These courses are aimed at improving the core skills of communication, working with others, ICT and can also help to improve your focus and memory.

    Venue: David Dale House, 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR

    Day & Times: Every Wednesday 1:00pm-3:15pm

    Social Recovery Groups

    Recovery Focused Activity Group

    Recovery Focused Activity Group is a 10-week course where people with lived experiences can meet, chat, share recovery stories and activities that have helped them with their recovery journey. As well as each member bringing a different activity each week, there will be several discussions including:  What does recovery means to you? What helps/doesn’t help recovery? What is Peer Support? This group is a peer led with staff support.

    Courses start throughout the year.

    Peer 2 Peer

    Peer2Peer is an 8-week course that provides the opportunity for people with lived experience to develop their knowledge and skills in supporting others in their recovery journey. Topics include: What is Recovery and CHIME? What is peer support? Communication skills and recovery language. Risk, boundaries and keeping yourself well whilst supporting others.

    Day, time and venue to be confirmed.

    Women’s Group

    Restart women’s group creates space for women to meet together, support each other, share ideas in a safe friendly environment. They will carry out fun activities ,such as knitting , arts & crafts etc. Our women’s group will have the opportunity to discuss overall health and wellbeing topics.

    Venue: 159 Broad St, Bridgeton, Glasgow, G40 2QR

    Day & Time : Tuesday 9:30-11:30am

    If you feel unwell when your GP Surgery is closed, and you cannot wait until the practice reopens, call NHS 24 on 111 who will provide advice and direct you to the appropriate service, if required. 

    If you think you need to attend the Emergency Department but it’s not life threatening, or if you need to attend a Minor Injuries Unit, call NHS 24 on 111

    Otherwise, if you need general medical advice, visit the NHS Inform website.

    Information about your GP service

    Further information

    What service does your GP provide?

    • Advice, information and prescriptions for any medicines you may need
    • Routine monitoring and management of ongoing health conditions, such as diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke and heart disease
    • Most contraceptive services, minor surgery, maternity services and immunisations
    • Screening such as smears and child health
    • Referral to another specialist healthcare professional for tests and treatment, if required.

    What happens if you have to see your GP and your normal GP surgery is closed?

    Because of the current risks posed by COVID-19, unless there is an immediate need for care, your GP Out of Hours service will NOT see you if you turn up unexpectedly.

    If you feel unwell, and your GP surgery is closed, call NHS 24 on 111 so they will give you the advice you need. Depending on your symptoms, this may include:

    • Advice on managing your symptoms at home
    • Asking you to visit your local pharmacy
    • Seeing an on-call doctor or other health professional. If you need to see a doctor immediately NHS 24 will arrange this for you.

    You may receive a telephone consultation with a GP, or a virtual consultation via Attend Anywhere, but, if you need to see a doctor face-to-face, NHS 24 will make an appointment for you at your nearest urgent primary care centre.

    Patient transport service

    Patient transport service are available to take you to and from the centres if required, and GP home visiting is also in operation if you are unable to travel.

    Why are GP practices still working differently?

    Here are some of the more frequently asked questions.

    How are practices working now?

    Most practices are using a “Telephone First” service.

    This allows the team to assess you over the phone and consider if you need to be seen in person or if a telephone or video consultation may be more appropriate. This helps to ensure that everyone gets the type of appointment they need, and that you don’t have to travel to the surgery if you don’t need to.

    In many cases, your health care issues can be as effectively managed with a telephone consultation as they can with a face to face appointment.

    If you need to attend the practice for examination you will be given an appointment.

    Why do reception staff ask me personal questions?

    GP reception staff are vital members of the practice team and treat all information as confidential.

    They ask questions to ensure that you are directed to the best support, within and outwith the practice. They are trained to ensure you are seen by the most appropriate member of the practice team and ensure GPs can prioritise the patients with the greatest clinical need.

    Why am I seeing someone who is not my GP?

    Many GP practices have teams of specialists working alongside the GPs.

    These teams have widened and may include Nurses, Health Care Assistants, Advanced Nurse Practitioners, Pharmacists, Physiotherapists, Mental Health workers and Community Links workers.
    Your needs may be dealt with more effectively by one of these team members.

    Where else can I get help?
    • NHS Inform ( has lots of information to help you to help yourself
    • Your local Community Pharmacist can help you with many common illnesses and can prescribe some medications
    • Community Optometrists will give you advise if you have an urgent eye complaint
    • Community Dentists will manage your dental problems.

    Red Weather Warning Update

    Due to adverse weather, some pharmacies may need to close early today Friday 24th January, meaning some late night pharmacies may not be open this evening.  Please phone the pharmacy to make sure it is open before making your journey.

    You can view details of pharmacies who have changed their opening hours in response to the weather.

    Always make sure you have enough medicines to last you through the days your pharmacy is closed. 

    Your Pharmacist can help with many common ailments. There is no need to make an appointment.

    Drop in and speak to your pharmacist first for advice on:

    • Allergies
    • Cold sores
    • Constipation
    • Coughs and colds
    • Diarrhoea
    • Mouth ulcers
    • Pain
    • Sore throats
    • Teething
    • Upset tummies.

    Services available

    Pharmacy First

    Pharmacy First is available from all community pharmacies in NHSGGC and allows patients to access FREE advice and/or treatment for: Impetigo (for those over two years of age) and uncomplicated urinary tract infection (for adult women aged 16-65).

    When to use Pharmacy First

    If you are a woman aged 16-65 with any of the following symptoms:

    • Burning or stinging sensation on passing urine
    • Need to pass urine frequently
    • Need to pass urine urgently.

    If you are concerned you or your child may have Impetigo and show any of the following symptoms:

    • Minor skin infection on one area of the body
    • Red sores that pop easily and leave a yellow crust
    • Fluid-filled blisters
    • Itchy rash.

    Your pharmacist will ask you about your symptoms in order to give you the right advice. You should be aware there are some exclusions which can prevent your pharmacist from treating you and you may need to be referred to your GP.

    You must be registered with a GP practice in Scotland and should normally expect to attend the pharmacy to allow the pharmacist to assess your symptoms before deciding on whether to offer advice, treatment on the NHS or to refer you to another clinician.

    Get treated faster. Go to your Pharmacy First!

    Evening, Sundays and public holiday service

    To find out when a pharmacy is open call NHS inform on 0800 22 44 88

    Lines are open:

    • Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 10.00pm
    • Saturday and Sunday, 9.00am to 5.00pm

    For a speedy recovery, self care is the best option when you have a minor illness or injury. A well stocked medicine cabinet means you’ll receive the right treatment immediately.

    Check your medicine cabinet

    Make sure you have some over-the-counter (OTC) remedies for common seasonal illnesses in your medicine cabinet.

    Things to have in your medicine cabinet include:

    • Paracetamol and ibuprofen for pain relief (check the label or speak to your pharmacist to check it’s suitable for you)
    • Anti-histamines to help allergies
    • Anti-diarrhoeals and oral rehydration sachets for diarrhoea
    • Indigestion remedies such as an antacid
    • Mild laxative for constipation
    • A first aid kit
    • Medicines specifically for children (your pharmacist can advise on the most suitable ones to keep in the house).

    Remember that medicines go out of date, so don’t overstock your medicine cabinet. Always follow the advice on the pack, and if your symptoms continue (or are severe) get further advice by:

    • Calling your GP
    • Visiting your local Pharmacist
    • By visiting NHS Inform:
    • Calling NHS 24 on 111.

    NHS inform

    NHS inform is your national health information service. Visit for general NHS information, Sunday pharmacy opening times, and advice on a wide range of health issues.

    If you’re well, but have a question about your health or local NHS services phone 0800 22 44 88. You can call or web chat for instant advice.

    Opening Hours

    • Monday to Friday, 8.00am – 10.00pm
    • Saturday and Sunday, 9.00am – 5.00pm

    Webchat, Language Line and BSL services are also available.

    Architecture awards slider

    We use the Right Care, Right Place model for all types of care. This ensures patients get access to the most appropriate care quickly and safely. It also helps protect our Accident and Emergency Departments (A&E) so they can look after patients with life-threatening conditions.

    Self care and
    NHS Inform

    Self care is the best option when you have a minor illness or injury, or for further advice contact NHS Inform.

    When to visit your Pharmacist

    Your Pharmacist can help with many common health issues such as coughs, colds, sore throats and stomach upsets etc. There is no need to make an appointment.

    When to contact
    your GP

    When you have an illness or injury that won’t go away, make an appointment to see your General Practitioner (GP). If your condition really can’t wait until your surgery re-opens, contact NHS 24 on 111.

    When to call NHS 24

    For immediate advice when your GP surgery or Dental Practice is closed and you’re too ill to wait until it re-opens call NHS 24 on 111.

    When to contact an Optometrist (Eyes)

    If you have a problem with your eyes, your high street optician will have an optometrist who can help. If you have scratched your eye or have something stuck in your eye, you should call NHS24 on 111 and ask for the Minor Injuries Unit.

    When to visit your dentist

    Visit your Dentist for regular check ups, planned routine treatment and emergency care. Advice and information is also available by calling the Dental Advice Helpline on 0141 201 4209.

    Contact for issues with Mental Health

    For mental health problems contact your GP. Your GP can make a referral to your local Community Mental Health Service. If you need support when your GP surgery is closed, call NHS 24 on 111.

    When to visit the Minor Injuries Unit

    For urgent care of minor injuries such as cuts (including ones that need stitches), bites, broken bones, sprains, minor burns and scalds and minor eye problems, go to your local MIU.

    When to use the Virtual A&E

    Our Virtual A&E service is for urgent but non-life-threatening injuries or illnesses. Access it by calling NHS 24 on 111 if you think you need to go to A&E and your GP is closed.

    When to visit A&E

    A&E is for serious accidents or serious emergencies such as strokes, heart attacks or serious head injuries. If you think it is life threatening you can also call 999.

    When to call 999

    999 is only for serious illnesses or injuries. This may include a suspected stroke or heart attack or a serious injury or sudden, serious illness.

    Where to get help for addictions

    You can either self-refer direct to local specialist teams or contact your GP. Crisis services are available at the Glasgow Drug Crisis Centre or there are various voluntary organisations operating in your local area.

    Emergency Social Work Service

    The service provides assessment and intervention in emergency situations to relieve acute risk. We deal with referrals which are too urgent to wait for Social Work Service offices to re-open.

    COVID-19 What To Do If symptomatic

    Find out what to do and who to contact if you have symptoms of COVID-19.

    Who to contact about sexual health

    The Sandyford provides advice and support on birth control, sexual health, reproduction and emotional health.

    Information for Students

    The Sandyford provides advice and support on birth control, sexual health, reproduction and emotional health.

    NHS Heroes

    Feeling unwell? Our NHS Heroes are here to guide you to the best care. 

    What Matters to You Day annual reports provide an overview of activities held throughout NHSGGC, including local activities, seminars, and social media engagement. Current and historic copies of What Matters to You Day annual reports can be accessed via the links below.