Seeing your own records or those of another living person
The Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR) give people the right to know what personal information an organisation has about them. To use this right, you can make what is known as a ‘subject access request’.
Only the following people may apply for access to personal information:
- The person who the information is about, or
- Someone acting on behalf of the person who the information is about.
You have a right to know whether or not we hold any information about you, and a right to have a copy of that information. You also have a right to know:
- What kind of information we keep about you
- The reason we are keeping it and how we use it
- Who gave us your information
- Who we might share your information with and who might see your information.
You also have the right to have any codes or jargon in the information explained. You won’t be able to see information that could:
- Cause serious harm to your physical or mental health, or anyone else’s
- Identify another person (except members of NHS clinical staff who have treated the patient), unless that person gives their permission.
Download GDPF forms
Seeing the records of someone who has died
The Access to Health Records Act, 1990 lays down strict guidance on what personal information can be provided to a third party regarding a deceased patient. Our application form has therefore been designed to provide us with sufficient information to ensure that we only provide access to those who are legally entitled to receive this.
The Act gives certain people a right to see the health records of somebody who has died. These people are defined under section 3(1)(f) of that Act as:
- The patient’s personal representative. This will be the executor or administrator of the deceased person’s estate
- Any person who may have a claim arising out of the patient’s death.
Access to Health Records (AHR) forms
Contact Details
Please return the relevant form to the email address below. On your application form please include an email address for your copy records to be sent to as we have now introduced a secure email method to transfer the copy records for quicker and more secure delivery of your information.
If necessary, you can request a paper copy of either form from this address:
Health Records Legal Manager
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Admin Building Level 2
Gartnavel Royal Hospital,
1055 Great Western Road
Glasgow G12 0XH
Phone: 0141 211 3855