Patients have highlighted some of the main benefits of virtual consultations – as a survey suggests almost two-thirds of those who’ve had one were happy with their experience.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde wants to increase its use of video and telephone appointments, which can make it easier and more flexible for patients to attend by reducing the time and costs associated with travel.
A survey found that the majority of respondents who have had a virtual consultation previously would do so again, with 63% saying they were very satisfied or satisfied with the way their appointment was carried out.
And highlighting some of the key benefits, more than a fifth (22%) listed not having to travel, while 19% said virtual consultations were good for people with mobility issues.
A further 15% said shorter waiting times would be a benefit, and the same proportion said it would help patients avoid exposure to illnesses.
Other positives listed include more flexibility in scheduling appointments when they are virtual, and video or telephone consultations being easier to attend while they are working, with 13% of respondents citing each of these.
NHSGGC uses the Near Me video platform to conduct video appointments. It is secure and easy to connect to with any device that can make video calls.
Patients are being reminded they can explore the option of having a virtual consultation with their healthcare professional.
Face-to-face appointments will always be offered to those who need them for reasons such as the requirement for a physical examination, or when complex information must be shared.
Virtual consultations can reduce the time patients have to take away from work, education or other responsibilities to attend hospital unnecessarily.
They can be particularly helpful to those who are managing long-term conditions and may require regular check-ins with their clinicians, as well as in situations where a physical examination or procedure is not required.
The survey by NHSGGC found that respondents would be most comfortable using virtual appointments for routine check-ups, follow-up visits, medication reviews and test results, minor illnesses and initial consultations.
Dr Claire Harrow, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Deputy Medical Director for Acute Services, said: “Our survey suggests the majority of patients who’ve had a virtual consultation were happy with their experience and would be willing to have their appointment held in this way again.
“We know there are many benefits to remote and virtual consultations. They reduce the need for people to and from hospital, saving time and money, and offer greater flexibility.
“Some of these benefits were highlighted in the survey, with patients also saying virtual consultations would allow them to take less time away from their responsibilities to attend.
“We would encourage patients to explore the option of a virtual consultation with their clinician. They may not always be suitable and face-to-face consultations will always be offered to those who need them.”