To mark International Day of the Nurse 2023, NHSGGC is celebrating the fantastic contribution nurses make to the health service by spotlighting some staff working across departments and united under the delivery of high-quality person centred care.
Read on to hear from our nurses at the RHC, Inverclyde Royal Hospital and the Beatson and why they’re proud to be nurses

Name: Nikki Harvey – Senior Charge Nurse – RAH, Gynaecology
“I’m proud to be a nurse because I have worked in the NHS for over 30 years and have seen what great teamwork can achieve. I want to deliver person-centred care and I feel I can achieve this by investing in the development of my team.”

Jane Barbary – Outpatient nurse at RHC
“My name is Jane and I work in Outpatients in the Children’s Hospital. I enjoy seeing the benefits I can produce for the families and children that I look after. I enjoy seeing the children happy at the end of treatments after seeing them come into clinics for so long”
Jessica Heron – Outpatient nurse at RHC
“My name is Jessica; I am a staff nurse in 3C Renal. I am a newly qualified nurse; this is my second day. I always wanted to work in paediatrics from school, I enjoy caring for people and knew I always wanted to work with children. I really enjoy working with such a closeknit unit and getting to know the patients. I worked here as part of my placement and was in 3C for four months so know some of the staff and a lot of the kids, it’s great being back seeing them again”

Name: Elizabeth Kincaid
“I’m Elizabeth, I’m a staff nurse at Inverclyde Royal, I love my job because it brings a lot of challenges and learning opportunities.”

Name: Heather Hodgson, Lead Nurse for Tissue Viability across NHSGGC:
“I’ve been a nurse for 39 years andI have the best job in the NHS. Nursing is so diverse and every day is completely different. You have an opportunity to made a real positive difference to someone’s life.”