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RAH given preview of Woven in Renfrewshire exhibition

  • 3 min read

An interactive exhibition of artworks and creative media exploring post-pandemic care has been displayed at Paisley’s Royal Alexandra Hospital. 

The Woven in Renfrewshire exhibition was previewed at the Gallery at the RAH last week ahead of a tour which will take in the Scottish Parliament. 

It featured interviews and quotes from carers and NHS staff on what it is to care, with their voices used to lead the narrative.

The works, by artists Karen Herbison, Audrey O’Brien, t s Beall and Kayleigh McGuinness, took various forms including audio and video and there was a performance with participants from community organisation the STAR project.

Members of staff and visitors to the hospital were invited to view the exhibition, which was the culmination of nine months of work in Renfrewshire. 

Artists interviewed carers and NHS workers including domestic staff to gather their stories, before displaying their creative responses. 

Artworks included memory boxes evocative of the care experience, a soundscape featuring the voices of carers and quotes written on wall art. 

The exhibition was organised by charitable social enterprise Fablevision, which supports the development of cultural planning in Scotland through creative projects.

It will return to the RAH from June 29 to August 31 as part of a tour which will also take in the Scottish Parliament, Paisley Shopping Centre and the Sma’ Shot Cottages.

Liz Gardiner, Director of Fablevision, said: “We were delighted with the way our findings were received when presented by experienced artists in such an accessible, creative way.

“Our more than nine months of work – listening and responding to stories from carers – was all worth it in the end. The message communicated loud and clear and the new exhibition space in the Atrium of the RAH is a triumph.

“We look forward to seeing many more events and creative enterprises there in the weeks, months and years to come. It’s wonderful to be in a healthcare environment where the value of arts in promoting health and wellbeing is appreciated and recognised.”

Jackie Sands, Senior Arts and Health Improvement Lead for NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde, said: “We were delighted to host the preview of the Woven in Renfrewshire exhibition at the Royal Alexandra Hospital, which has been informed in part by members of our staff. 

“This project is an example of how the RAH shares its space with local cultural organisations as part of NHSGGC’s Community Partnerships and Wealth Building work. 

“We look forward to the exhibition returning to the RAH at the end of June, when more of our staff and visitors will have an opportunity to experience it.”

For more information about Woven in Renfrewshire, please visit

Images: StudioFv