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Doctors and Dentists in Training (Resident doctors)

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Lead Employer

NHS Scotland has 4 lead employers for doctors and dentists in training:

  1. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde: West Region
  2. NHS Lothian: East Region
  3. NHS Grampian: North Region
  4. NHS Education for Scotland: GP Training and National Programmes. 

NES is the Lead Employer for all GP and National Programme trainees with the 3 other Lead Employers covering the other specialties and foundation trainees on a regional basis. 

The other Boards continue to host trainees on placement as part of the training programme, they are  known as ‘Placement Boards’. Whilst the Employing Boards have employment responsibilities, the Placement Boards continue to have clinical governance responsibility and operational management for those engaged in providing clinical care to Placement Board patients. The Lead Employer model has been developed in partnership with the British Medical Association.

To support this work the Turas platform has been extended to include Turas People, an application that now assists medical staffing/ HR colleagues in employment related workflows, facilitating the provision of information between trainees, Placement Boards and Employing Boards, reducing duplication across systems and assisting in ensuring that the trainees get paid accurately.

We hope these changes have improved the Doctors and Dentists in Training employment journey as follows:

  • Less employment related administration and duplication of information provided
  • A single contract of employment for the duration of a programme
  • Reduced tax issues
  • Continuous service with one employer making it easier for you to access employee benefits
  • Clearer employment arrangements for money lenders (e.g. mortgages, cars and credit rating).

Dental Trainees

In December 2021 all Dentists in Specialty Training transferred to NHS Education for Scotland (NES) employment. This move seeks to align the contract of employment to a National Board, provide consistency in business processes, and as a result improve the dental trainee employment journey. 

This transfer has been agreed in partnership and consultation taken place with current Employing Boards and the British Dental Association.

Terms and Conditions

For terms and conditions for resident doctors and dentists please visit the MSG Website.

Standing Operating Procedures

Placement Boards deliver employment related activity on behalf of the Employing Boards, these can be found in the Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs).

Contact Us

Your placement will determine which Board you should contact if you have a query. Please see list of Placement Boards below. 

Placement Board: Placement Board NHSGGC

General HR Enquiries 

Doctors and Dentists Recruitment

Payroll and Expenses 

  • Your payroll contact will be on your payslip.

Medical Education

Occupational Health

Greater Glasgow and Clyde Policies 


Contact Lynne Sutherland, Senior Monitoring Officer:

For the following areas:

  • Emergency Care North, South and Clyde
  • Medical Services North and South
  • Geriatric Medicine North and South
  • Obstetrics and Gynaecology
  • Sandyford
  • South Stroke
  • North and South Adult Cardiology.

Contact Andy Trench, Monitoring Officer: Andy.Trench@NHS.Scot

For the following areas:

  • General Surgery North and South inc Surgical Specialities
  • Anaesthetics North, South and Clyde
  • Neonatology
  • RHC and RAH Paediatric Medicine.
  • LTFT Applications Administrator
  • WordPress Editor – HR Connect Web Content

Contact Albert Chilambwe, Monitoring Officer:

For the following areas:

  • Clyde palliative medicine
  • Diagnostics
  • Regional inc INS
  • Oral Health
  • Paediatric Services for Emergency Medicine, Surgery, Orthopaedics, Cardiology, PICU, Haematology, Oncology and Anaesthetics.

Contact Claire Mortimer, Monitoring Officer:

For the following areas:

  • Clyde General Surgery
  • Clyde General/Geriatric Medicine
  • Clyde Orthopaedics and Urology
  • Mental Health North and South
  • Public Health
  • Occupational Health
  • General Practice FY2s.
Placement Board: NHS Ayrshire and Arran

General HR Enquiries

01563 825738 or 01563 825719

Doctors and Dentists Recruitment 

Amie Sloan, Recruitment Co-ordinator for Medical Workforce:


Medical Education

Audrey Gallacher, Postgraduate/Foundation Administrator:

Email or Call 01292 614610

Vicky McCourt, Postgraduate Medical Education and Foundation Administrator:

Email: or Call 01563 826105.

Occupational Health

  • Call: 0800 085 0929/Ext 27306


Ross McGuiness, DRS Project Lead/ Monitoring and Systems Officer:

Placement Board: NHS Dumfries and Galloway

General HR Enquiries

Alice Walker, Medical Staffing Manager –

Doctors and Dentists Recruitment 

Nicola Martin –

Sarah Crosbie –

Payroll and Expenses 

Joanne Inglis, Payroll Manager:

Medical Education 

Peter Armstrong, Consultant Accident and Emergency: 

Occupational Health 

Heather Aitchison, Specialist Practitioner in Occupational Health:

Placement Board Policies 

Alice Walker, Medical Staffing Manager –


Nicola Martin –

Sarah Crosbie –

Placement Board: NHS Forth Valley

General HR Enquiries 

Doctors and Dentists Recruitment

Payroll and Expenses 

  • Your payroll contact will be on your payslip.

Medical Education 

Jacqueline McMenemy:

Occupational Health 


Russell Morrison, Medical Workforce Analyst:

Placement Board NHS Golden Jubilee

General HR Enquiries 

Pamela Young, Senior HR Advisor:

Doctors and Dentists Recruitment 

Pamela Young, Senior HR Advisor:

Payroll and Expenses 

Medical Education 

Alan Kirk, Director of Medical Education 

Email: or Call 0141 951 5251

Occupational Health 

Sharon Docherty, Occupational Health Specialist Advisor or Bernadene Thomson, Administrative Coordinator:

Email: or Call 0141 951 5435

Placement Board Policies 

Pamela Young, Senior HR Advisor:


Pamela Young, Senior HR Advisor:

Placement Board NHS Lanarkshire

Doctors and Dentists Recruitment

Monklands Trainees

Gill Swinburne, HR Advisor 

Email or Call 01698 754352.

Wishaw Trainees 

Iain Crosby, HR Assistant

Hairmyres and Psychiatry Trainees

Isabel Rankin, HR Assistant

Payroll & Expenses

Assistant Team Managers
Kiran Noor –
Margaret McGeechan –

Payroll Officers
Lorna Cameron –
Shirley Terras –
Aileen Kelly –
Elaine Cuthew –

Payroll Team Manager
Graham Hall –

Medical Education


Bernadette Kennedy, Training Co-Ordinator:

University Hospital Monklands 

Alison Ross, Postgraduate Administrator:

University Hospital Wishaw

Sheona Everett, Postgraduate Administrator:

University Hospital Hairmyres 

Siobhan McKenzie, Postgraduate Administrator:

Occupational Health 

  • University Hospital Monklands: 01236 752292, 752296 or 752297
  • University Hospital Wishaw: 01698 366770
  • University Hospital Hairmyres: 01355 585360.

Placement Board Policies 

Monklands Trainees

Gill Swinburne, HR Advisor: 

Wishaw Trainees 

Iain Crosby, HR Assistant:

Hairmyres and Psychiatry Trainees

Isabel Rankin, HR Assistant:


Danielle Kerr, HR Assistant, New Deal/EWTD for Resident Doctors:

Lead Employer Boards

NHS Education for Scotland

NHS Grampian


  • Email:
  • Faye Henry, DDiT Lead: 0141 278 2590 or 07989310680 –
  • Jane McMahon, Senior DDiT Advisor – 0141 2782634
  • Niall Ward, DDiT Advisor – 0141 2782657

NHS Lothian

Further Information