The Employee Director is a Non-Executive Director member of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) and Co-Chair of the Area Partnership Forum who works in partnership with the Board and its Executive Management to provide advice on workforce issues directly affecting NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde. Working alongside the Employee Director are 2 Staff Partnership Leads and an APF Administrator.
Directly accountable to the Chairman of the Board and elected as the Chair of the Staff Side, the Employee Director and Employee Director’s Office is the Board’s conduit for 15 Trade Unions/Professional Organisations and takes forward staff side views to influence Board Policies and to ensure that staff interests are properly reflected in Policy Development and encourage the ethos of Partnership Working.
Portraying positive behaviours and encouraging collaborative working, the Employee Director’s Office work with the Board to achieve its objectives and represent the views of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde staff by influencing debate and discussion.
To find out more about the Team and to access Trade Union/Professional Organisation links and other useful information, please see the tiles below.
The Team