Building a Better Workplace: Working together to ensure our workplace is free of racism.
We want all staff in NHSGGC to feels safe, respected, and valued. Our workplace should always be a place where differences are celebrated and where everyone has the chance to thrive, regardless of their background or identity.
If you believe you or one of your colleagues has been the victim of bullying or harassment, you can find out more information on our factsheet or access the new helpline by calling 0141 201 8545, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday from 9am to 4pm and Thursday’s between 12.00pm to 4pm.
There is more information about how to contact HR for support and advice on HR Connect.
- If you witness or experience racism, don’t stay silent. Use your voice to challenge it. Remember, bystander intervention can be incredibly powerful.
- Talk openly and honestly about race and racism with your colleagues. Open dialogue is key to understanding and building empathy.
- Utilize our dedicated channels: If you feel uncomfortable speaking up directly, you can use our confidential Bullying and Harassment Helpline or speak to one of our Bullying and Harassment Confidential Contacts
Get Involved:
- Join the BME Staff Network: Connect with colleagues from similar backgrounds, share experiences, and support each other. You can join as a BME member of staff or as an ally.
- Attend our Bystander Training: Learn how to effectively intervene in situations of racism and discrimination. See the links to sign up at the bottom of this page.
- Become an Ally: Actively support and advocate for colleagues from diverse backgrounds.
Remember, every action, big or small, makes a difference. By speaking up, intervening, and getting involved, we can create a workplace where everyone feels respected and empowered.
Let’s build a Better Workplace, free from racism and discrimination. Together, we can make a positive change.
Active Bystander Training
‘Active Bystander’ is an innovative and award-winning training session which provides skills to challenge unacceptable behaviours, including those which may have become normalised over time. Places can be booked for these 75 minute sessions in 2025 via the links below. Places are limited, so it’s important that if you can no longer attend, you contact us at so that your place can be offered to a colleague.
You can also view EDI and Active Bystander Training – Moving Beyond the Tick Box
Six Resources you can use to help make your workplace inclusive and welcoming.
Speak Up!
if you see have any concerns or issues at work, please Speak up! This could be about your working life, the quality of service we offer or the care provided to our patients. You can find out more about how to Speak Up on our dedicated webpage.