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Sexual Harassment: Cut It Out

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde takes a zero tolerance approach to sexual harassment in all its forms. It is important that any staff member who has experienced or is experiencing sexual harassment, feels able to come forward, report it and access the support that is right for them. For anyone who has experienced or witnessed sexual assault, this can include reporting the incident to Police Scotland

To ensure all our staff are aware of the support that is available to them, and the options open to them to report or raise concerns about sexual harassment, we are rolling out our Cut It Out programme throughout 2024 to:

  • Demonstrate zero tolerance for sexual harassment and other forms of harassment, across NHSGGC.
  • Build the trust, confidence and knowledge of staff when raising concerns, so they know they will be dealt with appropriately
  • Ensure managers are equipped to deal with issues that are raised
  • Let all staff know what is and is not appropriate in the workplace.
  • Put in place the right support for people who experience sexual harassment.

If you believe you or one of your colleagues has experienced sexual harassment or any other form of harassment, please contact our Bullying and Harassment confidential helpline on 0141 201 8545 or the HR Support & Advice Unit.

You can also seek support and counselling via Occupational Health, or through the range of support shown in the Resources section at the bottom of this webpage. This includes specific support for any individual who has experienced sexual assault.

What is harassment?

Harassment is unwanted conduct relating to a relevant protected characteristic (age, disability, gender reassignment, race, religion or belief, sex, or sexual orientation, marriage and civil partnership or pregnancy and maternity), which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual. It may also relate to other personal characteristics such as trans identities including non-binary, as well as weight or social status.

Examples of Sexual Harassment as outlined in the NHSScotland Bullying and Harassment Policy:

  • Indecent exposure
  • Sexual assault
  • Unwelcome sexual advances, propositions or pressure for sexual activity, continued suggestions for social activity within or outside the workplace after it has been made clear that such suggestions are unwelcome
  • Suggestions that sexual favours may further a colleague’s career or refusal may hinder it, for example, promotions, salary increases etc.
  • Leering, whistling or making sexually suggestive comments or gestures, innuendoes or lewd comments
Examples of Harassment as outlined in the NHSScotland Bullying and Harassment Policy:
  • Offensive jokes, banter and comments
  • Ostracising or “freezing out”, ignoring and staring
  • Patronising comments and remarks
  • Mimicking
  • Use of derogatory terms
  • Inappropriate personal questions or comments
  • Belittling or patronising comments or nicknames
  • Assault or other non-accidental physical contact, including disability aids
  • The display, sending or sharing of offensive letters, publications, objects, images or sounds
  • Graffiti
  • Offensive comments about appearance or clothing
  • Deliberate and consistent behaviours which demonstrate a non-acceptance of aspects relating to protected or personal characteristics, for example, failure to use requested gender pronoun for a transitioning individual

Our Bullying and Harassment policy has both an informal and a formal process

The informal process is focussed on early resolution. This recognises that the best way to resolve an issue at the earliest opportunity is by ensuring the other party is aware of the impact of their behaviour.

If early resolution is unsuccessful or the bullying or harassing behaviour is significant or persistent in nature, the employee or manager may initiate the formal process.

The information below sets out what you need to know about our informal and formal process.

Informal process (Early resolution)
  • Speaking to the other party directly – the complainant approaches the other party to tell them that they find their behaviour offensive, why this is the case, and to ask them to stop.
  • Writing to the other party – the complainant writes to the other party to tell them that they find their behaviour offensive, why this is the case, and to ask them to stop.
  • Supported approach – if the complainant finds speaking to the other party too difficult, but still wishes to seek early resolution, they can ask a manager to relay their concerns to the individual.
  • Supported conversation – if the individuals involved agree that early resolution is possible this can be supported through an informal discussion. Such meetings can be offered by a third party, e.g. a manager or HR representative, and involve supporting the employees to have a face to face conversation to start rebuilding relationships. During this process employees can be supported by their Trade Union representative or a work colleague. A record of the agreed outcomes will be provided by the third party to all participants.
  • Mediation – the manager may suggest this to the parties involved to actively support early resolution. Mediation is voluntary and has a clear structure. It offers a safe and constructive approach to enable the parties to problem solve and develop a realistic agreement that meets all their needs. The trained mediators are impartial and they do not take sides or offer solutions but promote and support good conversation. What is said in mediation is confidential and cannot be disclosed or used in any subsequent procedure.
Formal process/procedure

If early resolution is unsuccessful or the bullying or harassing behaviour is significant or persistent in nature, the employee or manager may initiate the formal procedure.

In such cases the manager will assess any risk to determine what supports can be put in place to allow the employees to continue working together during this period e.g. alternate shift patterns. Where this is inappropriate, the employee alleged to have demonstrated the bullying and/or harassing behaviours will be moved to an alternate placement unless the complainant requests a move, or there is a legitimate service need which dictates that the other employee cannot be moved.

To initiate the formal procedure the employee should write to their manager or where this is not possible, or appropriate, to the next level of management. The communication should detail the employee(s) alleged to be demonstrating these behaviours and the nature of these. The employee may access a confidential contact or HR for advice, or a trade union representative for support and assistance.

If the employee has chosen to go straight to the formal stage of the procedure, a manager will discuss with the employee why they think early resolution is not appropriate and will offer every support to allow early resolution to take place.

The manager who receives the complaint must acknowledge the complaint in writing within 7 calendar days, using the Standard acknowledgement letter template. The letter outlines the process for either revisiting the possibility of early resolution or the process of investigation to be undertaken in line with the NHSScotland Workforce Policies Investigation Process.

How you can help

Share the resources on this page.

Complete NES Sexual Harassment elearning resource (

Sign Up to our active bystander training – see the dates below

Complete our anonymous survey: Sexual Harassment: Cut It Out – Anonymous Staff Survey

Management Training

Supporting staff is a key part of the manager’s job and this module offers guidance and support on issues relating to harassment at work. Any member of staff in NHSGGC who has responsibility for managing NHSGGC staff in their teams can sign up for training using this link: Sexual Harassment – NHSGGC

Active Bystander Training

‘Active Bystander’ is an innovative and award-winning training session which provides skills to challenge unacceptable behaviours, including those which may have become normalised over time. Places can be booked for these 75 minute sessions in 2025 via the links below. Places are limited, so it’s important that if you can no longer attend, you contact us at so that your place can be offered to a colleague.

GGC: 330 Speak Up! Supporting Staff to Challenge Inappropriate Behaviours

If you can’t make any of the dates for our tutor led Bystander Trainer sessions, we also have available our Speak Up! learnPro NHS module. To complete this module, please log-in to LearnPro, search for course 330 and add to your courses.

There are a range of Available services to support any member of staff who feel that they are being bullied or harassed:

Sexual Assault

The impact of sexual harassment or sexual assault can impact individuals differently. It can present physical, psychological and professional difficulties. Many victim-survivors disclose mental health challenges such as anxiety and shame, alongside diminished confidence in the workplace or avoidance of specific work scenarios. Individuals can and do recover but it is important that we acknowledge the individuality of this, and the sources of support needed for this. We encourage employees to use the NHSGGC support service listed above, including contacting the police for any incidents of sexual assault, but acknowledge that additional sources of support may be necessary: 

Support Materials

Posters and Leaflets

If you require printed copies of the Sexual Harassment: Cut it Out posters, please contact:

Other Resources