NHSGGC has a legal responsibility as set out in The Equality Act (2010) that states we must show due regard to:
- Promotion of equality of opportunity
- Prevention of discrimination, victimisation and harassment
- Fostering of good relations
The Equality Act (2010) sets out nine protected characteristics under which protection and redress are afforded. Many of us have more than one of these protected characteristics.
- Age
- Disability
- Gender reassignment
- Marriage and Civil Partnership
- Pregnancy and Maternity
- Race
- Religion or belief
- Sex
- Sexual Orientation
The Equality Act’s revised provision includes The Fairer Scotland Duty 2018. It states that NHSGGC must pay due regard to reducing inequality of outcome caused by socio-economic disadvantage when making strategic decisions.
The pages within the “Celebrating Equality, Diversity and Inclusion” detail a broad spectrum of activity, resources and contacts. All are linked to NHSGGC’s commitment and legal responsibility as set out in The Equality Act (2010).
‘A Fairer NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’ explains how the organisation will uphold the law by addressing inequalities. The document also covers people’s right not to be discriminated against in the workplace. It includes the organisation’s progress on mainstreaming equality into NHSGGC and Equality Outcomes.
Additionally, NHSGGC is progressing work against the key national recommendations from the Equality and Human Rights Commission report, following the Commission’s inquiry across public sector organisations. Equality networks take forward the recommendations either nationally or locally. The Workforce Equality Action Plan aligns the recommendations against it’s five stands.