iMatter is the NHS Scotland Staff Experience continuous improvement tool, developed nationally, and used within all NHSScotland Boards.
iMatter is designed to help individuals, teams, Directorates, Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) and Boards, understand and improve staff experience. This is a term used to describe the extent to which employees feel motivated, supported and cared for at work. It is reflected in levels of engagement, motivation and productivity.
The process is based on a staff engagement questionnaire which all staff are asked to respond to, which generates a Team Report. The team discusses the report and agrees the team strength(s) along with up to 3 improvement actions. This improvement plan is captured on a team ‘Storyboard’ which the team then uses to monitor progress. The process is then completed annually.
Useful Information and Reports
National Staff Experience Reports
- National Health and Social Care Staff Experience Report 2021
- National Health and Social Care Staff Experience Report 2022
- National Health and Social Care Staff Experience Report 2023
- National Health and Social Care Staff Experience Report 2024
- National iMatter information
iMatter Supporting Documents
1. Action Planning
2. Line Manager Support
3. Paper copies
For any questions, support or guidance regarding iMatter, or if you would like to share any iMatter success stories, please contact the iMatter mailbox at