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Job Evaluation

New and Changed Jobs

New, Changed Job and Reviews

All new jobs must be authorised by the Director/Head of Service and submitted into the Job Evaluation process via the Head of People and Change. If the new post is part of a wider service change, involving more than one post, then all job descriptions established should be submitted.

Posts can change over a period of time but for most the job evaluation outcome will not normally be affected unless there are significant changes. When the duties of a job have changed significantly then this should be addressed through the New and Changed Job process.

When a job has changed significantly the following must be provided:

A revised job description should be submitted and the agreed proposed national profile. · The original job description, CAJE matched job report and national profile;

The changed job submission pro-forma detailing the changes to the skills, responsibilities, effort or environmental aspects of the post.The content of our job descriptions must reflect NHSGGC organisational values and behaviours. 

Job Evaluation Handbook

The Job Evaluation Handbook provides information on the NHS job evaluation scheme, including the background on NHS pay structures prior to Agenda for Change and guidance on how to apply the scheme in practice. The contents of the handbook have been agreed in partnership by the NHS Staff Council.

The Agenda for Change Job Evaluation Handbook can be accessed on the NHS Scotland Management Steering Group website.

National Profiles

The NHS Job Evaluation scheme allows the majority of NHS jobs to be matched to nationally evaluated profiles, based on the information within job descriptions, person specifications and any additional job information.

The profiles also provide a framework to consistency-check local evaluations. For further information please visit the NHS Employers website.

Job Evaluation Group Advice

The Job Evaluation Group (JEG) provides information and advice for employers on the implementation of the NHS Job Evaluation scheme.

Further information on JEG can be found on the NHS Employers website.

New or Changed Jobs, and Notification Process

There is a need for the NHS Job Evaluation Scheme to continue to be used for determining the banding of posts, which will apply to all new posts and posts which have significantly changed since they were last evaluated.

New jobs

All submissions for new job roles to be evaluated require to be authorised by the Director/Head of Service and submitted to the Job Evaluation process via their Head of Human Resources.

Submisions must include the following:

  1. A completed and authorised submission form
  2. The agreed job description to be used in the job matching/evaluation process. 
  3. A full organizational chart showing the post to be graded
  4. A note of any similar posts in the organization that may be comparators.

A copy of the job description and submission form must be retained by the department for their records.   

Changed jobs

All posts change over a period time. For most, the job evaluation outcome will normally not be affected unless there are significant changes. Where a postholder and the manager agree that the demands of the job have or will significantly change then a re-evaluation of the post may require to be carried out.

Submissions must include the following:

  1. A completed and authorised submission form
  2. The original job description used in the job matching/evaluation process. 
  3. A copy of the matched job or evaluation report relating to the original job description and grading outcome
  4. The revised job description, clearly showing additions and revisions
  5. A full organizational chart showing the post to be graded
  6. A note of any similar posts in the organization that may be comparators.

A copy of the job description and submission form must be retained by the department for their records. A copy of the revised job description should be provided to the employee(s) and a copy held in their personal file.


Following the being notified of the matching outcome of a changed job, the post holder may wish to request a review of the outcome. The postholder must discuss the ‘request for a review’ with their line manager. The line manager must support and agree to the ‘request for a review’, in terms of the job description’s content and confirm it is a true, fair and accurate reflection of the job demands. All review documentation, including the Review Submission Form requires to be submitted to the relevant Head of Human Resources for submission within three months of the notified matching outcome.

Notification process

When job matching and evaluation outcomes are finalised, the NHSGGC Job Evaluation Unit will notify the outcome to the appropriate Head of Human Resources who will then update the manager and confirm the pay band for the post.

The line manager will formally notify the employee(s) and provide a copy of the matched job report and the national profile used to match the post or the evaluation report as appropriate.

Where the pay band has changed, the manager is responsible for notifying payroll and updating EESS to ensure employees are paid correctly.

A copy of the job description, submission form and matched job or evaluated job report must be retained by the department for their records. A copy of the notification to the employee)s) and the job report should be retained in the employee’s personal file.

Further details of the above process are outlined within the NHSGGC Agenda for Change New or Changed Jobs Process.

Agenda for Change Job Evaluation Submission Form

The Agenda for Change Job Evaluation Submission Form must be completed and forwarded to the Head of Human Resources.

New or Changed Job Review Submission Form

The New or Changed Job Review Submission Form must be completed and forwarded to the Head of Human Resources for instances where additional information should be considered within the Job Evaluation Review procedure.

This form should also be completed and forwarded to the Head of Human Resources where employees disagree with the banding outcome for their post, but do not wish to submit any additional information.

Job Description Template

All job descriptions submitted for job evaluation must be provided using the Job Description Template. A copy of the JD template with guidance notes on completion is available here.