The Learning and e-Support team supports, develops and delivers relevant on line and computer based learning opportunities for all staff employed in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Our purpose is to widen access to learning content for staff either through signposting staff to current on line content on our digital learning management system, LearnPro, or by working with internal subject matter experts to create customised courses which will support work based learning.
Online learning topic areas include Statutory and Mandatory courses, Personal and Management Development courses and courses which provide support for the Core KSF Dimensions, Induction and ECDL training and testing.
Contact Information
- Please use the HR Self-Service Portal for your request and ensure that you add the link to your Favourites for easy access.
- Telephone: 0141 278 2700 Option 3
Forgotten passwords and log in details reset
If someone has forgotten their password for TURAS Appraisal or Learn Pro and need it reset, then they can do this quickly and easily themselves, without any need to contact the L&E support team, simply follow the steps below:
- Click on the Forgotten password link

2- A box will appear below the forgotton password link for an email address to be added and send button clicked

3- A reset link will be emailed to email added above for the password to be reset

TURAS Appraisal
- Click on the ‘Forgot your password?’ link.

2- Add email address and click ‘Send verification code’

3- A code will then be emailed to the address you gave. Please leave the TURAS page opened until the code arrives, then copy and past it into the ‘Verification code’ section and click ‘Verify code’ and then ‘Continue’.

4- This then allows the password to be reset