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New People Managers and Supervisors

Our managers are at the core of helping us deliver our objectives, to uphold our NHS values and their skills in managing people are vital for the function of all departments and the wider organisation. They organise the care or services delivered by each team and they work to ensure that all staff can not only operate at their best, but also experience NHSGGC as a great place to work and develop. This pathway is designed to provide clear guidance for managers joining NHSGGC and signposting next steps in development for their career journey.

The Induction pathway for new people managers is based on the following which have been developed using feedback from iMatter and Investors in People to ensure that our staff have the best experience of being managed:

  1. People Management Guide: Being a Manager of People in NHSGGC – Responsibilities and Guidance
  2. Equality Law: A Manager’s Guide to Getting it Right in NHSGGC
  3. People Manager Self-Assessment Questionnaire
  4. Systems and Processes

If there is any other information you need to support you in your new role please discuss with your line manager or contact the Learning and Education Team through our HR Portal.

1. The People Management Guide: Being a Manager of People in NHSGGC-Responsibilities and Guidance

This guide covers the following eleven main people management responsibilities. It is designed to set out in one place a summary of what is expected of you as a people manager in NHSGGC irrespective of your band or profession, and also to provide help and support for your development:

  1. Staff Health, Safety and Wellbeing (ShaW)
  2. Staff Engagement
  3. Individual PDP&R
  4. Service Performance, Team Meetings and Communications
  5. Team Development and i-Matter
  6. General HR Policy Awareness and Application
  7. Equalities
  8. Partnership Working and Managing Change
  9. Attendance Management and SSTS
  10. Recruitment and Retention
  11. Leadership Skills

2. Equality Law – A Manager’s Guide to Getting It Right in NHSGGC

This guide has been produced for operational managers by NHSGGC’s Equality and Human Rights Team with the support of the Workforce Equality Group to highlight the key areas of the Equality Act 2010 which have specific relevance for operational managers in the management of teams and delivery of services.

3. People Management Self Assessment Questionnaire

The Self-Assessment Questionnaire accompanies the People Management Guide. This is developed to support you to identify where you think they are on the development journey as a manager. For many managers, this list of people management responsibilities will be a given, but there may be some activities listed in the guide that require additional advice or support.

As a new people manager, you are encouraged to complete the questionnaire and discuss this with your line manager to direct and support you through your induction period. The questionnaire should be completed within the first 3 months following appointment to your role in NHSGGC. A copy of the questionnaire results will be emailed to you to use for the basis of personal development conversations.

You will have the opportunity to discuss your personal learning needs at 121s and through your personal development planning and review meetings. Your line manager should provide time for development and be available to support discussion around specific areas of guidance and support.

Furthermore, the following resources and training opportunities can support you as a new manager with your people management responsibilities:

4. People Management Systems

In the development of the pathway we identified people management systems that may be used by managers depending on their role and responsibilities. Information is added below and includes guidance on access to username, passwords and training resources:

Scottish Standard Time System (SSTS)

SSTS is an electronic duty sheet which must be completed by department managers with details of the shifts worked by staff and any absences ( AL, Sickness, etc).

User Guide and Training


LearnPro is NHSGGC e-Learning Platform. To access the LearnPro user guide click here.

TURAS Appraisal

TURAS Appraisal is the application for recording the appraisal information (KSF PDP&R Conversations) of Health and Care staff across Scotland.

User Guide and Training


JobTrain is the NHSScotland National Recruitment System to manage the key recruitment and selection activities and processes during the core stages of the recruitment process. To access JobTrain user guide click here.

eEmployee Support System (eESS)

eESS is a single, national NHS Scotland approach to HR systems providing a high quality, standardised HR functions including; Employee Self Service, Manager Self Service, Core HR and Oracle Learning Management System (OLM).

User Guide and Training

Safety Health and Wellbeing (SHaW) Task Calendar

The Task Calendar is a platform being used to provide a structured approach to support departments to complete a range of activities that are within their Health and Safety Manuals. To access the user guide click here.


Datix is the software used by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde for clinical and non-clinical incident reporting and forms part of the boards Risk Management Strategy. It is also used for Risk Register, Legal Claims, Complaints and FOI Module.

User Guide and Training


i-Matter is the NHS Scotland Staff Experience continuous improvement tool, developed and designed nationally to help individuals, teams, Directorates, HSCPs and Boards to understand and improve staff experience, engagement, motivation and productivity. To access the user guide click here.

ServiceNow Portal

Service Now is a portal for HR, eESS and L&E related enquires and support.

User Guide and Training


MicroStrategy is a web based platform where most of the Workforce Analytics and monthly reports such as personnel, recruitment and training information can be obtained there. To access the MicroStrategy Web Help click here.


PECOS (Professional Electronic Commerce Online System) is the online eProcurement system used by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde for ordering and receiving all goods and services. To access the user guide click here.