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The Qualifications Team support the development of qualifications and vocational training frameworks across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde through the following activities:

  • Identify and manage the qualification activity within NHSGGC ensuring that appropriate linkages are made across disciplines and functions
  • Work with internal and external partners to develop and provide individual qualification pathways which will address service learning needs and create new opportunities for groups of employees and individuals
  • Develop knowledge and expertise in the principles and applications of national frameworks such as the KSF, SCQF and the NHS Career Framework ensuring that NHSGGC is able to exploit the full potential of such developments
  • Lead and manage the provision of Scottish Vocational Qualifications (SVQs) in NHSGGC ensuring robust processes are in place to successfully offer a wide range of vocational qualifications to our employees
  • Promote and support the use of Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks across our services in line with NHSGGC’s Workforce Employability’s Workforce strategy (Workforce Employability pages).

Our current provision is offered through the delivery and support of: A range of SVQs (Scottish Vocational Qualifications).

For further information or an application form for any of the above qualifications please use the HR Self-Service Portal (link below) for your request and ensure that you add the link to your Favourites for easy access.

To discuss how the Qualifications Team can support the development of qualifications pathways please email or contact L&E Support 0141 278 2700 (option 3).

Meet the Team

John McIndoe

Role: SVQ Assessor/Internal Verifier

Background: Almost 30 years experience in the provision of care services, predominantly in the learning disability field in the provision of hospital care, respite care and supported living, I have worked in residential child care in both secure and non secure environments. I am the Lead for Business & Administration, Health Care Support (Non Clinical) and the PDAs for Assessor and Internal Verifier awards. I also work with Emma to deliver the Modern Apprenticeship Frameworks

SVQ Assessor for Social Services and Health Care, Health Care Support, Business and Administration and Management.

Emma Brogan

Role: SVQ Assessor/Internal Verifier

Background: I have a background in General Nursing and most recently District Nursing. I have been the Clinical Lead for the Qualifications Team since May 2022. I have been a qualified SVQ Assessor since 2022 and a qualified Internal Verifier since 2023. I deliver Health Care Support Worker (Clinical and Non Clinical) as well as Business and Administration. I also work with John delivering Modern Apprentices qualifications

SVQ Assessor for Healthcare Support Worker (Clinical & Non Clinical).

Brian Keogh

Role: Senior Learning and Education Advisor (SVQ Centre Manager)

Background: I have over 20 years experience in Learning and Education, HR and Frontline Management both within NHSGGC and previously Royal Mail. I have been a qualified N/SVQ Assessor for 22 years and I have been an Internal Verifier for 8 years. 

SVQ Assessor for Learning and Development, Business and Administration and Management.

Moira MacDonald

Role: Head of Learning and Education

Moira is our Head of Learning & Education as well as the Head of Centre for our SVQ Centre. Moira has been an assessor for over 10 years and an internal verifier for 8 years.  Moira specialises in Management and Learning and Development qualifications.

Jacqueline Johnstone

Role: Administrator for SVQ Centre

Background: I have worked for the NHS for 16 years within the Learning and Education function and I am now currently working in the SVQ team. During this time I have completed a SVQ 3 in Business and Administration and I feel this has enabled me to develop my role and skills in my work place.

Responsibilities: It is my role to undertake all administration duties for the SVQ centre and to support the SVQ Assessors and Manager.

Further Information
