The Staff Governance Standard for NHS Scotland requires all NHS organisations to prioritise the personal health and well being of staff and patients in the delivery of services. To ensure the provision of a continuously improving, safe and person centred working environment, all employees should undertake statutory and mandatory training appropriate to their role on entry to the organisation (Induction) and at regular intervals during their career.
What is Statutory and Mandatory Training?
Statutory training and education is defined as training that is prescribed or authorised by a statute of law and is compulsory for all employees, at induction and at appropriate intervals during employment.
Training which NHSGGC has identified for all employees as a requirement to support the safe delivery of services and for the safety and well being of individual members of staff and patients. Mandatory training and education is deemed compulsory by the organisation and is commonly underpinned by statutory law, legislation, national guidance and recommendations. This training is delivered at induction and at appropriate intervals during employment.
Essential (Role Specific)
Any training or education that is required for an employee to undertake to support the services they deliver in their job role, speciality or location. Essential education requirements will be defined and monitored at a local level by senior managers/professional leads. As with statutory and mandatory topics, essential training once identified is compulsory and will be required at induction and at appropriate intervals during employment.
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All NHSGGC Staff
All current employees of NHSGGC, regardless of their role or job location, must successfully complete specific training at regular intervals to ensure their compliance with the Statutory and Mandatory training requirements agreed for all Board staff. Your Line Manager will support you in achieving these requirements through activities agreed as part of your PDP discussion.
New Learn Pro accounts
- This can be created by filling out the below form.
- Please note it can take up to 5 working days to get log in details sent.
Mandatory LearnPro Modules
GGC001 Fire Safety
The modules contained in the course will provide you with the knowledge and understanding of how to prevent and manage fire within the NHSGGC workplace.
The modules are:
- Introduction and General Fire Safety
- Fire Prevention
- Fire Fighting Equipment
- Specialist Roles
- Fire Emergency within the Ward.
GGC002 Health and Safety, An Introduction
The purpose of this course is to examine the key Health and Safety related legal duties of employers and employees and have an understanding of the organisation’s approach to managing Health and Safety.
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
- Explain how key legislative requirements are implemented in the organisation via policy, risk assessment, incident reporting and training
- Describe potential hazards and associated risks in a range of healthcare settings
- Understand their own individual responsibilities and what is expected of them in order to ensure they contribute to the safety of their workplace
- Understand the importance of co-operation and communication on safety matters
- Describe how to seek further advice and guidance in relation to health and safety concerns
- Understand their own individual responsibilities to request support in relation to health and well being related issues.
GGC003 Reducing Risks of Violence and Aggression
The e-learning module constitutes a baseline of training in the management and reduction of V&A and is mandatory for all NHSGGC employees. Its content includes definitions of V&A, employer/employee rights and responsibilities, risk assessment and risk reduction strategies, the law with regards to use of force for self defence and post incident considerations and reporting.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
- Identify how key legislative requirements are implemented in the organisation via policy, risk assessment, incident reporting, education and training
- Identify the potential causes of violence and aggression in a range of healthcare settings
- Identify the signs that indicate that an individual’s behaviour may escalate to aggression or violence and assess the risks of the situation.
- Identify the importance of staff’s self awareness and effective communication skills in potentially violent and aggressive situations
- Identify a range of de-escalation skills and tactics that may be implemented
- Identify the key concepts of ‘reasonable force’ and give examples of how they may apply in practice
- State the actions required following an incident in relation to immediate action, reporting, recording, incident review, investigating and supporting individuals involved.
GGC004 Equality and Human Rights
The e-learning module introduces staff to equality legislation (Equality Act 2010 & Human Rights Act 1998) and contextualises within a health and social care setting using a range of video clips and practical exercises.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course delegates will be able to describe the equality legislation framework that applies to public sector bodies in Scotland and explain how it protects different groups of people from discrimination and unfair treatment.
GGC005 Manual Handling Theory
This module will provide underpinning knowledge necessary to reduce the risk of musculoskeletal disorders caused by poor manual handling practice in the workplace.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
- Define the term “manual handling”
- Outline how legislation applies to manual handling activities at work
- Outline the management of manual handling within the organisation eg. policy, Scottish Manual Handling Passport, Organisation of education and support, access to Occupational Health, Incident Reporting
- Describe the principles of ergonomics and risk assessment (formal and dynamic) in reducing the risk of manual handling injury
- Identify the key areas and other related factors such as guideline weights to be considered when undertaking a manual handling risk assessment
- Identify high risk activities/manoeuvres
- Describe the potential impact on others of poor manual handling practice
- Identify the risks involved in team handling
- Describe importance of good communication in relation to manual handling
- Describe the causes and effects of musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs)
- State basic methods of promoting and managing their own musculoskeletal health both in and outside the workplace
- Describe the principles of safer manual handling.
GGC006 Public Protection – (Adult Support & Protection and Child Protection)
There are two modules to be undertaken.
Adult Support and Protection
This module provides an introduction to Adult Protection, raises awareness of the content and implications of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007 and raises awareness of the existence of local Adult Protection guidelines and procedures.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
- Define the overarching principles of the Adult Support and Protection (Scotland) Act 2007
- Define the terms “adult at risk” and “harm”
- Demonstrate an awareness of the duties to report, inquire and investigate, co-operate and discuss how these relate to your own role
- List the three types of protection order
- Demonstrate an understanding of the rights of the adult at risk and special circumstances which may impact on those rights
- Demonstrate awareness that social inequalities and discrimination may heighten risk of harm adults may be/may have been exposed to.
Child Support and Protection
Child Protection Level 1: This module will provide basic signposting information for all staff regardless of role. It will give clarity to appropriate actions to be taken in the event there are concerns about a child.
GGC007 Standard Infection Control Precautions
This module describes the 10 basic infection control precautions that if applied correctly will greatly reduce the risk of infection in healthcare. Not all precautions will apply to all staff all of the time and therefore completing the module will allow you to determine which precautions apply to you in your specific role.
Learning Outcomes
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
- Understand why infection prevention and control matters to everyone
- Describe what you can do to help to reduce infections occurring
- Know who to contact for advice re optimising patient care
- Know where to find further information and learning resources.
GGC008 Security and Threat
NHSGGC is committed to providing a positive security culture throughout the organisation and to ensure personal safety at all times of patients, residents, staff and visitors. We have produced this short e-module in line with changes in legislation and to help ensure we embed security principles within our workforce.
By the end of the course delegates will be able to:
- Understand the principles of the UK Counter Terrorism Strategy (CONTEST)
- Keep secure door codes confidential so that they are only known by those that require them for regular discharge of their duties
- Observe all personal safety and security rules at all times as described in the NHSGG&C Security and Threat Policy
- Challenge those persons not wearing photographic identification badges unless to do so would place them at risk
- Wear an up to date photographic identification badge at all time during work
- Understand the process for reporting and recording Security incidents at a local level
- Understand the vulnerability factors that can make individuals susceptible to radicalisation or a risk to others and can seek advice from if they have concerns about an individual who may be being groomed into terrorist activity
- Ensure passwords and login details are kept secure at all times
- Access the NHSGGC Security and Threat Policy for further information.
GGC009 Safe Information Handling (Information Governance)
This e-learning module explains the core concepts of safe and appropriate handling of personal and other information and describes the strategies and skills required to safely manage information.
Learning Outcomes
Following mandatory information governance training, staff should be able to:
- Store, transport and transfer Board records and data (including health records, staff records and sensitive corporate information) securely and effectively
- Understand the safe use of information and communication technology
- Inform individuals about the use of their data
- Understand the circumstances when consent should be sought prior to obtaining and using personal data
- Verify recorded data using processes for positive patient identification
- Record personal information accurately and consistently
- Ensure that recorded information is relevant and not excessive
- Use patient related data to support the delivery and management of healthcare
- Understand the circumstances in which information may be used for healthcare support purposes such as clinical audit and service monitoring
- Identify circumstances when personal data can, should and must be shared
- Respond appropriately to requests for all recorded information held by the Board, demonstrating awareness of access to information legislation and local compliance requirements
- Understand and apply rules for appropriate authorised access to personal and other sensitive data
- Ensure that conversations in relation to sensitive or personal information, whether face to face or by telephone, take place in an appropriate area.
Additional Information
Review period
All staff must successfully complete the modules noted above every 3 years, with the exception of Fire Safety. All staff are now required to complete the General Awareness Fire Safety Training module annually. In addition to this, all Ward based staff must complete face to face evacuation training annually.
Module access
You can access all of the above modules on our online learning platform, Learnpro. To do this, please log on to LearnPro using the following link: LearnPro login page.
If you need to create an account then this can be done on the learn pro page under create account
Forgotten passwords and Log in details reset Information
If someone has forgotten their password for the Learn Pro system and needs it reset, then they can do this quickly and easily themselves, without any need to contact the L&E support team. Simply follow the steps below:
- Click on the Forgotten password link

2- A box will appear below the password link for an email address to be added and send button clicked

3- A reset link will be emailed to email added above for the password to be reset

Once you have successfully completed a module you will be able to produce a certificate from Learnpro. You can save this as a document for upload to a learning portfolio to support professional requirements such as CPD or revalidation.
If you have any difficulty accessing Learnpro or a specific module, please contact LE Support on the Enquiry Portal : HR Portal – NHS GGC HR ( or 0141 278 2700 (option 3) and a member of our team will be pleased to help you.
If you have forgotten your sign in details then please follow the forgotten login link to reset.

We have designed the modules to be easy and simple to use however if you would like some support to develop your computer skills to access these modules please contact Debbie Thompson, Core Skills Tutor.
Your compliance with the above modules will be monitored by the Board using a workforce information tool called MicroStratgey.
Your Line Manager will be able to access reports for their area(s) of responsibility, highlighting what stage of compliance each member of their team is currently at. In order to ensure that the modules you have completed on Learnpro are included on compliance reports, you must check that your Identification Number on Learnpro is your current NHSGGC payroll number.
As part of a proactive programme of empowering staff to keep track of their own statutory and mandatory training progress, a monthly notification email has been designed for all staff which provides an easy and quick way to view the status of your training and will go amber when you have 3 months or fewer remaining for each of the topics.
Additional training
In addition to completing the core statutory and mandatory training modules required for all staff in NHSGGC, you may also be required to undertake Role Specific topics depending on your role.
Your Line Manager will advise you of any additional training requirements you may need to complete.