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Alcohol and Substance Nurse

The Occupational Health service provides access to a dedicated alcohol and drug/substance Nurse for all NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde employees.

A specialist Alcohol and Substance Nurse is available to provide a comprehensive assessment of alcohol or substance use and suggest suitable support options if required, including signposting and referral to specialist services. Interventions such as motivational work, alcohol brief interventions and relapse prevention are also provided.

The Occupational Health Practitioner involved in your care can arrange an appointment if required or you can self-refer yourself to this service. Your manager can also refer you to this service.  

This service is available to any NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde employee that is concerned about their alcohol or drug/substance use.

To make an appointment, contact us on 0141 201 0600.

Additional Resources

All employees can self-refer to Occupational Health for advice and support and to access counselling.