For advice or an appointment, please contact our hub:
Occupational Health
6th Floor
West Glasgow ACH
Dalnair Street
Glasgow, G3 8SJ
Call: 0141 201 0600
Attend Anywhere Appointments
If you have an appointment already arranged via Attend Anywhere (Near Me) software, then you can access the virtual waiting area
We suggest using the link a few minutes before your appointment time. Please note that you must use Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome or an Apple Safari internet browser.
Getting to West Glasgow ACH
Location of West Glasgow Ambulatory Care Hospital

Parking Facilities at the West Glasgow Ambulatory Care Hospital

Clinic Locations
Appointments will be available within the hub daily and on set days at the following locations:
- Inverclyde Royal Hospital
- Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
Disabled Access
NHSGGC is a double tick positive employer and our service is fully accessible to those with Disability. All of our clinics are carried out on NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde hospital sites and as such have disabled acces and toilet facilities if required. Our main hub at the West Glasgow ACH is on the 6th floor but lifts are available and many of our appointments can be carried out over the telephone or using Attend Anywhere video consultation if required.
Should you have any questions or concerns regarding accessing our service, please contact us on 0141 201 0600 or email