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Measles outbreak – Protection of Healthcare workers

Measles is a highly infectious, rash illness that can lead to severe complications. Europe is currently seeing a resurgence of measles. Cases imported to Scotland, from the rest of the UK and elsewhere, could propagate local outbreaks within under-vaccinated communities.

Protection of healthcare workers (HCW) is especially important in the context of their ability to transmit measles or rubella infections to vulnerable groups. While they may need MMR vaccination for their own benefit (including protection against mumps), they should also be immune to measles and rubella for the protection of their patients.

It should be noted that staff exposed to measles who don’t have appropriate evidence of immunity should be excluded from 5 to 21 days after exposure.

Staff Immunity

Assessment of healthcare workers MMR status is undertaken by the occupational health service at pre-employment.   Due to the recent resurgence of measles it is recommended that all healthcare settings review the measles status of their staff.   This is particularly important in higher risk areas including Emergency Departments and those staff working with particularly vulnerable patients e.g. haematology, oncology, maternity, paediatric and adult infectious disease units.

Satisfactory evidence of protection would include documentation of having received two doses of MMR, or positive antibody tests for measles and rubella.

Managers/Supervisors – Please complete the attached form detailing any members of staff identified as requiring MMR or, are unsure regarding their immunity/immunisation status and forward confidentially to the occupational health service via email

Alternatively, if a staff member would prefer to discuss this confidentially with Occupational Health please advise they contact us by email as above or call 0141 201 0600

Occupational Health will then review the staff lists provided and arrange for an appointment if required. We will initially be prioritising the higher risk areas and areas where staff are working with vulnerable patients including;

  • Paediatrics
  • Neonatal
  • Maternity
  • Emergency Departments
  • Health visitors/family nurses; school nurses / additional needs schools nurses
  • Haematology / oncology
  • Infectious Diseases
  • Rheumatology
  • Renal

For the purposes of confirming satisfactory evidence the following will be applied.   

  • All HCWs who have documented evidence of two doses of MMR or positive antibody tests for measles and rubella should be considered immune to measles and no further action is required.
  • HCW’s who do not have this evidence will be offered two doses of MMR.