What is Peer Support?
Peer Support is now available for all NHS and Health and Social Care Partnership (HSCP) staff across Greater Glasgow and Clyde as a way to support our colleagues. We know that when people feel supported and heard, this has a positive impact on their wellbeing and resilience. It can help to provide a space for someone to make sense of their recent experiences, which can give them a sense of control and help them feel capable of managing difficult situations. It is a supportive and flexible response, which acknowledges and understands that stress and experiencing struggles at times, is a normal part of life.
To find out more, download the What is Peer Support? Information Leaflet for Staff – NHSGGC
A Peer Support Framework
A Peer Support Framework for all health and social care staff working in the NHSGGC Board area was approved by the Board Strategic Executive Group. On the basis of the principles, conceptual framework, structure and governance arrangements outlined in the framework, the development of a Peer Support Network (PSN) was commissioned and developed by the Board Mental Health and Wellbeing Group with funding from NHS Charities Together.
Aims of the Peer Support Network
- To develop a Board-wide peer support service with clear pathways between the various levels of staff support interventions.
- To implement a model of peer support available to every member of health and social care staff.
- To embed within services dedicated peer support trainers to cascade knowledge and skills throughout services through establishing and supporting Wellbeing Champions in all teams.
- To ensure that recognition of the benefits of peer support is at the heart of all health and social care operations.
Peer Support in the Workplace: The National Wellbeing Hub
Watch these eight short videos below of NHSGGC’s Principal Health Psychologist in Occupational Health, Heather Connolly, discussing her experiences of implementing a Peer Support programme across NHSGGC and the HSCPs.
What does Peer Support look like?
Have a look at what a peer support conversation might look like:
The Peer Support model contains a range of interventions and the intensity of the intervention determines the role and required level of training, beyond the foundation level for all staff to access.
The Models of Peer Support
Across NHSGGC and our HSCPs, our Peer Supporters have been trained via one of the following models, which form the conceptual basis and foundation of Peer Support:
1. The Psychological First Aid Model
Psychological First Aid (PFA) is concerned with reinforcing seven basic coping strategies by:
- Caring for immediate needs
- Protecting from risk
- Comforting others
- Supporting
- Providing information on coping
- Connecting others with social support
- Educating about normal responses
Taking good care of yourself is at the centre of the PFA model.
To find out more about Psychological First Aid, watch Principal Health Psychologist, Heather Connolly’s ‘Let’s talk about… Psychological First Aid’ webinar:
2. The SAFER Model
Several Peer Supporters within medical have been trained via the SAFER model. This is a Peer Support tool used within Critical Incident Stress Management to help structure a 1:1 supportive episode with a peer. It is a specific model of PFA that helps direct the conversation with an individual in crisis or needing support.
SAFER stands for:
- Stabilize (introduction; meet basic needs; mitigate acute stressors)
- Acknowledge the crisis (event, reactions)
- Facilitate understanding (normalization)
- Encourage effective coping (mechanisms of action)
- Recovery or Referral (facilitate access to continued care)
Citation: The SAFER-R Model, Psychological Crisis Intervention, George S. Everly, Jr., PhD, ABPP, CCISM, Jeffrey T. Mitchell, PhD, CCISM, 2017
It is important to note that neither models are counselling or therapy models nor substitutes for them but they are both designed to help support our peers. Whichever model you are trained through, you will be a fully trained Peer Supporter by the end of the session.
Peer Support: Levels of Support (1-3)
All three levels of support, knowledge and skills for Peer Support are built on the NHSGGC Staff Peer Support Competence Framework.
Level 1: Looking after Yourself and Others
This is a short online eLearning module and is available on digital platforms in health and social care and is designed to support all staff in Health and Social Care.
The module title is: Looking after Yourself and Others, which outlines:
- Understand what a normal response to stress is
- Understand the basic elements of Psychological First Aid
- Wellbeing – Learn how to care for Ourselves
- Peer Support – How to support our Colleagues
Links to digital platforms are: - NHS staff available on NHSGGC LearnPro, search ‘GGC 277’
- HSCP staff link to local authority online learning platform (module is called: Introduction to Psychological Wellbeing and Peer Support).
Live Sessions
Alternatively, you can view this content via live online or face-to-face 45-minute sessions, which have received excellent feedback. Upcoming MS Teams online sessions are listed below and are available for all NHSGGC and HSCP to book and attend:
Please bring the Looking after Yourself and Others Worksheet to this session as you will be completing it during the webinar.
Date | Time | Join here |
Wednesday 26th February 2025 | 14:00-14:45 | Book here |
Thursday 13th March 2025 | 15:00-15:45 | Book here |
Saturday 29th March 2025 | 14:00-14:45 | Book here |
Friday 25th April 2025 | 16:00-16:45 | Book here |
Monday 12th May 2025 | 8:00-8:45 | Book here |
Tuesday 27th May 2025 | 11:00-11:45 | Book here |
Wednesday 11th June 2025 | 13:00-13:45 | Book here |
Thursday 26th June 2025 | 14:00-14:45 | Book here |
Feedback from staff has been very positive:
- “It was a fantastic course”
- “I felt the coping strategies were very helpful to know.”
- “The module has lots of helpful information laid out in an easy to follow style.”
- “This is pitched so well for people who have little or no prior training in Mental Health”
Level 2: Peer Support – Becoming a Peer Supporter
This is available now and provides a full one-day in-person training session for colleagues to become a Peer Supporter. This has been designed by and is delivered by the NHSGGC Peer Support Service. Peer Supporters will have enough experience to meet the needs of their team/peers, and that the role is appropriate to their grading and level of seniority within a team.
It is essential that staff being considered for Peer Supporter roles are supported by their immediate line manager and the senior manager for their service to ensure they have allocated time to provide this support.
Become a Peer Supporter
Upcoming Peer Support training courses are promoted on Core Brief, StaffNet and email distribution lists. To join our email distribution list, contact peer.support@ggc.scot.nhs.uk to ensure you receive upcoming training opportunities.
Upcoming Peer Support (Level 2) Training Dates
Training dates are now available for colleagues who wish to explore the role and requirements of a Peer Supporter and have the support of their line manager to implement peer support in their local team. This course is one full day face-to-face (9:30am-4:30pm).
Delegates should note the following prerequisites for completion before the training day:
- Delegates to complete the online module ‘Looking after Yourself and Others’ (NHSGGC staff). The module is packed with essential hints and tips on how to look after your wellbeing and the wellbeing of others. It is available for staff directly employed by NHSGGC on Learnpro, module GCC 277 and for staff directly employed by the HSCPs social care staff, on their Local Authority learning platforms. or ‘Introduction to Psychological Wellbeing and Peer Support’ (Local Authority Staff)
- Delegates to discuss with their line manager aims for Peer Support and staff wellbeing in their team and / or service. Post course, delegates will be asked to agree with their line manager an action plan to implement local Peer Support and identify the time and resources to do this.
- It is important to consider your own wellbeing before thinking about supporting others. Please consider whether you are in the position to support your colleagues before you attend this training to become a Peer Supporter.
- 12/02/2025 – New Victoria ACH, Level 2, 16A, Book here
- 27/02/2025 – Stobhill ACH, Seminar Room 6, Book here
- 11/03/2025 – New Victoria ACH, Level 2, 16A, Book here
- 26/03/2025 – Royal Alexandra Hospital, Classroom 3, Book here
- 10/04/2025 – Vale of Leven, Postgraduate Education Centre, Meeting Room 1, Book here
- 22/04/2025 – Stobhill ACH, Seminar Room 6, Book here
- 07/05/2025 – New Victoria ACH, Level 2, 16A, Book here
- 22/05/2025 – Gartnavel General Hospital, Lecture Theatre, Book here
- 12/06/2025 – Stobhill ACH, Seminar Room 6, Book here
- 24/06/2025 – New Victoria ACH, Level 2, 16A, Book here
Please note: this training is for staff directly employed by NHSGGC and/or one of the six HSCPs only.
Before you book, please also note the following:
- Please only book yourself onto one training course (including only one waiting list). If you book yourself on to more than one, you will be removed from the attendance lists to ensure all colleagues have a fair and equal chance of attending this training.
- Peer Support training is in extremely high demand with long waiting lists of colleagues wishing to become Peer Supporters. We kindly ask you to please cancel your space on this course if you can no long attend.
- Your immediate line managers must approve your attendance on this training course. Please highlight to your manager that following your training, there is an ongoing expectation to dedicate approximately 1 hour a month to developing your skills as a Peer Supporter.
- If line managers request more information on what Peer Support is and the evidence-based benefits on having a Peer Supporter in the team, please contact peer.support@ggc.scot.nhs.uk.
The Peer Support Journey
See the Peer Support Journey for more information on how to become a Peer Supporter or if you are interested in having a Peer Supporter in your team:
Who are the Peer Supporters?
Various staff across NHSGGC and Health and Social Care Partnerships are currently being trained to become Peer Supporters. Each Peer Supporter has completed training and has the knowledge and skills needed to offer peer support to their team and colleagues. So far, we have almost 500 trained Peer Supporters across NHSGGC and the HSCPs and this figure is growing rapidly.
Meet some of our Peer Supporters:
Donald Macphail and Katherine Malloch

Katherine (right) is an Education Co-ordinator, Senior Charge Nurse in Adult Theatres at the QEUH and is available to provide Peer Support to colleagues who would like to talk openly about their feelings and worries in a welcoming, non-judgemental and confidential space.
Donald (left) is a Controlled Drug Inspector based at Clarkston Court Clinic Glasgow South. He is able to provide Peer Support in person or virtually in a safe, confidential, non-judgemental environment in which staff may wish to share experiences. His endeavour is to support, listen and provide space for staff to make sense of their experiences.
Lisa Conway

Lisa is a Lead Medical Administrator based at the Glasgow Royal Infirmary and is available to provide Peer Support to members of staff who feel they need support. This is a supported non-judgmental conversation.
Keep an eye out for our Peer Supporters wearing identifiable lanyards and/or badges with the Peer Support logo.

Where are the Peer Supporters?
Each service may offer a different form of peer support to best meet the needs of their staff, area or department. You will be able to spot the peer supporters as they will be wearing their lanyards or badges.
In certain teams it would be desirable to have more than one Peer Supporter to ensure an appropriate mix of peer support available. At present, we have trained peer supporters in the following sites:
- Glasgow Royal Infirmary
- Queen Elizabeth University Hospital
- West Glasgow ACH (Yorkhill Hospital)
- Stobhill Hospital
- Gartnavel (General and Royal) Hospital
- Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre
- Royal Hospital for Children
- Royal Alexandra Hospital
- Kirkintilloch Health and Care Centre
- Shettleston Health Centre
- Renfrew Health and Social Work Centre
- Pollokshaws Clinic
- Pollok Health Centre
- New Victoria Hospital
- Mile End Mill
- Lightburn Hospital
- Leverndale Hospital
- Inverclyde Royal Hospital
- Greenock Health Centre
- Govan Police Station
- Esteem North
- Eastwood Health and Care Centre
- Eastbank Conference and Training Centre
- Central Decontamination Unit
- Aranthrue Centre (Renfrew)
- And more….
We also have remote working Peer Supporters who can offer peer support while you work from home to best suit your needs.
Supporting information for Peer Supporter candidates:
Peer Support training feedback
- “The training has changed the way I speak to patients and colleagues”
- “I think the most important thing I realised was it is not a formal thing, it is about the way we communicate and actively listen”
- “The session was well delivered and informative. Well done presenters”
- “The trainers were fantastic. Totally enthusiastic and knowledgeable which they passed on with ease.”
- “It was all relevant, thank you. Time well spent.”
- “I am extremely satisfied with this training”
How to speak to a Peer Supporter
Find out who your team/ department Peer Supporter is and arrange a chat with them.
If you do not have a Peer Supporter in your team, do not know if you have one in your team or if you feel more comfortable speaking with a Peer Support outwith your team, please direct these requests peer.support@ggc.scot.nhs.uk and the Peer Support team will be able to help. If you yourself are interested in becoming a Peer Supporter then discuss with your manager and come along to one of our training days.
Is it confidential?
Yes, what you say will be confidential. However, if the Peer Supporter is worried about your or someone else’s safety they may seek support from other relevant service to best help you. This would be discussed with you first before any action is taken.
Level 3: Peer Support Hubs
As Peer Support continues to grow rapidly, the programme is shifting towards a hub-model. This is when the team deliver in-house training to staff from the same service/area to become Peer Supporters to support their colleagues locally and develop a critical mass of Peer Supporters across the service.
Hubs have a Hub Champion who coordinates Peer Support activity across the service and works with Peer Supporters to overcome implementation barriers.
There are several hubs across the organisation including:
- The Specialist Children’s Services Hub
- Critical Care (QEUH) Hub
- The Spiritual Care (Chaplaincy) Hub
- The LGBTQIA+ Peer Support Hub
- Diagnostics and Imaging Hub
Several more hubs are currently in development.
If you would like to speak to a Peer Supporter within a particular hub, please contact peer.support@ggc.scot.nhs.uk and state the hub in the email’s subject line.
If you are interested in knowing more about hubs or are interested in setting up a Peer Support hub in your area, please contact peer.support@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Support for Managers of Peer Supporters
For managers who have Peer Supporters in their teams, please see the Manager Briefing Information Sheet.
Contact details
To speak to a Peer Supporter, for general enquires to find out more about Peer Support or if you are interested in becoming a Peer Supporter, please email; peer.support@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Royal Hospital for Children Colleagues
There is also a Peer Support Network of staff who work within critical care at The Royal Hospital for Children. More information can be found here: RHC Peer Support
For colleagues based at the Royal Hospital for Children interested in Peer Support, please direct all requests to: rhc.peersupport@ggc.scot.nhs.uk
Peer Support is one part of the wide range of Staff Support and Wellbeing services available in NHSGGC. Click below for more information:
Peer Supporters do not provide a crisis service
If you need immediate support with your mental health please contact a trusted member of your community such as your GP, call NHS 24 on ‘111’, dial ‘999’ or go to A&E. To talk to someone you can call Samaritans on ‘116 123’ (available 24 hours) or Breathing Space on ‘0800 83 85 87’ (available 6.00pm Friday to 6.00am Monday and 6.00pm – 2.00am on weekdays Monday -Thursday).
Helpful Resources to Support your Wellbeing:
NHSGGC’s Staff Support and Wellbeing Services
- Website: Staff Support And Wellbeing – NHSGGC
- Self-referrals: Self Referrals and Counselling – NHSGGC (0141 277 7623)
Adult Mental Health Services
National Wellbeing Hub
Practitioner Health
Confidential mental health service – Regulated NHS & Care Staff in Scotland
Free Apps
- Sleepio (for insomnia) – Sleepio – Big Health UK | Helping millions back to good mental health
- Daylight (for anxiety) – Daylight – Big Health UK | Helping millions back to good mental health
- NHSGGC Free Mindfulness Apps – Collection | Right Decisions (scot.nhs.uk)
Staff Wellbeing Webinars
Let’s talk about… Staff Wellbeing Webinars (on SharePoint, which is an internal site for staff only).
The Let’s talk about… Staff Wellbeing webinar series offers short, information sessions to NHSGGC and HSCP staff with focus on various topics which we know are important to personal health and wellbeing. They are delivered in a format that allows colleagues to take away top tips and share with others.
These sessions are delivered live on MS Teams at the end of each month. For members of staff who could not attend the live sessions or would like to rewatch any, they have been recorded and uploaded onto SharePoint.
Peer Support Resources
All Peer Support resources can be ordered directly from the Public Health Resources Directory (PHRD). If you have not ordered from this site before, you will need to create an account. Search ‘Peer Support Resources’ to find our available resources.
Peer Support Resources for all staff
Resources for Peer Supporters post-Level 2 training
- What is Peer Support? Information Leaflet for Staff
- Peer Support Network Poster (A3)
- Peer Supporter in your Area Poster (A4) – for Peer Supporters only
- Peer Supporter Lanyard – for Peer Supporters only
- Peer Supporter Pin Badges – for Peer Supporters only
- Peer Support logo Stickers
- Experiencing Low Mood? Booklet
- Feelings of Anxiety? Booklet
- Trouble Sleeping? Booklet