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Nursing and Midwifery Staff Bank

The NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Nursing and Midwifery Staff Bank teams are here to help when there are planned, or unplanned, shortfalls in the levels of nursing and midwifery staff.

We provide registered and non-registered nursing and midwifery staff to our hospital wards, outpatient clinics, health centres and community settings. The Nurse Bank has approximately 15,000 temporary staff providing shift cover 24/7, 365 days a year.

Bank workers are registered with NHSGGC Nursing & Midwifery Staff Bank and are available to fill short-term shortfalls in manpower resource. The service helps to provide safe, effective, person-centred care for patients across Glasgow and Clyde.

What we do

The Nursing and Midwifery Staff Bank service provides a central booking, recruitment and management service for NHSGGC. The Staff Bank Service provides a critical link between NHSGGC bank workers and frontline health care professionals commissioning staffing requests for their services.

How to contact NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Staff Bank


NHSGGC Staffbank
Admin Building
Gartnavel Royal Hospital
G12 0XH

Nursing & Midwifery, Recruitment and Pay Enquires

Opening Hours

Staff Bank

Monday to Sunday – 8.00am to 8:30pm
Closed Christmas Day and New Year Day

Recruitment and Pay Enquires

  • Monday to Friday – 9.00am – 5.00pm
  • Closed all public holidays

Telephone Options

  • Our contact number for all enquires is 0141 278 2555.

Staff Bank Contact Numbers

Contact Centre

  • Telephone: 0141 278 2555

Contact Centre Team Lead

Kelly Smith
Telephone: 0141 278 2640

Contact Centre Supervisor

Laura Traquair
Telephone: 0141 278 2677

Contact Centre Supervisor

David Dougan
Telephone: 0141 278 2566

Contact Centre Manager

Neil McGhie
Telephone: 0141 278 2656

Nurse Manager

Karen McCoubrey

Nurse Manager

Carol Allison

Nurse ‘Manager

Julia O’Neill
Email: Julia.O’

Pay Enquiries

Payroll Cut Off Deadline

The BankStaff system for NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Staff Banks was introduced in 1st July 2017 .

Bank workers timesheets are required to be completed electronically, and authorisers are required to confirm the shift has been worked and then finalise the timesheet on the system, to allow the shift to be released for payment.

The payroll cut off for electronic time sheets authorisation is now 12.00pm on Friday.

All shifts which start before midnight on the Thursday must be signed off for payment before 12 noon on a Friday to ensure the bank workers receive payment the following Friday.

Thursday night shifts can now be paid the following Friday i.e:

Shift: Thursday Night shift 7.30pm to 7.30am

If signed-off by Friday midday will be paid the following Friday.

Payroll Cut Off Deadline (December 2024)

WeekShifts WorkedShifts to be signed off not later thanPayment Date
37                                                                          06/12/24 –
12pm on Wednesday 11th Dec20/12/2024
3811/12/24 – 17/12/2412pm on Wednesday 18th Dec27/12/2024
3918/12/24 – 23/12/2412pm on Tuesday 24th Dec03/01/2025
40 24/12/24 –
12pm on Friday 03rd Jan10/01/2025

Rates of pay

If you are a Band 2 member of staff you will be paid the below hourly rates depending on what point of the payscale you are placed on:

Points 00 & 01 = £23,362 (£12.11 per hour)

Points 02, 03, 04 & 05 = £25,368 (£13.15 per hour)

For any hours you work that are classified as Saturday, Night or Unsocial, you will be paid an extra 44% for those hours on top of your basic rate of pay.  These will be shown separately on your payslip for that week.

For any hours you work that are classified as Sunday or Public Holiday, you will be paid an extra 88% for those hours on top of your basic rate of pay.  These will also be shown separately on your payslip for that week.

If you are a Band 3 member of staff you will be paid the below hourly rates depending on what point of the payscale you are placed on:

Points 00 & 01 = £25,468 (£13.20 per hour)

Points 02, 03, 04, 05 & 06 = £27,486 (£14.25 per hour)

For any hours you work that are classified as Saturday, Night or Unsocial, you will be paid an extra 37% for those hours on top of your basic rate of pay.  These will be shown separately on your payslip for that week.

For any hours you work that are classified as Sunday or Public Holiday, you will be paid an extra 74% for those hours on top of your basic rate of pay.  These will also be shown separately on your payslip for that week.

If you are a Band 5 member of staff you will be paid the below hourly rates depending on what point of the payscale you are placed on:

Points 00 & 01 = £30,229 (£15.67 per hour)

Points 02 & 03= £32,300 (£16.74 per hour)

Points 04, 05, 06 & 07 = £37,664 (£19.52 per hour)

For any hours you work that are classified as Saturday, Night or Unsocial, you will be paid an extra 30% for those hours on top of your basic rate of pay.  These will be shown separately on your payslip for that week.

For any hours you work that are classified as Sunday or Public Holiday, you will be paid an extra 60% for those hours on top of your basic rate of pay.  These will also be shown separately on your payslip for that week.

These annual salary value are re-assessed by the Government in April of each year.

News and Events
Frequently Asked Questions
Conditions of Nursing & Midwifery Registration

Question: I am looking to travel abroad for six months of the year, can I stay on the Nurse Bank?
Answer: No, if you are not going to be available to undertake shifts you must advise the Staff Bank

Question: Can I refuse to move wards/site from the ward/site I was originally booked for?
Answer: No, once a Bank worker has accepted and agreed to undertake a shift there is an obligation to work with the local management team in delivering patient care. This may involve being redeployed to other areas.

Question: I have just found out that I am pregnant, is there anything I need to do?
Answer: Yes, For Bank only workers, you must contact a Nurse Manager to arrange a meeting
For substantive post holders, you must advise the Staff Bank the dates when your maternity leave starts and ends.

Question: What happens when I am off sick?
Answer: Inform Staff Bank at the earliest opportunity. If your sickness will last longer than 3 days and up to 7 days you should submit a Self Certificate Form (SC2). If your sickness will last for 7 days+ then you should submit a Fit note to the Staff Bank.

Question: Will I get paid when I am off sick?
Answer: In certain circumstances, a Bank worker may be eligible for statutory sick pay

Question: Will I be paid when I am on jury duty?
Answer: The nature of bank work is such that no payment would be made by NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (the Board) to any bank worker when on jury duty.

Question: How do I claim my Annual Leave?
Answer: Telephone the Staff Bank Contact Centre

Question: How long does an internal application take to process?
Answer: Normally 10 to14 days providing your paperwork is accurately and timeously completed.

Question: How often do you recruit?
Answer: NHSGGC Staff Bank is regularly recruiting, please check Scottish Health on the Web for current campaigns.

Information for Service Users

Question: What is the deadline for signing off bank staff shifts that have been worked in my ward?
Answer: All worked shifts must be signed off on Bank Staff before the 12.00pm deadline on a Friday to ensure payment for the following Friday.

Question: How do I request a booking for my Ward?
Answer: All bookings should be requested via the Bank Staff booking system.

Question: How much notice should I give when requesting a shift?.
Answer: Providing the contact centre with as much notice as possible increases opportunity to successfully fill the shift.

Question: How do I cancel a booking request that is no longer needed at ward level?.
Answer: Contact the Staff Bank Contact Centre on 0141 278 2555 and inform them of the Cancellation. When cancelling a filled request you must give 4 hours notice before start of shift.

Information for Bank Staff

Question: How do I book my bank shifts?
Answer: Refer to Employee Online link below, or Contact the Staffbank Contact Centre on 0141 278 2555 and give them your availability dates for work. The Call handler will check to see what shifts are available on these dates and offer them to you. The more flexible you are the more work we will be able to offer you.

Question: How do I request Annual Leave?
Answer: Annual leave can be requested by email. Please see Important Information link for details on how to request annual leave. for More Info please click here

Question: Can I work a bank shift if I am on annual leave from my substantive post?
Answer: Yes.

N.B Bank workers who have a substantive post must take annual leave from both substantive and bank post at the same time for 5.6 weeks/210 hours of the Annual Leave year.

Question: Can I change a booked shift for another shift elsewhere?.
Answer: No, once you have committed to a shift the Staffbanks expectation is that you complete the booked shift. If the move is because of a specific skill then it is considered and discussed with the nurse in charge locally.

Question: Can I refuse to move wards/site from the ward/site I was originally booked for?.
Answer: No, once a bank worker has accepted and agreed to undertake a shift there is an obligation to work with the local management team in delivering patient care. This may involve being redeployed to other areas.

Question: What happens if I need to cancel my shift?
Answer: To maintain high standards of patient care and staff safety, all Bank workers are required to follow the cancellation process when unable to attend a booked shift. During opening hours (8:00 AM – 8:30 PM, 7 days a week), please contact the Bank Office directly at 0141 278 2555. If you need to cancel outside of these hours, notify the clinical area at the earliest opportunity and follow up with the Bank Office when it reopens. If there are mitigating circumstances preventing you from following this process, please contact the Nurse Manager as soon as possible via email at to provide an explanation and any relevant details.

Professional Nursing & Governance
Staff Bank Recruitment

Come and Join the Staff Bank Service

We are welcoming internal applications for both nursing and non-nursing role’s with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Nursing and Midwifery Bank. With a wide variety of flexible shifts across both acute and community services we would be delighted to hear from you. More information and our online application is available through the links below.

Joining NHSGGC Staff Bank

The process for recruiting both registered and non-registered nurses and midwives to NHSGGC Nursing and Midwifery Staff Bank follows the same robust recruitment and selection processes as required for substantive posts.

To register with the Staff Bank there is both an internal and external process.

Internal Applications

Nursing and Midwifery staff that hold a permanent post within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are permitted to join the Staff Bank through the internal application process, by virtue of existing employment, in a nursing role, with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

This is on the basis that as bank workers they are fully supported by their substantive line manager in delivering high standards of care to patients within their bank role. Before completing and signing the reference managers acting as the individuals sponsor should consider the suitability of the individual to undertake bank work i.e. relevant mandatory training and competency.  

Bank workers planning to leave substantive employment within the organisation e.g. retirement and wish to continue to undertake bank shifts will no longer have sponsorship from their line manager and therefore no means for the bank nurse’s competence to be assessed within the responsibilities of the role and job description. 

Bank workers wishing to continue to undertake shifts when no longer substantively employed by NHS GGC will undergo a reassessment process to transfer managerial responsibility to Staff Bank Nurse Management.

It is important that the bank worker and their line manager inform the Staff Bank service of their intention to leave their substantive post at the earliest opportunity to allow the reassessment process which entails Occupational Health check, PVG assessment, mandatory training update and a satisfactory reference. NHSGGC Staff Bank advise they are notified a minimum of 3 months in advance of leaving.

External Applications

External applicants to the Nursing and Midwifery Staff Bank will be subject to NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde recruitment and selection process, which adheres to NHS Scotland PIN Guidelines.

  • Application short listed in line with Pin guidelines
  • Short listed applicants interviewed
  • Successful interviewees are progressed subject to the following checking standards: Occupational Health Clearance, Criminal record checks and membership of the Protecting Vulnerable Groups (PVG) scheme, Employment history and 2 satisfactory reference checks, Verification of identity checks and right to work in UK checks.

All external recruitment is advertised on NHS Show Website.

Learning, Education & Training

In order to maintain registration with NHSGGC Staff Bank you are required to ensure that you complete all statutory and mandatory training.  

Focus on Policies and Procedures

As members of NHS Greater Glasgow Clyde Staff Bank Team, it is key that we are all committed to the core NHS values of: Care and Compassion, Dignity and Respect, Openness, Honesty, Responsibility, Quality and Teamwork and we use these values to guide us in all that we do.

It is important to maintain your knowledge and understanding of all NHSGGC Policies and Procedures. Please ensure that you are familiar with and follow the policies that are pertinent to your role and current scope of practice at all times.

To support you with this and maintaining these core values, each month we will focus on a different Policy or Procedure. This month we are featuring the following policies:

Please be aware that Policies and Procedures are updated from time to time, therefore it is important to regularly check for changes.

Important Information for all Nursing, Midwifery and Health Care Support Workers

Following a recent review of Nursing Documentation by NHSGGC Tissue Viability Team, the ABCD initiative to documentation is now being rolled out Board wide. Please read the information on the new approach.

Further information

COVID-19 Information

Annual Leave

Due to current circumstances it has been agreed that the normal maximum 37.5 hour carry over rule for annual leave will be waived and any untaken leave will be carried over to the next financial year. (Therefore if you still had 50 hours on the 31st March 2022, all of this has been carried over on the 1st April 2022)

Additionally, if you have booked annual leave, and wish to also take a bank shift,  then you will be able to do this with immediate effect. We will monitor usage of these to ensure that bank workers are taking regular breaks, as whilst we value your contribution, we also need to make sure you get rest.

Many thanks

The bank office team

COVID-19 Updated Briefings