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NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde are keen to ensure that we have an appropriately skilled workforce to meet current and future service demands, and one that represents the patient population we serve

In an NHSGGC Apprenticeship you will be working in a real job and working towards a real qualification.

Our Apprentices develop their knowledge and skills on the job, and gain nationally recognised qualifications. We view apprenticeship as just the start of a much longer term career within the NHS and once you’ve successfully completed your apprenticeship, we will support you to transition into permanent employment. 

Our Apprentices are paid at least the Scottish Living Wage with many earning above that level and are NHS Employees with the same benefits, allowances, annual leave entitlement and pension  as all our staff.  

Our Apprenticeships are open to anyone living in Scotland aged between 16 and 24 years (or 16 to 29 years for candidates with a disability or who are care experienced*)  in line with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Widening Access Strategy and in support of our Workforce Demographics and projections.  

*  The term “care experienced” refers to anyone who has been, or is currently in care.  This includes kinship care where you are living/lived with a relative who is not your parent, or looked after with the help of social work, or living/lived in Residential care, Foster care, Secure care or Adoption.

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Workforce Employability Team would like to invite young people to Join our Mailing List to receive email alerts when new Modern Apprenticeship vacancies are advertised.

Why choose an NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Apprenticeship?

Apprenticeships offer the opportunity to work and learn at the same time. By the end of the apprenticeship period apprentices have demonstrated that they have the knowledge and skills required for the job role and are competent and experienced workers. This approach of working and learning at the same time is enhanced by a formal Apprenticeship Framework which ensures apprentices gain national recognition of their knowledge and skills.

How is an NHSGGC apprenticeship delivered?

All of our Apprenticeships deliver an Industry recognised qualification. Some programmes are delivered in the workplace others may require you to attend college on a day release, part time or full time basis.

Our Apprenticeships are structured programmes that take the apprentices through the skills they need to eventually be working at the standard required for the role.

Our Apprentices study whilst they work. We do this through a combination study with our training providers, and off-the-job learning. This might be on one day a week, or a block of days at a time.

How much will I be paid as an apprentice?

Our trainees start on a minimum salary of the Scottish Living Wage and have access to all the benefits available to NHS Staff. This includes 27 days paid annual leave, 8 paid public holidays per year and enrolment in the NHS Pension Scheme.

What happens after I complete my NHSGGC apprenticeship?

The majority of trainees who successfully complete the NHSGGC Apprenticeship programme will be supported into permanent employment within the organisation.  

We have established career pathways and development programmes within the organisation which support ongoing career development and  support employees to work towards higher level qualifications, to develop their skills and progress within the NHS in Scotland.

If for any reason Apprentices chose not to remain with us on completion of training then they leave us with recognised qualifications and training, work experience and references, and a real advantage over other applicants in an increasingly competitive graduate job market.

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Workforce Employability Team would like to invite young people to Join our Mailing List to receive email alerts when new apprenticeship vacancies are advertised.

Apprenticeship Frameworks in NHSGGC
  • Accountancy: Apprentices work in our Management and Financial Accounts Teams as Trainee Management Accounts Assistants
  • Business and Administration: Apprentices work in a range of Administrative roles in hospital, office and health centre settings
  • Construction (Joinery): Apprentices work in our Hospital Estates Teams as Trainee Joiners
  • Dental Nursing: Trainee Dental Nurses based at the Glasgow Dental Hospital and School
  • Electrical Installation: Apprentices work in our Hospital Estates Teams as Trainee Electricians
  • Engineering – Electronic and Mechanical: Apprentices work in our estates teams as Mechanical Fitters (Mechanical Engineering) and in our Medical Physics Teams as Clinical Technologists (Electronic Engineering)
  • Healthcare Support – Clinical and Non Clinical: Apprentices work in an range of roles supporting the delivery of hands on healthcare services e.g. Healthcare Support Workers and in services supporting the delivery of non clinical services e.g. Health Improvement
  • Life Sciences: Apprentices work in our laboratory services – Biochemistry, Haematology, Microbiology and Pathology as Biomedical Support Workers
  • Pharmacy: Apprentices work as Pre-registration Pharmacy Technicians and are based in our Hospital and Community Pharmacies
  • Plumbing: Apprentices work within our Hospital Estates Team as Trainee Plumbers
  • Procurement: Apprentices work within our Procurement function as Trainee Purchasing Officers

NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Workforce Employability Team would like to invite young people to Join our Mailing List to receive email Alerts when new MA vacancies are advertised

Did you know

There are more than 100 Apprenticeships pathways available:

Meet our Apprentices

Since 2013 more than 200 apprentices have joined NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.

Our 2025 Apprenticeship Vacancies

We will be advertising a number of opportunities from March 2025 onwards including Apprenticeships in the following frameworks:

Administration Assistants: GP Out of Hours Service, Professional Administration, Pharmacy Administration

Clinical Engineering – Practitioner Clinical Technologists




Catering Assistants

Healthcare Support Workers

Trainee Dental Nurses

Pre-Registration Pharmacy Technicians


Health & Safety Officer

In the run up to Scottish Apprenticeship Week 2025, NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Workforce Employability Team would like to invite young people to Join our Mailing List to receive email alerts when new MA vacancies are advertised

These Apprenticeships will be advertised on NHS Scotland – Jobs Page and on

You can learn more about what an NHS Apprenticeship is like in the Careers Stories section

____________________________________________________________ Main workstreams


Contact the Employability Team


Further Information