Better Care
Every member of our staff contributes to better care. Do you know someone who has experienced outstanding patient care from a member of our staff. Maybe you are a staff member who is working together in new and co-operative ways to improve the way we deliver services.
Have you or someone you know taken an innovative approach to patient care? Or perhaps you or someone you know has developed a new product which helps and improves everyday practices in the workplace. We know our staff provide incredible patient care but we need you to tell us your stories.

Better Health
Do you know of or are you involved with an initiative which seeks to improve the health and wellbeing of patients, the public and/or staff, such as healthy eating; smoking cessation; financial inclusion; physical activity; equalities in health and wellbeing; or improving mental health activities. If so, then we want you to tell us all about it.

Better Value
We want to hear about initiatives which have been implemented to achieve better productivity within NHSGGC. As a staff member, maybe you have devised a way to deliver the same quality of service more efficiently or perhaps you have submitted an idea to our Small Change Matters campaign. If you know of something which is being done differently or has taken a new approach to work which makes better use of resources, then you should enter this category.

Better Workplace
We are pleased to introduce a new award category to recognise the often unseen work of our staff who are helping to make NHSGGC a Better Workplace. Have you or someone you know developed a new approach to team working at local level, helping to improve workplace culture? Or have you or someone you know delivered an innovative approach to helping improve staff health and wellbeing. If you are a staff member share with us how you have positively supported diversity, inclusion and releasing potential of your colleagues or nominate one of your team/manager for supporting you personally.

Global Citizenship
Do you know someone who has travelled overseas either as part of a team or individually to provide healthcare and/or education in developing countries or in countries in crisis? Or maybe you have been part of a team who has travelled overseas. Are you or someone you know in the Reserve Forces or have you or someone you know taught people from abroad within NHSGGC’s own healthcare facilities. We want to hear all your stories of our staff helping people from other countries.

Nursing & Midwifery
Do you know a nurse or group of nurses who display the best qualities of patient care and the ethos of nursing? Do you know a nurse or midwife who deserves recognition? Has someone you know made a difference to the care of patients and their families in a hospital or in the community? If so, we want you to tell us all about them.

We want to hear about people who are providing outstanding help and support through volunteering or those who have provided patient opinions perhaps on a Public Partnership Forum within a HSCP or on a patients’ panel. The people that go the extra mile, contributing tirelessly for the benefit of other patients, we want to hear about the work they do.