Our prestigious Excellence Awards are for individual members of staff or teams, or projects that have identified ways to deliver improvements that benefit our patients, service users, colleagues or NHSGGC. The awards consist of eight categories, which you can find out more about in the Nominees list below.
The awards were presented at the virtual Celebrating Success Awards held on 23rd February 2022 which you can watch on this page further below.
You can find out more about each of the overall winners via the video links below, and read about the nominees who were shortlisted.
Congratulations to all the winners and nominees.
Excellence Award Winners 2021
Watch the Celebrating Success Event
The awards were presented at the virtual Celebrating Success Awards held on 23rd February 2022, hosted by Professor Jason Leitch CBE, National Clinical Director.
Excellence Award Nominees 2021
Our dedicated teams and individuals are nominated for NHSGGC Excellence Awards by patients, visitors and staff. All of our staff have gone above and beyond in the past 18 months and we asked to hear about your experience of outstanding care and for your nominations.
The nominees in each of the categories, are listed below:
Better Care
This award recognises staff who provide and contribute towards incredible patient care improving everyday practices across NHSGGC.
Better Care Nominees
Community Assessment Centres/Testing
At the start of the pandemic, it became clear that those who became very ill with Covid need a place where they could be seen and assessed safely and away from non-Covid patients.
Our Community Assessment Centres were created. This significant project required input from all of the eHealth teams to ensure the centres had all the necessary telephony and IT kit. They also needed to be set up very quickly.
eHealth teams responded to the needs of the service, working above and beyond to introduce new processes to book in Covid patients outwith hospital settings. The staff showed immense flexibility and changed their hours of work and their roles.The success of the CACs was due to the commitment, flexibility and team working across eHealth to support the Board in its response to the pandemic.

Medical Equipment Management
The speed of the Covid pandemic meant the NHS had to react quickly to the challenges.
The Medical Equipment Management team did just that. In March 2020 it was clear that we needed to increase our capacity to treat those who would inevitably become very ill with Covid.
The team used their technical expertise to convert 163 anaesthetic machines within days so they could be used as ICU ventilators. This was repeated for infusion pumps, ultrasound scanners, renal dialysis equipment, blood pressure monitors and thermometers. In total they configured 4200 pieces of equipment needed for Covid patients.
They also rolled up their sleeves to support the increased critical care pressure – volunteering to move from a five day a week operation to seven and volunteering willingly.

Queen Elizabeth Frailty Team
Queen Elizabeth Frailty Team has been running for six years and aims to improve outcomes for older adults and reduce the time they need to spend in hospital.
This has been successful and they managed to increase the proportion of patients discharged in less than 48 hours.
They also use imaginative ways to make a hospital stay more comfortable and the environment better for patients – through artwork, memory boards, ipads. They even created a 6m frailty therapy walk along the river Clyde- with places that patients would recognise around Glasgow.
Their relationships, their direction and the way they work and collaborate mean that they have been far bigger than working as individuals – and our patients have reaped the rewards of this.

Frailty at the Front Door
The Frailty at the front door team was faced with a great challenge – to increase same day discharges for patients coming into the Queen Elizabeth with frailty issues. Patients are usually happier at home and recover better in their own environment.
The aim was to increase same day discharges from 15% to 25%.
During a week of rapid change – they worked with AHPs, pharmacy and mental health staff, nurses, ED Consultants and social work to ensure 12 hour a day cover, moving away from the 9-5.
The team worked together with a collective aim and shared values and managed to overcome a number of logistical challenges to ensure that care was delivered in a timeous, person-centred fashion.
The final outcome saw 30% of patients discharged within 24 hours.
Better Health
This award commends staff who have implemented an initiative to improve the health and wellbeing of patients, the public and/or staff.
Better Health Nominees
West of Scotland Specialist Virology Centre
When Covid emerged in early 2020, the team at the West of Scotland Specialist Virology Service realised they would be at the forefront of testing for this new virus.
The team quickly set to work to ensure they had the right equipment to test for the virus and then developed a new test to detect it. At first they were carrying out tests for 75% of Health Boards.
Now, the lab is testing 1,500-2000 samples a day with a turnaround time of less than 24 hours. The team expanded their hours from 9-5 to 8-10 at short notice to meet demand and one person even came out of retirement to help.
The virology lab has been central to our pandemic response and has offered a very high quality service that clinicians – and patients – have relied heavily upon.

Tracy Brown
Tracy Brown is a Prescribing Support Pharmacist, based in the south side of Glasgow.
Recognising the needs of a large group of patients in the Govanhill area with chronic pain, she set up a Pharmacist Led Pain Clinic, accepting referrals from GP practices, using telephone appointments and online/ printed self-help material.
This was all done during the pandemic and while working from home, linking in with the Advanced Practice Physiotherapist, Links Worker and aYoga Pain Specialist.
The focus was on pain education and promotion of self-management of pain to help minimise prescribing of analgesics and to improve patient safety.
Outcomes from the project include reduced use of opioids, patients pain scores reducing by an average of 3 (on a 1-10 score) and a 36% reduction in GP appointments for pain issues from the previous six months.

OPMH Mental Health Physiotherapists
As physiotherapists specialising in mental health, Angela and her team work regularly with service users who have a diagnosis of dementia. The main referral reason is due to falls and mobility issues.
There is a recognised exercise programme in existence, but the team recognised that many patients with dementia had difficulty following this, so they set about devising their own.
The worked with experts both within and outside the Board to get it right, looking at all aspects of the design including colours, colour contrast, layout, font size and type.
Feedback from the new programmes has been overwhelmingly positive – from across the UK. Word has spread – as far at the States, with families and professionals recognising this great example of patient-centred care.

Vaccination Programme
Vaccination has been the buzzword of 2021 and NHSGGC’s rollout has been a massive undertaking.
The eHealth team was pivotal to this – working with the wider vaccination team to put together the technology, telephony, reporting and contact centre staffing required to support our programme. This included establishing a contact centre at very short notice.
It was also necessary to recruit staff, train them in the new system so they were able to deal with calls, book appointments and answer thousands of email enquiries.
The collaboration, flexibility and workload associated with this project cannot be understated and formed a key part of the Board’s response to the pandemic.
Better Value
This award is for staff who have increased efficiencies taking a new approach to work making better use of resources.
Better Value Nominees
Communications and HR – COVID response
One of the significant challenges of the pandemic was the lack of information about the virus, how it should be treated to best effect, and what it meant for our staff, their families and their patients.
The Communications and HR teams swiftly came together to formulate a process for rapid, real time employee communications and engagement to ensure that staff could retrieve the information they needed, when they needed it in the easiest possible way, but that there was also a mechanism by which staff could engage with decision makers in the Board so they could understand quickly what the ever changing roles they were undertaking required of them and likewise, where to go for help and support in the midst of a crisis.
With that, the all employee COVID dedicated email message service and COVID-19 web portal was created. The latter still remains in use and was utilised by Health Boards across Scotland as best practice and a useful guide for their staff. Feedback has been hugely positive and the resource has been massively well utilised throughout both NHSGGC and across Scotland.

Patient Flow Hubs
This centre was set up in a particularly rapid timescale, collaboratively by eHealth teams who established a project approach to putting in place the necessary call centre accommodation, IT Kit, Telephony, data analysis and reporting. From initial recruitment to training to go live, eHealth teams worked together to rapidly establish the centre and Health Records co-ordinated all of the operational activity, training and support in the new roles to ensure patients were booked in a timely manner 24/7.

Rheumatology AHP Team
During the COVID-19 pandemic, waiting times for rheumatology patients to receive treatment from physiotherapists and occupational therapists were escalating as they couldn’t be seen face to face in a hospital setting.
While remote consultations were brought online, it became clear that patients needed to be seen face to face to assess more accurately and provide better, more successful treatment to improve their quality of life.
A one stop face to face clinic was set up at the NHS Louisa Jordan meaning that physios and OTs could assess the patient jointly and resolve several issues in one appointment.
This new approach rapidly reduced waiting times and 67% of patients said they were satisfied with the new model of care and the team received a lot of positive patient feedback such as how organised, friendly, happy, quick and efficient the process was, which was a great result for the team.
Better Workplace
This award recognises the often unseen work of our staff who help make NHSGGC a better workplace, improving the culture and supporting colleagues.
Better Workplace Nominees
Barr Street CAC
In March 2020 thanks to the swift launch of Community Assessment Centres across NHSGGC, we were able to manage the flow of potential COVID-19 patients into our hospitals and GPs and minimise the risk of transmission. Barr Street was one of the first of such centres and the team there, made up of volunteers, had a huge impact on what would turn out to be an extremely important tool in the fight against COVID-19. The multi-disciplinary approach which saw teams working in a fast-paced, unknown and constantly evolving situation help reduce demand on hospital services and GPs and ensured those patients with COVID-19 symptoms were effectively managed without risk to others.

Human Resources Directorate
As resources shifted to meet new requirements during the height of the pandemic, so too did the demand for staff. At times the recruitment team were processing for 24 hours per day as they managed to employ staff for roles from estates, nursing, medical, test and protect and the vaccination rollout programme, among others. Whether onboarding, training or supporting the new workforce, there was no single team across the Human Resources Directorate which didn’t contribute to the effort and throughout the directorate has helped create new approaches and ideas which have modernised NHSGGC’s approach to recruitment, helping to maximise the pool of candidates available.

Over the past 20 months, there has been unprecedented change across our sites. There were no standard operating procedures for COVID-19. As such we’ve all had to change the way we work, but perhaps none more so than facilities teams who’ve been at the coal face throughout – supporting all other staff, ensuring the latest guidance on cleaning, PPE, pathways and protocols were being implemented. From the catering teams feeding staff and patients, to the porters, domestics, helpdesk and back office support staff – everyone in the facilities team at the QEUH has played a central role in ensuring we’ve been able to continue delivering person centred care throughout this pandemic.

Virtual Patient Appointments
With a huge increase in the demand for virtual services almost overnight, the eHealth team had the colossal task of ensuring acute and primary care services had the equipment and capabilities to deliver virtual consultations. This was crucial in allowing teams to look after patients while also keeping them safe from COVID-19. Since the beginning of the pandemic the system has been rolled out to thousands of services across acute and primary care, and is now used a regular means of delivering person care alongside telephone and face-to-face consultation. The role of the eHealth team in delivering this important service cannot be understated.
Global Citizenship
This award recognises staff who have travelled overseas to provide healthcare and/or education in developing countries or countries in crisis.
Global Citizen Nominees
Danny McInally
SAC Danny McInally is an RAF Regiment Gunner with 603 (City of Edinburgh) Squadron of the RAF Reserves.
This year Danny was mobilised and deployed to Romania on Operation BOLOXI. The detachment of four Typhoon fighter jets from 135 Expeditionary Air Wing (EAW) was based in south east Romania.
Deployed for five months, the EAW has been working alongside the Romanian Air Force to police the skies over the Black Sea. The RAF aircraft deployed to Romania were part of the UK’s contribution to reassurance measures, and to ensure the operational capability of NATO’s eastern flank. The Air Policing mission demonstrates NATO’s flexible capabilities and readiness, underlining the commitment of Allies to each other.
During the deployment Danny worked as part of a Flight (around 35 Gunners), ensuring that everything from the Typhoons flying, Engineers servicing the aircraft, to the Chefs feeding the detachment personnel, could operate without threat from possible adversaries.

Stuart Watson
Stuart Watson, Clinical Director for plastic surgery at GRI, has dedicated many hours of his personal time, both from home, and travelling to different countries in Africa, using his skills as a plastic surgeon, but also fund raising alongside this work.
At the start of COVID Stuart started running weekly one hour educational webinars from the Canniesburn Unit. For a year, these were hosted every week, and more recently every two weeks. This was initially designed to provide teaching for their own trainees, but the webinars became hugely popular and have consistently attracted international audiences averaging about 200 colleagues, from 30 to 40 different countries. There is a strong audience from Africa and the Middle East, including countries such as Yemen and Syria, where medical educational opportunities are scarce at present and outside contact is valued.
This award recognises nurse(s) who demonstrate the best qualities of patient care and the ethos of nursing.
Nursing Nominees
Tissue Viability Team
The Tissue Viability Team (TVT) have set the highest standards of care, will managing the challenges of having part of the team redeployed to the ITU due to Covid. During a time where referrals increased the team created and implemented 42 service development initiatives to improve patient care. These initiatives included managing moisture, mattress safety guidance and product guidance for wards to help clinical staff choose form a selection of wound products and were designed to support clinical staff and ensure patient care was consistent and to the highest of standards. This approach led to successes such as a 100 per cent reduction in patients developing moisture damage and an 82 per cent reduction in the need for advanced wound care for radiotherapy. The development of a patient self-care information leaflet reduced pressures on district nurses and allowed them to prioritise their caseloads for those who could not self-care.

Elective Orthopaedic Nursing Team GRI
As the COVID-19 pandemic took hold, the Elective Orthopaedic Nursing Team adapted to turn an elective surgical ward into a COVID-19 ward, quickly learning new skills and knowledge which underpinned the delivery of excellent care to all patients. The team continually proved themselves to be invaluable to NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, tackling the enormous challenge of COVID-19, while bonding and carrying each other through the most difficult time of their nursing careers. The team have now refocused and switched back to their surgical nursing roles seamlessly, despite having no time to stop and recover from the impact of the previous 14 months.

Ward 5C and D nursing staff QEUH-Infectious Diseases
In January 2020, it became clear to the infectious diseases inpatient service for GGC at ward 5C of QEUH, that they would need to be prepared to manage potentially significant numbers of patients with Covid-19. The infectious diseases nursing staff, put patient’s health before their own before it was clear just what the impact of Covid-19 would be, while helping to inform the patient pathways and clinical care for the first Covid-19 patients, while emotionally supporting isolated patients and their families.
Throughout the pandemic, this team have continued to adapt, while demonstrating the highest standards of nursing.

Gorbals Health Centre Treatment Room Nursing Team
The team at the Gorbals Health Centre Treatment Room, particularly Gayle, provided an exceptional treatment plan for a patient, who believed she was facing a possible amputation because of damage to her legs. This transformed her quality of life in just 12 weeks, following four years of frustration and trying to manage pain.
Gayle instilled hope in the patient that she could still make a full recovery and stayed with her on every step of her journey, showing compassion, dedication, with her abilities reducing anxiety. Gayle was supported by an excellent reception staff team, an efficient appointments system and a friendly although professional approach.
The patient said Gayle has given her “a new lease of life”, which has seen her successfully apply for a new job.
Recognising people who go the extra mile contributing tirelessly and providing outstanding help and support for the benefit of others.
Volunteer Nominees
RAH Volunteer COVID Response Team
At the height of the COVID-19 restrictions, the RAH Volunteer COVID Response Team played a crucial role in delivering essential items to inpatients, with visiting restricted.
The Befrienders service has supported patients and their loved ones throughout the pandemic, with volunteers being continually praised for their reassuring and caring nature, hard work and professional manner, at a time when the community needed them most.
Volunteers worked tirelessly to deliver parcels of personal items to wards, helping to keep lines of communications open between families, loved ones and those isolated in hospital and providing comfort.

R&R Hubs Volunteers
Staff R&R Hubs were set up at the start of the pandemic to support staff and help them unwind from the pressures they were facing as frontline workers. Volunteers organised by the Volunteering Service, including 100 volunteer airline staff from ‘Project Wingman’, joined staff in operating the Hubs, providing a friendly ear and cup of tea whenever needed.
The volunteers provided 24/7 cover during the toughest months of the pandemic, the Project Wingman staff attended in airline uniforms with the aim of providing an airline first class lounge service to our staff. They were responsible for completely transforming the atmosphere and physical spaces in the R&R Hubs into places where people really wanted to visit to unwind.

Chiara Galimberti
Chiara Galimberti came forward as one of the first Covid Pandemic Response Volunteers to offer support to NHSGGC in March 2020. Chiara, who is from the North of Italy had watched the catastrophic impact of the pandemic there and wanted to help as a thank you to the people of Scotland for their hospitality.
Chiara has become a key member of the RAH Pandemic Support Volunteer team supporting staff and our patients with tasks such as managing hand sanitising stations, supporting staff in PPE donning, running staff hubs and the large scale volunteer led Give & Go service. Chiara did all this while not being able to see her family for 18 months.
Passionate about making a difference and helping others, Chiara has faced every challenge with positivity and compassion.