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Core Brief

Core Brief is our regular employee update and provides important updates across a variety of topics, ranging from operational and site specific information, through to messages for our staff from our Chief Executive.

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Core Brief

Core Brief – 26 November 2021 (Chief Executive, 2.35pm)

As you will have seen in the past 24 hours, the QEUH / RHC and specifically the treatment provided to our patients at the hospital, has continued to be called into question. Hearing such speculation and allegations will, I have no doubt, be extremely difficult for our staff and patients alike.

Core Brief – 25 November 2021 (Message from Jane Grant, Chief Executive, 12.30pm)

In this issue Jane Grant talks about the COVID-19 vaccination programme, the Cabinet Secretary for Health and Social Care visit to Eastbank, our winter workforce plan and sends congratulations to our latest award winning colleagues.

Core Brief – 24 November 2021 (Daily update, 2.40pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: Changes to LFT kits; Amended Jason Leitch video link; Carers Rights Day – Thursday 25 November 2021; 16 days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence 2021; and Health and Safety – COVID-19 Key Safety Theme: Good Hygiene.

Core Brief – 23 November 2021 (Daily update, 10am)

Provision of support to winter vaccinations programme, 12 steps to a safe and healthy festive season – social events and Email guidance – multiple recipients

Core Brief – 22 November 2021 (Daily update, 5.40pm)

Physical Distancing signage updated, Medical and Dental staff Christmas and New Year holidays 2021/22, Datix – Learning lessons from incident investigations, Health and Safety Important Message – updated guidance for qualitative (Hood) face fit testing (FFT), Come and join the Staff Bank service

Core Brief – 19 November 2021 (Chief Executive, 4.30pm)

QEUH media and political scrutiny, supporting staff welfare, mental health check-in, peer support service, Community Assessment Centres continue as COVID-19 pathway, new partnership with the National volunteering co-ordination hub.

Core Brief – 18 November 2021 (Daily update 5.15pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: Public Holidays 2022/23; Global Citizenship Conference, 24 November 2021; Message from Health and Safety – Ventilation and air conditioning during COVID-10; Person Centred virtual visiting iPads; Staff Safety Awareness: and Are you interested in becoming an ethics committee member?

Core Brief – 17 November 2021 (Daily update, 2.15pm)

Physical Distancing Signage updated, Celebrate Worldwide Stop Pressure Ulcer Day, Impact of COVID-19 on blood vessels and blood pressure , Picturing our Workforce, NHSGGC anaesthetists rouse COP26 delegates on sustainability, Katie knew she wanted to be a nurse – while having a transplant

Core Brief – 16 November 2021 (Daily update 2.00pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: Annual Leave Buyback and Carry Over 2021-22; eESS – Login error Message; New Partnership with the National Volunteering Co-ordination Hub; Come and Join the Staff Bank Service; and Scottish Health Awards – Heartstart Projects in Argyll and Clyde.

Core Brief – 15 November 2021 (Daily update 3.45pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: Patient Discharge Transport Service; Near Me Video Consultations – Learning Needs Survey for Health and Care Professionals; Grand Round; and Scottish Health Awards – Amma Birth Companions.

Core Brief – 12 November 2021 (Chief Executive, 4.10pm)

Jane talks about: COP26 Climate Change Conference, a sustainable future, COVID-19 pressures, HEPMA shortlisted for award and the Employee Director retires.

Core Brief – 11 November 2021 (Daily update 12.15pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: Information on the NHS Pension Scheme – 2015 Remedy (McCloud Sargeant); Scottish Health Awards winner – Homeless Health and Asylum Service, Glasgow City HSCP; Remembrance Day; Inspiring Innovation in Women’s and Children’s Care; Picturing our Workforce: One NHS Family; After COP26, NHSGGC staff getting on their bikes; and Act now ahead of COP26 disruption.

Core Brief – 10 November 2021 (Daily update, 2.15pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: Message from Dr Margaret McGuire, Board Nurse Director; Guidance on DATIX Reporting – COVID-19; Scottish Health Awards winner – Stuart Watson; NHSGGC’s Energy Team lighting the way to a greener future; Webinar series on management of frail older adults; and Act now ahead of COP26 disruption.

Core Brief – 09 November 2021 (Daily update, 5.00pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: Climate Change and NHS Scotland – message from Caroline Lamb, Chief Executive NHS Scotland and Director General Health and Social Care; Lateral Flow Testing; Come and join the Staff Bank Service; Revision to visiting arrangements at the Royal Alexandra Hospital; Scottish Health Awards winner – Macmillan Scottish Mesothelioma Network; and Act now ahead of COP26 disruption.

Core Brief – 05 November 2021 (Chief Executive, 2.55pm)

Jane talks about awards recognising the remarkable efforts of staff, the right people, in the right place and at the right time, Occupational Therapy Week and COP26.

Core Brief – 04 November 2021 (Daily update, 2.45pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: Principles for Outpatients Consultations during COVID-19 – update on physical distancing in community settings; Occupational Therapy Week – 1-7 November; Home Energy Scotland; Your Hospital Live Arts Events; Pollution Pods open for visitors; NHSGGC signs up to the Sustainable Glasgow Green Economy Charter; and Act now ahead of COP26 disruption.

Core Brief – 03 November 2021 (Daily update, 5.40pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: New guidance for emergency departments; Life on the Frontline – Anne Marie Benes; Introduction of block team at QEUH; Occupational Therapy Week – 1-7 November; Sustainable procurement; and Act now ahead of COP26 disruption.

Core Brief – 02 November 2021 (Daily update, 5.50pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: Occupational Therapy Week 2021; Staff Disability Forum; Act now ahead of COP26 disruption; and COP26 arrives at Gartnavel.

Core Brief – 02 November 2021 (Message from Jane Grant, Chief Executive, 11.45am)

In this Core Brief Jane Grant talks about the COP26 climate conference, the Board’s commitment to minimising the environmental impact of our operations and the installation of pollution pods at Gartnavel.

Core Brief – 01 November 2021 (Daily update, 12.35pm)

Act now ahead of COP26 disruption, Doctor completes 800km climate cycle ahead of COP26 and Health and Safety Message – Monitoring COVID control measures.

Core Brief 29 October 2021 (Daily update, 2.05pm)

COP26 at Gartnavel Hospitals,  Act now and get ready for COP26 and Physical Distancing within NHSGGC

Core Brief – 28 October 2021 (Daily update 11.15am)

Topics include: Act now and get ready for COP26; New resources on Long COVID for health and social care staff and unpaid carers; Winter Driving Training LearnPro Module; and Support our NHSGGC Social Distancing Champions.

Core Brief – 27 October 2021 (Daily update 3.45pm)

Topics in this Core Brief: Act now and get ready for COP26; NHSGGC Flying Start NQP Signifier Badge; and Physical Distancing with NHSGGC.

Core Brief – 26 October 2021 (October Board Meeting 5.15pm)

Key items considered included scrutiny of the ongoing response to COVID, preparations for COP26 and the Board’s remobilisation plan. The Board also received reports on performance, finance and infection control.