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Core Brief

Core Brief is our regular employee update and provides important updates across a variety of topics, ranging from operational and site specific information, through to messages for our staff from our Chief Executive.

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Core Brief

Core Brief 31 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

New SG national guidance for staff and managers, testing of household contacts with symptoms of COVID-19,clinical guideline directory.

Core Brief 30 March 2020 (Daily update, 7.10pm)

Updated guidance for health workers with underlying health conditions, reassignment of staff, updated clinical FAQs, point of care testing.

Core Brief 30 March 2020 (Daily update, 2pm)

Guidance on PPE, mental health assessment units, accelerated recruitment portal for emergency registrants, British sign language interpreters, immigration provisions.

Core Brief 27 march 2020 (Daily update, 4.05pm)

COVID-19 FAQs update, uniforms, message from Jane Grant, Chief Executive and Dorothy McErlean, Employee Director, Office 365 Teams is coming.

Core Brief 27 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

This issue provides a personal message from Jennifer Armstrong, Medical Director.

Core Brief 27 March 2020 (Chairman, 9am)

This issue brings you a personal message from Professor John Brown CBE, Chairman.

Core Brief 26 March 2020 (Daily update, 5.30pm)

Blood glucose meters and point of care testing, changes to physiotherapy and podiatry services, social media, social distancing.

Core Brief 26 March 2020 (Daily update, 12.20pm)

This issue brings you messages from NES and Activestaff.

Core Brief 25 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

Visiting now suspended, death certification, infection control guidance on screening for patients, health and social care COVID-19 update.

Core Brief 24 March 2020 (daily update, 9am)

Barr Street address, non clinical staff, social distancing and working from home, ongoing recruitment, overtime payments, new COVID-19 patient pathway, GRI car parking charges.

Core Brief 24 March 2020 (Chief Executive, 9am)

Last night’s announcements by the Prime Minister and the First Minister place even greater restrictions on our lives.  As you will all know, we are now being instructed to restrict our movements including limiting ourselves to essential travel to and from work and to working at home when possible.

Core Brief 23 March 2020 (Chief Executive, 9am)

Message from Jane Grant, Chief Executive: As the numbers being treated within our health and care settings begin to rise, some staff have been asking about whether you should remain at work if you have been in contact with a positive or symptomatic patient. Thanks to Public Health teams.

Core Brief 23 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

Updated guidance for over 70s, updated guidance from Infectious Diseases, message from Linda de Caestecker on measure being taken to protect and safeguard staff and patients, conference facilities for virtual meetings, reassignment of staff.

Core Brief 22 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

Guidance for healthcare workers with underlying health conditions and pregnant workers

Core Brief 20 March 2020 (Daily update, 3.55pm)

New dedicated pages have now been added for dentists, optometrists and pharmacists. We also share information on car parking, Attend Anywhere and we respond to questions from staff.

Core Brief 19 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

Update on visiting arrangements, process for ordering supplies for primary, community and acute services, medical supplies.

Core Brief 18 March 2020 (Chief Executive, 9am)

New arrangements for triage and assessment of community cases and thanks to primary care staff, community and acute services, administration, eHealth and estates teams.

Core Brief 18 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

Advice for healthcare workers following UK and SG announcements, patient pathways, update information on PPE.

Core Brief 17 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

Following yesterday’s announcement by the UK and Scottish Governments, we are awaiting updated guidance on how this affects healthcare workers.

Core Brief 16 March 2020 (Chief Executive, 9am)

I want to thank everyone for working hard under these trying circumstances, operational and tactical groups set up, plans to scale down and re-phase non urgent care, monitoring stocks of PPE, email for any enquiries.

Core Brief 16 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

Updated info on PPE, study leave and training.

Core Brief 13 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

Information on PPE, self isolation, advice for pregnant workers, advice for immunosuppressed workers, clinical guidance available on StaffNet.

Core Brief 13 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

Restricted visiting to combat COVID-19 now in place. As part of contingency planning to manage the COVID-19 outbreak, the following restrictions are now in place for visitors.

Core Brief 12 March 2020 (Daily update, 9am)

A dedicated web page has been set up, coming to work, what you can do and travel.