Core Brief is our regular employee update and provides important updates across a variety of topics, ranging from operational and site specific information, through to messages for our staff from our Chief Executive.
To access Core Brief, please click on one of the tiles below, or use the search function.
Updated info on PPE, study leave and training.
Information on PPE, self isolation, advice for pregnant workers, advice for immunosuppressed workers, clinical guidance available on StaffNet.
Restricted visiting to combat COVID-19 now in place. As part of contingency planning to manage the COVID-19 outbreak, the following restrictions are now in place for visitors.
A dedicated web page has been set up, coming to work, what you can do and travel.
Letter from Jeane Freeman, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Sport, to all staff on Coronavirus (COVID-19).
Message from Jane Grant, Chief Executive on the developing international situation with Covid-19.
This issue brings you news about pension changes and the Safer Information LearnPro module.
In the first meeting since NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde was escalated to Level 4 as a whole in January 2020, the Board considered a number of papers that related to the principal areas of escalation, together with a series of reports on the current operational business of the Board.
This issue of Core Brief details information on NHSScotland Workforce Policies which go live today.
This issue brings you HPS guidance for healthcare workers returning from risk areas.
This issue of Core Brief details information and a news release on legal summons published today.
This issue of Core Brief details information from the Scottish Government on coronavirus travel advice update.
This edition brings you notice that the Recycling Employers Contribution scheme closes on 28 February to new applications and the Gynaecology Team from the Queen Elizabeth University Hospital has been recognised for their care of hard of hearing patients.
This issue details the Once for Scotland Workforce Capability Policy.
This issue of Core Brief details information on a report issued recognising cleanliness and safety progress at QEUH.
This issue of Core Brief details information on the appointment of Director of Communications and Public Engagement.
This issue details information for Healthcare workers who have travelled to a risk coronavirus (2019-nCoV) area.
Working from home guidance; Test of change on PPE decontamination and sessional use of PPE.
Message from Employee Director, Dorothy McErlean; Guidance for pregnant workers; updated clinical FAQs; rapid antibody test in development to support the fight against COVID-19; guidance on use of facial coverings in public and observing the minute’s silence.