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AHP Practice Educators information

AHP Practice-based Learning in NHSGGC

NHSGGC is proud to provide a large numbers of practice-based learning experiences for Allied Health Professions (AHP) students, contributing to the future AHP workforce. This could not be done without the commitment and enthusiasm from the AHP Practice Educators to provide quality practice-based learning. AHP Practice Educators play an essential role in the development of new AHPs. Working with the higher and further education institution they support students with the development of their knowledge and skills.
To ensure AHP Practice Educators are supported in their role there is both national and local work ongoing. This website will be one of the ways to provide AHP Practice Educators with information and resources. The information and resources on this page come from a range of sources-
NHSGGC AHP Practice Educators, Higher and Further Education Institutions, NHS Education Scotland(NES) AHP Practice Education and the NHS GGC AHP Practice-based learning Quality Group

The AHP Practice Placement Quality Group members and the AHP practice education team are working hard to support AHP Practice-based Learning. NHSGGC AHP Practice-based Learning Newsletter (June 2024)  has been developed by a sub group of the NHSGGC AHP Practice Placement Quality group in order to celebrate successes, highlight key resources and provide updates around practice-based learning. Previous editions of the newsletter can be accessed below.

NHSGGC AHP Practice-Based Learning newsletter December 2023

NHSGGC AHP Practice-Based Learning newsletter June 2023

AHP Peer Assisted Learning and Digital Workshops

The AHP Practice Education Team have recently run AHP Peer Assisted Learning and Digital Workshops to support AHPs who are considering peer assisted learning and digital placements. We hope to run further workshops in the future. To register interest please email please email

Contact Information

AHP Practice Education Lead:

The Practice Educators website is spilt into different pages. To access each page please click on the relevant section.

AHP Practice-based Learning National Resources

The AHP Practice-Based Learning (PrBL) national site is funded by the AHP Practice Education Programme. It contains resources to support PrBL. This includes links to the ‘How to’ workshops, information on models of placement delivery, digital knowledge and skills and practice educator preparation.

Additionally the site provides an explanation of the national groups supporting AHP PrBL and Scotland wide initiatives to support PrBL.

Student and Practice Educator Wellbeing

NHSGGC Spiritual Care and wellbeing resources can provide support to both AHP Practice Educators and Students

Scottish HEIs provide a range of wellbeing support to which students can self-refer. Students can also access NES wellbeing resources. Practice Educators can also signpost students to both wellbeing resources within the HEIs.

A Support for AHP Students poster has been created, detailing local resources which may support AHP students during the cost of living crisis.


AHP Student and Practice Educator Handbook

The AHP Student and Practice Educator Handbook provides a variety of resources and information for students and practice educators.

It includes templates for:

  • reflection
  • recording next of kin
  • permission to share students final report with the HEI

It also provides information for students and practice educators on:

  • code of conduct
  • policies
  • student car insurance
  • student feedback
  • students raising a concern
  • students accessing electronic information systems
  • membership of PVG Scheme
  • fire safety for students

It is updated bi-annually to ensure it reflects current AHP information and resources.

If you feel information requires updated or could be added to please contact

AHP Student Feedback Questionnaire

The recovery of AHP practice placements within NHSGGC has recommenced following the pause of placements due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In many cases NHSGGC AHPs are providing placements differently or with some changes due to COVID-19 therefore we greatly value feedback from AHP students. This feedback allows AHPs to improve and understand the student experience by asking what went well, where we could improve the placement experience, what challenges were experienced and how these were perhaps overcome. Feedback is obtained by way of a questionnaire, although participation is voluntary, the information gathered is very valuable in informing future placements. This questionnaire is anonymous unless you choose to add the placement area details.

The data from the questionnaire will initially be shared with the AHP professional leads for dissemination through their service.

The link to the AHP Student Feedback questionnaire should be provided to each AHP student by the Practice educator who is working directly with the student on placement within NHSGGC.

The link can be provided:

  • within an email
  • on student induction paperwork
  • in student information folders
  • in written form as a URL
Guidance on cancellation of AHP practice placements

Cancellation guidance is to be used when cancelling a practice placement within the health board to ensure other options have been considered. The cancellation guidance is supported within the health board by the AHP Practice Placement Quality group.

AHP practice based learning agreements

Since 2010, there have been AHP Practice Placement Agreements in place between each Scottish HEI that runs pre-registration programmes and each NHS Board. Previously known as Practice Placement Agreements (PPA). The AHP PPA’s are currently being refreshed (now to be called AHP Practice-based Learning Agreement ).

NHSGGC have AHP Practice-based Learning Agreements with Glasgow Caledonian University, Queen Margaret University,  Robert Gordon University, University of Strathclyde and Edinburgh Napier University.

What is new in the AHP Practice-based learning Agreement?

The revised agreement provides greater clarity and consistency in approach to governance arrangements for professions, universities and Practice Education Providers. It consolidates current custom and practice that has evolved in relation to student Practice-based Learning since 2009.

The approach to refreshing the agreement has been to include agreed content written during the original signing, and subsequent developments that underpin the provision of AHP student Practice-based Learning e.g. HCPC Guidance on Conduct and Ethics for Students (2017), AHP placement cancellation guidance, provision of practice educator training etc. The refreshed content has an operational focus to address and balance the requirements of different stakeholders.

 What has not changed?

The agreements clarify contemporary governance arrangements for Student Practice-based learning. The approach to refreshing the agreements has not included a review of the ongoing commitment to student ‘PrBL Weeks’ (placement weeks) per profession. This work is being progressed separately and will involve Scottish Government, AHP Directors, Practice Education Providers, professional bodies.

AHP students who are studying at non-Scottish HEI’s often have placements within NHSGGC however as there are no practice-based learning agreements with these institutions,  governance arrangements regarding issues such as PVG, immunisations etc must be discussed with the HEI and student prior to the student coming on placement.

AHP Practice-based Learning Quality Group

The AHP practice placement quality group provides an inter-professional health board wide approach to improving the quality of AHP student education and increasing the capacity to provide learning opportunities for preregistration students.

The group will support a positive learning environment through enhancing the student experience informed by AHPs within the board, NHS Scotland, Quality Standards for Practice Placement (QSPP) and student evaluation.

The AHP practice placement quality group will enable communication, information sharing and facilitate collaborative engagement between the board and higher/further education institutions about AHP student education.

It guides both current and future projects and allows sharing of good practice across professions.

The group has representatives from AHP professions within NHSGGC.

Terms of reference for the group.

AHP Practice Educator Preparation

AHP practice educator preparation is provided by all five of the Scottish higher education institutions (HEIs) who provide pre registration AHP courses: Glasgow Caledonian University and Strathclyde (jointly), Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh Napier university and  Robert Gordon University. The NHSGGC Practice Placement Quality Group have agreed that AHPs should refresh their practice educator training every five years.

If an AHP attends a course from one of the HEI’s, this provides them with the information and knowledge to supervise students from all HEI’s i.e. an AHP does not need to attend all four HEI’s practice educator training courses to supervise students from the other HEIs. However AHPs need to ensure they are familiar with the paperwork and requirements for each course.

The universities have collaborated to create shared online practice educator training modules.

All new and experienced practice educators from any sector in Scotland can access these modules if a registered user of TURAS.

NES have developed a SWAY detailing information on practice educator preparation.

The SWAY will be added to as further resources for practice educator preparation become available and can be accessed via the same link.

Thank you to those of you who took the time to complete the National AHP Practice Education Survey 2022, it is much appreciated and helps to support and guide future development of student practice education in Scotland. 

An infographic has been produced to provide a brief NHSGGC board summary of the main themes that have come out of the survey.

Other Resources