The NHSGGC Alcohol and Drugs Health Improvement Team are a Greater Glasgow and Clyde wide team who support our colleagues and partners across the six Alcohol and Drug Partnerships to promote alcohol and drug public health and equalities across the six Integrated Health and Social Care partnerships in Greater Glasgow and Clyde – East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Glasgow City, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire, and West Dunbartonshire.
We share updates about the work we are undertaking with partners across key priority areas, share useful resources, research and policy information to help you deliver on the alcohol and drug harms agenda. We are part of the wider Mental Health, Alcohol and Drugs Health Improvement Team.
Contact the NHSGGC Alcohol & Drugs Health Improvement Team
- Trevor Lakey, Health Improvement and Inequalities Manager – Mental Health, Alcohol and Drugs
- Jo McManus, Health Improvement Lead, Drug Prevention and Harm Reduction
- Graeme Mathew, Health Improvement Senior, Alcohol Brief Intervention
- Claire Marie Blair, Health Improvement Senior – Drugs
- Business Support, Owen Breen and Donald Boyle
- Please note that these inboxes are not monitored immediately. If you, or someone you know are in distress and need an immediate response call the emergency services on 999 or NHS24 on 111.
- Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership Headquarters – Commonwealth House, 32 Albion Street, Glasgow, G1 1LH
Get in touch
If you have any questions about our team or our work, please get in touch with us by emailing*.
*Please note that this is a generic admin inbox and not monitored immediately. If you, or someone you know are in distress and need an immediate response call the emergency services on 999 or NHS24 on 111.