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Library Network 

The Library Network, NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, provides library and information services to all staff working within NHSGGC and its partner organisations. 

With nine staffed libraries across NHSGGC, we offer access to an extensive collection of healthcare and associated resources, in print, online and on time. 

Library locations


The Beatson Library provides specialist cancer information services and resources to all NHSGGC staff and partners.

We are located in the Education Suite, Level 0. Access is available 24/7 using your Beatson swipe card.

Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre Library
1053 Great Western Road
G12 0YN

Telephone: 0141 301 7283 (x57283)

Gartnavel General Hospital

The Library is in the Administration corridor on the ground floor of the main hospital building, near Medical Illustration’s offices. Library staff are usually available Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm. Out of hours access is available for NHSGGC staff: please ask for details.

Gartnavel General Hospital
1053 Great Western Road
G12 0YN

Telephone: 0141 211 3013 (x53013)

Glasgow Royal Infirmary

Glasgow Royal Infirmary Library is on the first floor of the New Lister Building. If you enter the building from Alexandra Parade, the library is just behind and to the right of the help desk.

Library staff are usually available Monday to Friday, 9.00am to 5.00pm, although this may vary depending on staffing levels.

Out of hours access is available for NHSGGC staff: please ask library staff for details.

Glasgow Royal Infirmary Library
10 Alexandra Parade
G31 2ER

Telephone: 0141 201 5867 (x65867)

James Bridie Library, New Victoria Hospital

James Bridie Library is on Level 2 of the New Victoria Hospital in the Conference and Education / Staff Facilities corridor. This video provides instructions on how to locate us in the New Victoria Hospital.

24-hour access is available for NHSGGC staff via swipe card.

The library is staffed Tuesday to Thursday from 9.00am to 4.30pm, although this may be affected by staff absences.  If you need assistance outside of staffed hours, contact or and the library team will be able to assist you.

James Bridie Library
The New Victoria Hospital
Grange Road
G42 9LF

Telephone: 0141 347 8885 (x68885)

Maria Henderson Library, Gartnavel Royal Hospital

The Maria Henderson Library is the main library for staff working in mental health, psychiatry, psychology, learning disabilities and the community. It is on the ground floor of the Administration Building at Gartnavel Royal Hospital.

The Library is open Monday to Friday, from 9.00am to 5.00pm (closing at 4.30pm on Fridays), and is staffed Tuesday to Thursday, from 9.00am to 5.00pm. The Admin building is not accessible out of hours; however, nearby Gartnavel General Library has out of hours access. Ask staff for details.

Maria Henderson Library
Admin Building
Gartnavel Royal Hospital
1055 Great Western Road
G12 0XH

Telephone: 0141 211 3913 (x33913)

Queen Elizabeth University Hospital Campus

The QEUH Library is on the 1st Floor of Queen Elizabeth Teaching and Learning Centre, which is situated between the Institute of Neurology and the Office block.

Access to the library is currently between 8.00am and 7.30pm. Staffed hours are Monday to Thursday, 8.30am to 4.30pm, and Friday, 8.30am to 4.00pm. Please note, between 5.30pm and 7.30pm access to the TLC building is only via the link corridor to the main hospital.

The Library
First Floor
Queen Elizabeth Teaching and Learning Centre
1345 Govan Road
G51 4TF

Telephone: 0141 451 1216 (x81216)

Robert Lamb Library, Inverclyde Royal Hospital

The library is in the Education Centre, within the Inverclyde Royal Hospital campus.

Out of hours access is available 7 days a week. To apply for out of hours access please speak to our team.

Robert Lamb Library
Education Centre (Ground Floor)
Inverclyde Royal Hospital
Larkfield Road
PA16 0XN

Telephone: 01475 504402 (x04402)

Library staffed Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9.00am to 4.30pm. Friday 9.00am to 4.00pm.

We are currently unstaffed on Wednesday but access to the library is available without the use of a fob.

Royal Alexandra Hospital

The library is situated within the Education corridor at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

Out of hours access is available on request.

Royal Alexandra Hospital
Corsebar Road

Telephone: 0141 314 7178 (x07178)

Library staff available Monday to Friday, from 9.00am to 4.30pm

Stobhill Campus Library

The library is on Level 3 of the New Stobhill Hospital in the Management Offices corridor. You require a Stobhill ACH ID badge for swipe card access. Please contact Security beside Minor Injuries for assistance with access.

The New Stobhill Hospital
133 Balornock Road
G21 3UW

Telephone: 0141 355 1684 (x11684)

Library Staff are usually available Tuesday and Thursday 9.00am to 5.00pm, although this may vary depending on staffing levels.

If you require help when the library is unstaffed, please email Alternatively telephone the library at Glasgow Royal Infirmary on 0141 201 5867 (x65867).

Unstaffed libraries

Vale of Leven

The Library Resource Room at the Vale of Leven is in the Postgraduate Education Centre which is on the 1st Floor of the Community Maternity Building. The Library contains two computers for NHSGGC staff use and a small book collection.

Library Resource Room
Postgraduate Education Centre
Vale of Leven District General Hospital
Main Street
G83 0UA

Access is by keypad. Staff should contact the RAH Library for details.

The Library Resource Room at the Vale of Leven Hospital is part of the Library Services based at the Royal Alexandra Hospital.

Further Information