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Library Network: Training

The Library Network provides a range of information skills training and support, which you can request via eHelp. Training sessions can take place in person or on Microsoft Teams.

Place a request using eHelp, either by clicking the icon on your desktop or selecting from NHSGGC Favourites in Microsoft Edge. 

Select Knowledge Services and the relevant request type.  

If you are not on a work computer or device, go to the eHelp login page and login with your network username and password.  For support contact   

Information Skills Training

Core Skills 

Core Skills training gives NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde staff the chance to brush up on core writing, reading, number and computing skills used every day. For more information please contact library staff or visit a site library.

Knowledge Skills

Introduction to literature searching

Tailored to your requirements. Introduction to literature searching for relevant articles. Includes forming and planning a search, basic search techniques and locating full text. You will use databases such as Medline; Embase; CINAHL; or PsycInfo.

Advanced literature searching

Tailored to your requirements. For people with previous experience of literature searching.

Finding the fulltext

Accessing full text journal articles via the Knowledge Network, and what to do if the information you want is not available online.

Managing your search results

An introduction to using RefWorks to organise your search results, create a bibliography and create citations in a document.

Finding evidence quickly

An overview of services which help you to access key resources to support clinical decisions at point of care.

Keeping up to date

Suggestions on how to keep up to date with the latest news, research and publications in your area of interest.

Introduction to the NHS Scotland Knowledge Network

Using the Knowledge Network to identify and access relevant information.

Introduction to critical appraisal

Tailored to your requirements. An introduction to how to critically appraise journal articles or guidelines. This training is also available as a group session.


To find out more about copyright and the training available please contact library staff or visit a site library.

Survey Tool – Webropol

An overview of Webropol software, which can be used for online surveys, questionnaires and events management. The session is tailored to your requirements.

M365 Skills

The NHS Scotland M365 Skills Hub is now available.

It contains support, advice and training on the M365 resources used in NHS Scotland – Teams, O365/M365, Outlook, Sharepoint, OneDrive, and more.

You should also see a link to the Hub in the left-hand navigation bar in Teams. If you don’t see it, click on the three dots … and click on the M365 Hub app to pin it to your left-hand margin.

eLearning – literature searching

eLearning: How to search the literature effectively

These modules are designed to help the healthcare workforce (clinical and non-clinical) in Scotland build confidence to search published literature for articles and evidence relevant to their work, study and research. They are short (each takes 20 minutes to complete) and may be ‘dipped into’ for reference or completed to obtain a certificate. There are six modules suitable for novice searchers and those wishing to refresh their knowledge, providing a total of 2 hours CPD time.

The Literature Searching modules are freely accessible to anyone with a Turas Learn account, which is available to all health and care staff in Scotland. If you do not have an account already, please register. This will ensure your learning activity is recorded and you will be able to generate a record of completion.

Contact the Knowledge Network Help Desk with any questions or feedback.

(Originally developed by NHS Health Education England, these modules have been adapted with permission for an NHS Scotland audience by NES Knowledge Services)