Supporting Patients
Giving patients information they need in a clear, appropriate format is one of the key roles of the Graphic Design & Print Team. We maintain and supply over 1000 patient information leaflets across the service. We support health improvement campaigns and well-being initiatives including exhibition/display designs, brochures, posters, branding, and promotional ideas, and offer a bespoke solution to every situation.
Supporting the Organisation
We provide signage and wayfinding, design and print forms, ensuring that through quality of design, all standards are adhered to – governance, branding, and accessibility.
Supporting Staff
NHSGGC relies on its staff to deliver the best quality healthcare, and we help you deliver that care. You’ll receive the best advice on how to deliver essential information in the most appropriate and cost-effective way.
Supporting the Environment
Despite a commitment to paper-light practices, there is still a huge volume of print undertaken within GGC. We have the biggest in-house NHS print facility in Scotland, to match our print on demand requirement. We provide a robust professional print-buying service ensuring best value for money and quality assurance, using the Government Procurement Tender (Quick Quote) and PECOS systems.