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Recognition And Management Of The Acutely Unwell Adult Module

This highly desirable and reputable clinically focussed module is predominantly aimed at Trainee Advanced Nurse Practitioners (tANPs) and ANPs working in acute care settings who manage acutely unwell patients. Priority for places is given to tANPs. This is a double module accredited by Glasgow Caledonian University (SCQF Level 11, 30 credits) and forms part of the MSc Nursing: Advancing Professional Practice. The module can also be undertaken as a stand-alone CPD module.


The aim of the module is to equip practitioner’s with the knowledge and skills, to assess, diagnose and clinically manage acutely unwell and deteriorating patients. Contemporary teaching and learning strategies are employed, including scenario based learning, tutorials led by experienced clinicians and simulation of clinical scenarios. This contributes to a modern blended approach which is led by clinical experts.


Formal assessment is by:

  • Academic written examination (Case Study)
  • Assessment in simulated clinical scenarios
  • OSCEs
  • Completion of clinical competencies
Academic Level

The module is offered at SCQF level 11 (masters) – MMB726315/BC

Students who successfully complete this module will gain 30 credits at Masters level (SCQF level 11).


The module runs over a 5-month period, on a day release basis and requires approximately 11 days of study and 2 days of simulation. These are spread between January – June. Teaching usually takes place one afternoon per week or every 2nd week, mostly at Glasgow Royal Infirmary, however venues may change across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde.


Essential prerequisites for students to be considered for a place on this module include the following;

  • Employed as a tANP or ANP
  • Normally 6 years post registration qualification
  • Advanced Life Support (ALS) qualification if employed within acute care or ILS if you are a Hospital at Home tANP/ANP
  • Clinical assessment module or equivalent.
  • Venepuncture & cannulation
  • An undergraduate degree (usually at honours level for masters)
Course Team

Module Leader – Victoria Campbell Lecturer/Practitioner– Advanced Practice, NHSGGC

Course Medical Director – Dr Drew Smith – Consultant Anaesthetist, NHSGGC

Module Tutor – Dr Mark Cooper – Consultant Nurse Advanced Practice, NHSGGC

Extended inter-professional Advanced Practice Faculty from NHS Scotland.

Module Fee

The cost of the module is the standard GCU double fee for MSc modules.


Places are in demand, we suggest notification of a required place should be done as quickly as possible. To be considered for a place on RAM please initially discuss with your Line Manager and following this send an initial note of interest email to Victoria Campbell: If appropriate an application MS Form link will be sent. Please ensure the following document is uploaded to your MS Form application to provide evidence of workplace support.

Manager Support Document.

NHSGGC Specific Applicants from NHSGGC will also need to complete a Study Leave 2 form and submit this through their line manager.