About Practice Education
We are registered professionals with backgrounds in fields of nursing and midwifery and our service is primarily about making positive impacts on the experiences and outcomes of patients and those who access health and care services. These impacts are achieved through providing education and learning support for nurses, midwives and their support workers across the Career Framework for Health to enable them to deliver evidence-informed care that is safe, person-centred and effective.
Portals and Resources
Meet the Practice Education Team

Practice Education Team Contact Details
Acute Services, Health & Social Care Partnerships / Care Homes / Mental Health Services / Learning Disability Services
West House
Gartnavel Royal Hospital
1055 Great Western Road
Glasgow G12 0XH
- Call: 0141 201 4439
- Email: ggc.practiceeducation@nhs.scot
NES Practice Educators
Nursing and Midwifery Practice Educators
Practice Educators are nurses and midwives who are employed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) and hosted nationally within territorial boards. NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC), currently has two whole time equivalent Practice Educators who are part of the wider corporate practice education team.
The Practice Educators aim is to assist the nursing and midwifery workforce with professional learning and development by supporting collaboration, innovation, and inclusive learning.
You can access information on the role, examples of how we can support individuals, teams and services and our key workstreams using this link – NHS Education for Scotland- Nursing and midwifery practice educators
Contact details
You can get in touch with your local Practice Educator directly: Local nursing and midwifery practice educator (PE) contact details