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Practice Education Additional Resources

Here are some additional resources from Practice Education that may be helpful to you.

Quality Management of the Learning Practice Learning Environment (QMPLE)

Quality Management of the Practice Learning Environment (QMPLE) is an online database that has been developed by NHS Education for Scotland (NES) in partnership with colleagues from both practice and universities.  It manages information relating to the quality of the practice learning experience through student feedback, educational audits, Quality Standards for Practice Learning audits (QSPL) and Practice Assessor data. 

Team Leads and staff who are granted access, use QMPLE to provide information on their clinical area for pending students. Anyone who should have access, please contact your local Practice Education Facilitator or Care Home Education Facilitator (PEF or CHEF). 

The Knowledge Network

The Knowledge Network is the national knowledge management platform delivered by the NHS NES Knowledge Services Group. It provides knowledge support for health and social care where they can search NHS Scotland’s national collection of electronic resources (e-journals, articles and e-books) along with all the local NHS Scotland library collections (primarily print books). 

The Nursing and Midwifery Council Code

The Nursing and Midwifery Council Code The Code presents the professional standards that nurses and midwives must uphold in order to be registered to practise in the UK. 

It is structured around four themes: 

  • prioritise people,  
  • practise effectively, 
  • preserve safety and  
  • promote professionalism and trust. 
The Nursing and Midwifery Recovery Standards

The Nursing and Midwifery Recovery Standards  were created in response to the ongoing Covid-19 situation in order to support students, approved education institutions (AEIs) and their practice partners. The key principle is that normal education should continue where possible and where it is not possible AEIs have the option to apply these standards to their programmes. 

The Career Development Framework

The Career Development Framework will help you to assess learning needs and plan for your continuing development if you are a nurse, midwife or allied health professional. 

If you are a Practitioner, you can use the framework to: 

  • guide your professional development moving from newly qualified novice practice, towards experienced, expert practice. 
  • continuing to develop within your current level of practice 

If you are Manager, the framework will help you to: 

  • support discussions that take place as part of professional development reviews. 
  • inform development opportunities. 
  • inform succession planning. 
  • support service redesign and skill mix. 
Advanced Nursing Practice Toolkit

Advanced Nursing Practice Toolkit is a UK wide database of resources relating to advanced practice.  It supports ongoing work across the sector to enhance understanding of this role, benchmarking of this level of practice and its application to specific roles across clinical practice, research, education and leadership. 

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