This element of the induction process outlines the minimum essential learning requirements of a Registered Nurse (RN). Please work through the essential learning resources within two weeks of starting in your new role. For NHSGGC Bank Staff this must be completed before your first orientation shift. If you require support seek this from your Preceptor, Flying Start NHS® facilitator, and or line manager.
You can also contact us at:
Person Centred Care
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in a person-centred care approach. Person-centred care and support is everyone’s business in NHSGGC from the people who use services to the highest levels of our corporate team; from reception staff to porters; from kitchen staff to doctors; from personal care staff to social workers to chief executives; and from volunteers to managers.
Induction Essential Learning
Delivering High Quality Person-Centred Health and Care
Other Useful Resources
What Matters to You in NHSScotland
Healthcare Quality Strategy (2019) Pursuing Excellence
Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014
Person Centred Care Made Simple – The Health Foundation
Supporting you to deliver person-centred care – The Nursing and Midwifery Council
Pressure Ulcer Prevention
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in pressure ulcer prevention.
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro® module: GGC: 080 Prevention of Pressure Ulcers
Other Useful Resources
Pressure Ulcer Prevention and Management Policy (access from GGC computer)
Tissue Viability Service – Acute Division (access from GGC computer)
Moving and Handling
Moving and handling activities is a key part of your duties. This includes assisting patients and tasks such as moving equipment, laundry and stores. To keep yourself and patients safe it is essential you have the correct level of training.
If you have a Scottish Manual Handling Passport no foundation practical training course is required. Bring the passport document in to show your SCN or Team Lead. For Registered Nurses on the NHSGGC Staff Bank, send a copy by email to The dates of Moving and Handling training documented in the passport will go into the ward/ department training records. Complete the mandatory learnPro module: 005 Manual Handling Theory together with the practical competency assessment within your clinical area carried out by one of the local assessors.
If you do not have a Scottish Manual Handling Passport complete learnPro module: 005 Manual Handling Theory and your SCN or Team Lead will nominate you for the foundation practical training course (1day). Whilst waiting for your training course please review the NHSGGC Moving and Handling information page.
All patients should be verbally encouraged to move and position themselves independently. When a patient needs to be moved, handled or requiring a mechanical aid this should be carried out with a member of the ward / department team and not on your own. Please, do not to use hoisting equipment until training completed.
The Deteriorating Patient
Most children will have a secondary cardiac arrest following an episode of an acute illness and is usually caused by hypoxia. This is rarely a sudden even but follows a progressive deterioration. By recognising early that a patient is sick and/or deteriorating we can intervene, seek expert help and hopefully stop the patient deteriorating further to cardiac arrest. The prognosis following a secondary cardiorespiratory arrest is poor, therefore emphasis should be placed upon early recognition and prevention.
Within NHS GGC a Paediatric Early Warning Score tool (PEWS) is used to help recognise sick and/or deteriorating patients. The patient’s PEWS score, along with the staff member’s assessment of the patient, can help identify patients at risk of clinical deterioration. PEWS charts have been shown to reduce the amount of “crash calls” and PICU admission with staff escalating their concerns early to the appropriate teams.
Essential Learning Resources
Paediatric Early Warning Score: PEWS
Other Useful Resources
During induction, all staff new to paediatrics will be allocated a specific date/time for appropriate resuscitation training, provided by the resuscitation training department. It is essential you attend the time given to you. Staff should ensure these skills are maintained and can book onto future update courses via the eESS System or their line manager:
All resuscitation training dates can be found here: Royal Hospital for Children – resuscitation training dates (
Resuscitation training department: 0141 451 5606 or 0141 451 85606
Medicines Administration
The resources will help to develop your knowledge and confidence in medicines administration and heighten your understanding of your contribution towards patient safety.
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro GGC: 315 Medicines Administration Fundamentals
learnPro module GGC eHealth: HEPMA: Nursing Training
Medicines Administration Competency Assurance Record complete this before administering medicines using a 2 person independent check process
Other Useful Resources
NHSGGC Policy: Safe and Secure Handling of Medicines
Hospital Electronic Prescribing and Medicines Administration (access from GGC computer)
NHSGGC is implementing Fresenius Kabi volumetric and syringe devices. If your clinical area has implemented it you should receive cascade training from a member of the clinical area team.
Food, Fluid and Nutrition
Induction Essential Learning
Food, Fluid and Nutrition (Presentation)
learnPro® module: GGC:146 Food Hygiene
Other Useful Resources
Food, Fluid and Nutritional Care Home Page (access from GGC computer)
Blood Glucose Monitoring
NHSGGC uses the FreeStyle Precision Pro ® Blood Glucose Meter for blood glucose monitoring.
All staff must be trained prior to using the meters for the first time.
InductionEssential Learning
learnPro® module GGC210 FS Precision Pro – Glucose
- What next ? – practical training within your clinical area by your Cascade trainer which includes a quality control test and a patient test.
- A Meter Compliance Form will then be sent to Clinical Biochemistry.
- You will then receive a unique barcode which you will use to analyse any patient samples. Your barcode should never be shared with anyone else.
Infection Prevention and Control
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in Infection Prevention and Control (IPC). The IPC provides an Infection Control service to all healthcare workers (both clinical & non-clinical disciplines), patients, and visitors within NHSGGC. Each Sector and Directorate has an IPC team who can be contacted Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and out these times an on-call Microbiologist is available via switchboard.
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro® module – GGC 007 Standard Infection Control Precautions
learnPro® module – NES: Prevention & Control Infection: C.Difficile
Other Useful Resources
Sharps Safety
NHSGGC recognises that employees and patients may be exposed to sharps and subsequent needle stick injuries. Those who experience it can be at risk of physical and emotional harm. NHSGGC has a lawful responsibility to reduce this risk and act to keep staff and patients as safe as is practicable.
You and your manager should complete a training needs analysis to identify the sharps equipment used and risks within your clinical area/service.
Induction Essential Learning
If you use sharps as part of your role you must complete:
learnPro® module Prevention and Management of Occupational Exposure
Other useful Resources
If you feel you need more information please discuss this with your line manager and local Nurse Educator.
Blood Transfusion
Any registered paediatric nurse involved in any stage of the transfusion process is required to undertake the appropriate learning required for their role. The transfusion process includes:
- making the decision to transfuse and associated communication with patient
- requesting blood components
- taking pre-transfusion blood samples
- collecting and storing blood components
- administration of a transfusion
- patient monitoring during and following transfusion
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro® Blood Transfusion Modules (Blood Transfusion tab):
- Blood components and indications for use
- Safe sampling for transfusion video
- Safe Transfusion Practice for Paediatrics
Other Useful Resources
The learnPro Blood Transfusion Modules (Blood Transfusion tab) below are mandatory if appropriate to role / clinical area:
- Acute Transfusion Reactions
- Phlebotomy Pathway
The learnPro Blood Transfusion Module (Blood Transfusion tab) is recommended:
- Consent for Transfusion
NHSGGC Clinical Transfusion Policy (access from GGC computer)
Palliative Care
Each of the resources will support your knowledge and confidence in providing palliative and end of life care. The Paediatric Supportive and Palliative Care team at Royal Hospital for Children (RHC) provide tertiary specialist paediatric palliative care across the paediatric spectrum, from the antenatal period, through infancy and childhood and also for young people until they reach their 16th birthday (and those who are 17-18 years but still accessing services at RHC). The service provides an individual patient-centred pathway from diagnosis or recognition that a condition is life-threatening or life-limiting.
The team will accept referrals from any healthcare professional. If a patient requires to be assessed by a member of the team the named consultant on the child or young person’s care must give approval. Get is touch with the team with an electronic referral via TrakCare – Paediatric Supportive and Palliative Care consult.
Induction Essential Learning
Babies.Children and Young Peoples Palliative Care
Other Useful Resources
TrakCare® is the Patient Management System for NHSGGC. All patient episodes (Outpatient, Inpatient and Emergency) are recorded and managed on TrakCare®. TrakCare® incorporates electronic requesting (Order Comms) for Labs, Radiology and Cardiology and electronic results.
Induction Essential Learning
learnPro® module GGC: 009 Safe Information Handling
learnPro® module GGC eHealth: Intro to TrakCare®
learnPro® module GGC eHealth: Requests and Results
TrakCare video (access from GGC computer)
Other Useful Resources
TrakCare user guides and videos (access from GGC computer)
If after watching the video you feel further training on TrakCare is required, please book your online face to face session via the learnPro home page (Go to the bottom of the page and click on Training events/course booking and apply).
Record Keeping and Documentation
In your clinical environment with many demands on your time, keeping documentation records is a challenging but essential part of your role. All documentation records are part of the nursing process; assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation of care.
Induction Essential Learning
Record Keeping and Documentation- Good Practice Points (a quick guide)
Other Useful Resources
NHSGGC Professional Standards for Record Keeping Policy (access from GGC computer)
Throughout your career, as a healthcare professional, you may experience a range of emotions, which could affect your mental health and wellbeing. The NHSGGC: Mental Health and Wellbeing for NHSGGC staff link provides a range of support to prevent and assist with mental health issues in the workplace.
NHSGGC has also produced a booklet with a range of resources and links to support you to take care of your own mental health.
The National Wellbeing Hub contains information, resources and supports which you may find helpful at work and at home.
Newly Qualified Practitioners can also access Newly Qualified Staff – Looking after your wellbeing for guidance and support.
The Induction team also offer peer support, please contact us at
The Induction team also offer peer support, please contact us at
Health and Care Staffing
Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 is effective from April 2024. All staff working in NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) should understand the principles of this legislation, which are key building blocks of health and care staffing. This means you have an important contribution to make to the implementation of safe and effective staffing.
Induction Essential Learning
Informed level | Turas | Learn (
Other Useful Resources
GGC – Nursing & Midwifery Health & Care Staffing – Home (
GGC Health and Care (Staffing) (Scotland) Act 2019 – Home (
Sign this Checklist and print or share an electronic copy with your Senior Charge Nurse. Following completion of Corporate Nursing Induction, your Senior Charge Nurse or local educator, will direct you to specialty specific induction materials. If your post is solely with the NHSGGC Staff Bank you are required to send a signed copy of the completion checklist to
Please complete: Registered Nurse and Midwife Step 6 induction evaluation