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Podiatry Training and Education

Practice Based Learning in Podiatry

The Podiatry Service offers an innovative and soundly governed Practice Based Learning (PrBL) programme. We utilize a blended learning provision which is centred on a Peer Assisted Learning (PAL) model. We aim to engage students in a programme of meaningful clinical thinking with the objective of maximising their capabilities and confidence within clinical decision making whilst delivering optimal person centred care.  

Over the course of an academic year, we offer in excess of one thousand placement weeks. Placements are offered to both institutes in Scotland offering entry qualifications into Podiatry. There are currently two institutions offering Podiatry, Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) and Queen Margaret University . Various options of study are available depending upon eligibility criteria being met.

As the primary PrBL provider for the GCU Podiatry programme, we host Level 1 to Level 4 students at the Department of Podiatry, Queen Elizabeth University Hospital (QEUH) throughout Trimester A and Trimester B which acts as our placement hub. Block placements occur during Trimester A, B and C within the single service seperate from our placement hub. 

Additionally, as the need for PrBL placements for all AHP professions increase, we aim to explore new and innovative methods of offering cross-profession PrBL opportunities through both face-to-face and digital platforms.  

The Podiatry Service works collaboratively with its academic colleagues ensuring alignment to learning outcomes with quality underpinning every placement hour. 

We are keen to hear the voice of the student and their experience at the end of each placement. Using a student-based audit enables an understanding of what worked and what didn’t to inform changes to the PrBL programme. 

Are you thinking about studying Podiatry and want to find out more? Consider joining our ‘Get Ready For’ programme.

Return to Practice in Podiatry

The Podiatry service offers an excellent opportunity for podiatrists who wish to return to podiatry practice and require to re-register with the Health and Care Professionals Council (HCPC). Our fully funded learning programme will support you in your return to practice. Candidates who successfully achieve registration will be eligible to apply for Band 5 posts within NHS Boards.

We offer a structured development opportunity to support and consolidate knowledge, skills and competence in supportive learning environments. Your individual learning and support framework will have full mentorship from our team of practice educators and practice development.

In this post you will:

  • Have the opportunity to provide podiatric care in a variety of clinical environments. You will be supported by your mentor using various supervisory methods.
  • Provide a high level of both palliative and corrective care as outlined in the agreed management plan.
  • Liaise with or referring to other Health Care Professionals (HCPs) or Agencies as appropriate.
  • Plan and organise own workload to ensure effective caseload management of a diverse range of patients

Knowledge, Experience and Qualifications

You must hold a BSc (Hons) Podiatry or Diploma in Podiatry and will be required to complete a period of supervised practice. The length of supervised practice will be detailed by the HCPC Returning to Practice Requirements. You will demonstrate the ability to work as part of a team. Evidence of prioritisation, planning and organisation of workload are essential.

Roles and Responsibilities

You will create a portfolio to showcase your learning and development.

Adapt your learning needs through reflective practice and feedback to develop professional knowledge and skills.

Read and understand the HCPC Standards of Proficiency.

We offer this opportunity on a fixed term basis and will accommodate the return to practice requirement of the applicant. There is flexibility across whole and part time working.

For initial discussion please contact Julie Braidwood on or Pamela Price on

The PREPARE Project

What is PREPARE?

The Pre Registration Podiatry: Accessible Recruitment & Employment (PREPARE) Project is an innovative approach to growing our workforce by enabling people into the profession of Podiatry. The service employs PREPARE trainees on an annex 21 basis to undertake a BSc (Hons) in Podiatry. PREPARE Trainees receive full employee benefits as per Agenda for Change terms and conditions. 

How does PREPARE work?

The Podiatry Service has an agreement with Glasgow Caledonian University (GCU) which has condensed the teaching timetable to three full days, instead of spreading it over five days. This is in line with student feedback across the institution and would benefit the student experience. There is no change to programme or module learning outcomes. PREPARE Trainees have dedicated time to engage within the academic content up to 3 days per week with the remaining 2 days being specified by service led duties. Trainees engage in service-led duties 5 days per week during non term time.  

Why is PREPARE needed?

Through widening access to those who are not able to leave full time employment to access adult learning opportunities we believe this novel approach to meeting the workforce challenges stands to safeguard frontline Podiatry services in NHSGGC for the intermediate and long term future. Investment in ‘Earn to Learn’ schemes enhance graduate capability by providing integration across service delivery which enables extensive clinical exposure, whilst undertaking graduate level study. 

Continuation of employment to a Band 5 Podiatrist is subject to successful completion of the BSc (Hons) Podiatry and Health & Care Profession Council (HCPC) registration. For the Health Board, these graduates will have extensive clinical experience, alongside a detailed knowledge of policies and procedures. The Podiatry service will employ PREPARE to 4 trainees per academic year from 2023 to 2027. 

What Next?

Are you thinking about studying Podiatry and want to find out more? Consider joining our ‘Get Ready For’ programme.

For further information on PREPARE read the PREPARE FAQ’s.

Hear from a PREPARE Trainee and their experience in the video below.