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Care Opinion is an independent, not-for-profit website, where people can provide anonymous feedback to NHS boards and services about their experience of care. It is intended to complement NHS Boards’ processes for dealing with feedback and complaints.

For a quick explanation of what Care Opinion is watch the following video about Care Opinion.

NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s Patient Experience Public Involvement Team and Care Opinion

The Patient Experience Public Involvement (PEPI) Team supports clinical teams and services to implement and manage Care Opinion at a local level.


  • Manage the Care Opinion subscription for NHSGGC (e.g. add people as responders, deal with day to day queries)
  • Work in collaboration and liaise with the Care Opinion Team
  • Provide regular reports to NHSGGC’s Care and Clinical Governance Committee (CCGC) on how we are using Care Opinion; what we hear from patients and families and what changes and improvements services are making as a result
  • Provide advice, support and training to staff

Why use Care Opinion?

The Patient Rights (Scotland) Act 2011 introduced the right for people to give feedback, comments, concerns, and complaints about the services they receive. As part of this Act all NHS staff have a legal duty to actively encourage, monitor, take action and share learning from the feedback they receive and use it to improve care and services.

Care Opinion is one of our main feedback mechanisms in NHSGGC and can help us to understand what it feels like for patients, carers and their relatives who use our services.  It can highlight good practice and levels of satisfaction with the care and treatment people have received which can help boost staff morale. It is also an opportunity to learn and understand what is going wrong in the system, and identify areas where we need to improve.

There are 2 types of subscription on Care Opinion.

  1. Members – can read posts and be signed up to receive email alerts for posts about a particular site or specialty. They can also produce reports and ‘visualisation’ (interactive graphics which show Care Opinion data). You can also access online Care Opinion training sessions. If you would like to become a member please email
  2. Responders – can read and respond to posts, as well as being able to produce reports and visualisations.  If you would like to become a responder please speak to your Senior Manager for their approval (Chief Nurse, General Manager or Clinical Service Manager). Please note: to become a responder, you must attend a 90 minute training session.

Care Opinion Responder Training

If you would like to become a responder on Care Opinion, and have approval from your Senior Management Team we ask that you attend a 60 minute training session.  This session is delivered via Microsoft Teams. The next session will be on Tuesday 4th February 2025 at 10am.

To register your interest please email:

Promotional Materials

We have found that the most effective way to gather more feedback from Care Opinion is by promoting it at a ward or service level.

To help you do this, the PEPI team receive a small allocation of posters each year. If you would like some posters please email us at

You can also print your own flyer using Direct Ask Flyer

You can order small credit cards Care Opinion Credit Card from Medical Illustration. This costs approximately £28 for 210 cards.

If you email and quote the MIS reference number: 330280 and include a cost code.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ’s)

You can download the FAQs document using the following link:

Care Opinion Training

Care Opinion also has a number of on-line courses. Please check the website for further information: