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Food, Fluid and Nutrition

These pages provide information on food, fluid and nutritional care within NHS Greater Glasgow & Clyde Health & Social Care Partnerships and Mental Health Services.

Food Fluid and Nutrition is fundamental to health and wellbeing and therefore to quality and safety in healthcare (Healthcare Improvement Scotland 2014). It has been well reported that malnutrition (over and under nutrition) is a public health issue with recent UK figures suggesting malnutrition costs the NHS £23.5 billion (BAPEN 2018). Malnutrition is common in those who access health and social care services, it continues to be under-identified and under treated leading to poorer clinical outcomes and greater healthcare costs.

Food Fluid and Nutrition Oversight Group

The purpose of the Food, Fluid and Nutrition Oversight Group is to provide a strategic, co-ordinated and multidisciplinary approach to drive the quality of and improvements in the nutritional care of the Greater Glasgow and Clyde Population. Specifically addressing the needs of the most nutritionally vulnerable groups who access healthcare through co-operative and collaborative action across the entire Health Board

Health and Social Care Partnerships Group

The Health and Social Care Partnership Group for Food Fluid and Nutrition is established to provide leadership and co-ordination of all aspects of Food, Fluid and Nutrition across the Health and Social Care Partnership, ensuring the process leads to the delivery of excellent nutritional care and a better patient experience. The HSCP groups include representation from District Nursing, Rehabilitation Services, Older People’s Mental Health, Learning Disability, Care at Home, Care Homes, Dietitians, Speech and Language Therapy and Health Improvement.

Mental Health FFN Group

The NHSGGC Mental Health Food, Fluid and Nutritional Group (MH FFN) is a sub group of the NHSGGC Community Food, Fluid and Nutrition Operational Group and is established to provide strategic leadership and co- ordination of all aspects of Food, Fluid and Nutrition across all NHSGGC Mental Health services – Ensuring the process leads to the delivery of excellent nutritional care and an improved patient experience Representation from NHSGGC Mental Health Services includes both mental health in-patient and community services from the Older Adult Mental Health, Adult Mental Health, Forensic, Adolescent, Addictions, the Adult Eating Disorder Service and Learning Disabilities (in patient only)

Acute FFN Operational Group

The Acute Food, Fluid and Nutritional Operational Group (FFNOG) is established to provide strategic leadership and coordination to all aspects of Food, Fluid and Nutrition across adult and paediatric acute inpatient services. This ensures that the process leads to the delivery of safe, effective and person-centred nutritional care and a better patient experience.

Please use the drop downs below to navigate the information related to food, fluid and nutritional care within NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde Health and Social Care Partnerships, Mental Health and Acute Services:

Standards and Policies
Mental Health Resources

Mental Health Nutrition Manual

This manual is pertinent to all NHSGGC mental healthcare workers with a duty of care to provide optimal nutrition for patients within NHSGGC. The purpose of the nutritional manual is to assist all healthcare workers who work within NHSGGC mental health in patient and HSCP services. The delivery of this role is supported by a number of FFN policies and procedures which are explained within this manual.

MUST Resources
Translated Resources
Referral Pathways
Health Improvement
Community Enteral Feeding
Learn Pro

Five short e-learning modules relating to Food, Fluid and Nutrition are available to staff across NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde on the LearnPro platform. Below indicates the intended staff groups for each module and a short introduction to the module content. 

Useful Links

NHSGGC Acute Food, Fluid and Nutrition – GGC- Acute Food, Fluid and Nutrition – Home

NHSGGC FFN SharePoint – Food Fluid Nutrition for Community and Mental Health Services – Home (

NHS GGC Dietetic SharePoint – NHSGGC Dietetics – Home

NHS GGC Dietetics – Dietetics – NHSGGC

British Association For Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition –

British Dietetic Association –

National Nurses Nutrition Group – National Nurses Nutrition Group – Promoting education in nutrition (

Food Train – Home – The Food Train