NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde (NHSGGC) Support and Information Services, and partners, have made a significant impact to at-risk patients and carers, ensuring they don’t return to cold, damp homes or face hunger after a hospital stay.
Since April 2023, the teams have been on a mission to tackle health inequalities, delivering over 3,700 hospital-based money advice referrals, more than 2,000 emergency food packages upon discharge, over 600 maternity emergency grants, and more than 400 home energy crisis responses for patients leaving NHSGGC hospitals.
The Support and Information Services and partners have been pivotal in addressing non-clinical challenges exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic and the UK Cost of Living Crisis. These pressures significantly impact health inequalities, child poverty, emotional well-being, and social isolation, especially for those attending hospital. Ensuring timely discharge to a suitable home environment is crucial for good patient care.
Gillian Harvey, NHSGGC Health Improvement Lead, highlighted the value of the service for patient care: “The Cost-of-Living mitigation response has been greatly appreciated by staff, patients, and carers. Our busy clinicians are assured that important public health issues are being addressed, allowing them to focus on their clinical work and, supporting NHSGGC staff with their own health, enables them to support our patients effectively, making this initiative a vital part of our hospital discharge planning process.
“This work wouldn’t be possible without the help of our partners, and we are incredibly grateful for their support. We have offices across our acute sites and invite any patient, carer, or staff member who feels like they’re struggling to visit us,” she said.
The team’s packages focus on the well-being of both patients and NHSGGC staff and include:
- Maternity Emergency Grant (MEG): A £50 immediate cash grant for pregnant women or their carers experiencing emergency needs related to hospital appointments.
- NHSGGC Staff Hardship Grant: Grants of up to £100 for staff experiencing financial hardship, helping them cope with unexpected costs and remain in work. The Staff Hardship Grant has supported 452 NHSGGC staff to date.
- Crisis Home Energy Service: A crisis response for patients unable to power their homes, reducing delayed hospital discharge and negative health consequences from cold and damp housing.
- Emergency Food on Discharge Service (EFD): A 2-day food package for patients referred by hospital clinicians as part of discharge planning.
- Hospital-Based Money Advice & Financial Inclusion Services: Holistic financial well-being support hosted within hospitals.
- Homeless Hospital Outreach Service: Supports homeless patients or those at risk, preventing homelessness and ensuring holistic support for housing, health, and financial well-being.
- DWP Hospital Helpline: Quick and direct access to advice and support for hospital patients who are clients of the DWP.
- Social Security Scotland Hospital Partnership Service: Supports patients applying for Adult Disability Payment or other Social Security Scotland benefits.