Now is the perfect time for parents and carers to complete a Household Health Check and ensure that their home is prepared for the remainder of the winter season.
NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde is advising families to take note of the options of care available to them and to familiarise themselves with its Household Health Check to set them in good stead for any illness or injuries in the new school year.
For example, many may not be aware that:
- They can directly access emergency care via video or phone consultation. They can call NHS 24 on 111 to be assessed and connected to a Virtual A&E if this is the right care for them.
- They don’t have to wait around in A&E for a sprain or strain, suspected broken bone or burn. These can be treated at the Minor Injuries Unit. They’ll receive an appointment by calling NHS 24 on 111.
- They can be assessed and receive a prescription, if needed, from their local pharmacist, optician, or dentist.

Dr Scott Davidson, Deputy Medical Director for Acute Services at NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, said: “No one wants to be waiting unnecessarily in A&E, especially with kids. We want parents and carers to know that these options of care also exist so that they can seek the simplest treatment for their child or family member. For example, knowing what care our Minor Injuries Units provide such as x-rays and casts for broken bones, or stitches for deep cuts.
“Our Household Health Check will enable families to review these options of care and familiarise themselves with what is available to them locally.”
This advice is provided as part of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde’s campaign to make it as easy as possible for people to access care this winter.
The campaign is based on three simple suggestions – in fact, they’re as easy as ABC – to help people know where to go if they need help, as well as doing their bit to support the NHS during what is traditionally the busiest time of year.
Accessing the right care is as easy as ABC:
- Ask yourself: Do I need to go out? For information on keeping yourself well and treating minor illnesses and injuries from home, go to NHS Inform or download theNHS24 app.
- Be aware: There is help for many conditions right on your doorstep. Your local GP, pharmacy, dentist or optician offer a range of services.
- Call 111: If it’s urgent, or you’re not sure, call NHS24 on 111. They’ll make sure you get the help you need.
- Unless it’s an emergency, think ABC before going to A&E.
Please remember – if your think your condition or injury is very urgent or life-threatening, you should call 999 or go to A&E immediately.
In all other circumstances, please think ABC before going to A&E.
For more information on the best ways to access care, click here.