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Core Programme Flyer July-September 2022
SAMH Core Training Programme Flyer July-September 2022.
Core Programme Flyer July-September 2022
The flyer for the core training programme delivered by SAMH between July and September 2022.
NHSGGC EMPLOYER’S PROCEDURES EP-23 This document details how NHSGGC manages the Practitioner and Site Licences necessary for the clinical use of unsealed radiopharmaceuticals with patients,…
NHSGGC EMPLOYER’S PROCEDURES EP-22 The aim of this Quality Assurance (QA) Programme is to ensure robust procedures/plans are in place within NHS GG&C to comply…
NHSGGC EMPLOYER’S PROCEDURES EP-21 To ensure that, in accordance with Regulation 3 and 12, a system is in place to identify persons acting in the…
NHSGGC EMPLOYER’S PROCEDURES EP-20 To ensure that, in accordance with IRMER 2017 Regulation 15, a robust system is in place for maintaining an inventory of…
NHSGGC EMPLOYER’S PROCEDURES EP-19 To outline the mechanisms for document control as well as the issue and revision of NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde IR(ME)R…
NHSGGC EMPLOYER’S PROCEDURES EP-18 To ensure compliance with IRME Regulation 7, which requires that “clinical audit” (as defined in EP(i)) is undertaken, and that this…