Care Home Teams
Our Purpose and Approach
The Care Home Collaborative (CHC) works in partnership with all care homes across Greater Glasgow and Clyde. We learn from and work with care home teams and their communities to help residents live their lives according to what matters to them.
We invite care homes to contact us to share their experiences. We can offer specialist advice, tailored training and support to carry out projects. This allows us to share good practice, highlight care home stories and celebrate success.
Find out more information about the care home teams in your area below.
Central Hub – All care homes within Greater Glasgow and Clyde
Central Hub is a dedicated resource. The service is available to all who live, visit and work in Care Homes across Greater Glasgow and Clyde.
Quality Improvement
We support Care Home teams across greater Glasgow and Clyde to build capacity for Quality Improvement. We also co-develop/design QI Projects and deliver training for Scottish Improvement Foundation Skills programme (SIFs).
Advanced Practice
Our CHC Lecturer Practitioner (LP) supports the governance and education of Care Home Advanced Nurse Practitioners (ANPs) employed by Health and Social Care Partnerships (HSCPs) and independent Care Homes. We support ANPs Continuing Professional Development (CPD) through sessions in clinical practice, leadership, facilitation of learning, evidence research and development.
Caring about Physical Activity (CAPA)
We offer support to care homes to encourage movement in all aspects of a resident’s daily life. We facilitate a Meaningful Activity Network NHSGGC where care staff support each other, share ideas and share ‘good news stories’. We collaborate with care homes to develop quality improvement projects to promote physical activity for care home residents. We can help you access useful resources.
Dementia Nurse Specialist
In partnership with care homes across Greater Glasgow and Clyde, we will translate the national strategic vision for dementia care. This vision stems from Scotland’s National Dementia Strategies and the Promoting Excellence Framework. Formal evidence-based training on dementia care is offered, as well as delirium prevention and early intervention training sessions. Furthermore, a number of quality improvement projects are ongoing to enhance practice and transform the experience of care home life for people living with dementia.
We can offer Dementia Friendly Environment assessments which support care homes in making their environments as dementia friendly as possible on request via our contact form.
Poole Activity Level (PAL) training is also available on request via our contact form. Poole Activity Training (PAL) is a meaningful activity programme, developed for people living with cognitive impairment and dementia. Using the PAL holistic tool, we can establish what point the person is. This can help staff and residents identify activities which will be most suited to residents. The aim of this is to ensure that all residents can participate in activities, regardless where they are in their dementia journey
Food Fluid and Nutrition (FFN) Team
The team provides holistic support for the nutritional wellbeing of residents. We assist the rollout of the Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool (MUST) and GGC local pathway for management (MUST Step 5). Also on offer are training resources which cover IDDSI guidelines, dysphagia management, food fortification, diabetes, weight management, mealtime experiences and documentation training to support food and fluid charts. We support FFN QI projects.
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
Our IPC Team provide advice and support aligned to the sector specific Care Home IPC Manual and aimed at supporting the local application of IPC practice within the home. The team offer training resources based on the ten elements of standard infection control precautions and developed to compliment education already available to staff as well as signposting to national IPC training resources. The team are always interested to hear of IPC innovations and are keen to work in collaboration with care homes where IPC projects or small tests of change are being considered.This is a placeholder tab content. It is important to have the necessary information in the block, but at this stage, it is just a placeholder to help you visualise how the content is displayed. Feel free to edit this with your actual content.
Palliative Care Nurse Specialist
The CHC Palliative Care Nurse Specialist offers advice, support and education, on all aspects of palliative care, to care home teams across NHSGGC. Available to guide, support and collaborate with care home colleagues on palliative care related quality improvement projects, we are a care home community team resource that promote the delivery of high standards of holistic palliative care for the care home community.
Person Centre Care and Engagement Lead
We are centering quality conversations about “What Matters To You?” for residents and staff of care homes across Greater Glasgow and Clyde. We can help you share your ‘good news stories’ about meaningful activity and are keen to celebrate your success!This is a placeholder tab content. It is important to have the necessary information in the block, but at this stage, it is just a placeholder to help you visualise how the content is displayed. Feel free to edit this with your actual content.
Tissue Viability Nurse Specialist
We offer guidance and support for pressure ulcer prevention, wound care and skin tear education. Analysis of training requirements, help meeting recommendations post-inspections and guidance with the implementation of tissue viability quality improvement projects are also available.
Glasgow City Care Home Nursing Team – Care homes in Glasgow
Glasgow City Care Home Nursing Team is a dedicated resource for care homes within Glasgow City
The team includes, Team Lead, Practice Development Nurses (PDNs), Registered Nurses, Care Home Liaison Nurses (CHLNs) and Care Home Support Workers.
The team can be accessed by contacting your Care Home Liaison Nurse(CHLN) or Practice Development Nurse (PDN) aligned to your Care Home.
Alternatively, email us on
Hub 5 – Care homes in East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire and West Dunbartonshire.
HUB 5 is a dedicated nursing team which includes, Nurse Team Lead, Registered Nurses and Care Home Support Workers. The team works in partnership with care homes across East Dunbartonshire, East Renfrewshire, Inverclyde, Renfrewshire and West Dunbartonshire.
We support the specialists in our Central Hub to deliver sessions on:
- Caring About Physical Activity (CAPA)
- MUST and MUST Step 5 pathway and calculations
- Palliative Care for Carer
- Peer-to-peer support networks
- Peer support for Quality Improvement projects
- Scottish Ballet Duet
We encourage requests from care home teams, and engage with other services and partner organisations to design peer-to-peer support and learning opportunities for Nursing and Care Support Staff, across a range of issues including
- Catheter Care
- Confirmation of Death
- Hydration
- Record Keeping
- Story Gathering and What Matters to You Conversations